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Boat Fire At Sutton


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9 hours ago, Vaughan said:

Sadly, it would seem so.

I haven't posted anything since the end of July, due to a week in hospital followed by recovery at home, although I have been reading the forum regularly.  Frankly, I am glad not to have been involved in some of the discussions that there have been about sunken boats and other incidents, which have amounted to little better than ambulance chasing.  Either that, or casually presuming to tell Clive Richardson how to run a boatyard!

The forum has changed in recent months and I fear it is still changing.  That change, of course, is driven from within, by certain of its membership.



Hi Vaughan

I share some of your thoughts, but in not contributing you send it further the wrong way and the forum loses some balance and so nobody is better off

Hope your on the mend now :default_beerchug:


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Thank you all very much for your kind thoughts, which I very much appreciate.

I am glad to say I am making (have made?) a good recovery.  This is thanks to the excellence of the University Hospital in Montpellier as well as other clinics and hospitals which have provided scans and various tests.  I think it is fair to say this is one of the reasons I can be glad to be resident in France!  Their health care is said to be the best in Europe and I can certainly believe it.

Please don't think I am stopping posting on the forum as I am glad to make a contribution and very much enjoy being a part of it.  It keeps me in touch with the Broads, from a long way away and I enjoy the friendship  and community that goes with it.

It is just that I have become a bit hesitant in recent weeks, to enter into a debate about important matters on the Broads, for fear that it will just descend into a petty argument.  It is a great shame to spoil the pleasure and interest of the forum, just to score personal points.

Perhaps one could suggest that the place for that is Facebook, but please not here?

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So pleased to hear that you are feeling much better.

Really enjoy reading about your past life on the Broads. It gives an interesting insight into the "good old days" 

Thanks very much.     Have you written a book about it all and if not, why not?


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