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Good nosh guide!


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I suspect that the same members will raise the same issue regarding National Park status whenever the words National and Park  appear in the same posting regardless of the topic being discussed.


The topic re: National Park has been discussed many times so it is a shame that the same objections/posts are raised when discussing an item that is very useful to all.


Perhaps we should have a thread permanantly available entitled "National Park or not National Park .... that is the question" or "A National Park by any other name would smell as sweet"?

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Has anyone actually decried the publication? Apparently it doesn't cover the Southern Rivers as well as it might but that aside it serves an admirable purpose and Clive can take credit for that.


The reality of it is that that many people, and that includes people outside this forum, are disappointed that the title, not the content, panders to one man's personal ambition. 


I agree that it is a pity that this thread has become entangled with Broads politics but then it's a pity that those politics became embroiled in Clive's well intended guide. 

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Any guide or information that helps visitors to the Broads find their way around has got to be good for the visitors, companies providing services and jobs.


When providing listings of services, be they pubs, restaurants, café/tearooms the information provided is only as good as the research at the time, places close, reopen or even change of use.


On our own listings of pubs we even have errors:-

The main thing is with the Richardson's Guide is that it is available to all.



One hundred percent agree Alan!

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I would like to think we discuss only Clives brochure, and not that other thread here please. That subject can be read/found all over the internet. I look forward to using some of these eating places in due course. Well  in approx 57 days! :party:



cheers Iain.

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I think all these guides are brilliant and as above the more the better! I do think it's shame Richardsons have seen the need to do this as I believe it's something the tourist agencies should be doing nut it's brilliant they are being done! (Keep them coming Clive!). I'm not concerned about the title but as I've mentioned I still don't get the National Park discussion :)cheers

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I would like to think we discuss only Clives brochure, and not that other thread here please. That subject can be read/found all over the internet. I look forward to using some of these eating places in due course. Well  in approx 57 days! :party:



cheers Iain.

Hear hear Iain. cheers  I also agree with JawsOrca, it shouldn't just be left to Richardson's, but the tourist agencies, should make guides like this available. Hats off to Clive for taking the lead with this. and the other brochure covering all aspects of the Broads, produced by Richardson's, which is also an excellent guide for visitors. Not only is it a boost to their company, but to the Broads as a whole, in attracting visitors to the area.

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I was against the re-naming but as it has been done anyway using the term "National Park" seems acceptable.


Well done Clive on another excellent publication which covers area's for both boat and land based holidays,

I spent last weekend at one of Clive's land based facilities which was good value for money as always, Clive the newly refurbished premier suites are top draw.


A company that cares about the customer, not just the bottom line, long may it continue.

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I have made no adverse comments about the brochure. Quite the reverse, in fact. For those who restrict their forum viewing to this one, may I point out that, only a few days ago, elsewhere, I directed a newbie seeking advice to Richardson's web site, saying "If you're hiring a boat, try looking through the on-line booklets on Richardson's website  http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/first-timers/ Plenty there to whet your appetite."


I haven't even reopened any debate about the renaming. All I would like is for the poster who wrote "99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family" " to explain to me the point of the renaming, if what he says is true.


That no answer has been forthcoming speak volumes.


As the BNP name is on the front cover of the brochure and on page two, it is surely as legitimate to refer to that content as it is to refer to any other content.


While all the eateries in the brochure are well-promoted, it can hardly be described as a full guide. For instance, none of the eateries in Stalham and Sutton are mentioned (Wayford Bridge Inn isn't actually in Stalham). While the Broads Quality Charter may have some merit, there are many good eating places that have not applied for inclusion (their choice, I suppose).




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......I haven't even reopened any debate about the renaming. All I would like is for the poster who wrote "99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family" " to explain to me the point of the renaming, if what he says is true.


That no answer has been forthcoming speak volumes........



No Paladine, it doesn't speak volumes, I was just trying to keep the thread focussed on the book itself, but since you refuse to let go,


I simply meant that (in my opinion), 99.9% of that brochure's readers will not object to the Broads being referred to as a " National Park" instead of "A member of the National Parks family". They probably won't even be aware of any significance in the difference.


On the other hand, I have no idea whether it will increase tourism on the Broads as a whole, through many other factors than the exact wording in a single book.


That is a much bigger issue, which has already been done to death, yet still not enough, for some people.

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The Chief Executive of the Broads Authority has claimed that:


"the use of the brand “Broads National Park” will be conducive to the achievement of the three general duties in section 2 (1) of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act1988, particularly to the enjoyment and understanding of the Broads special qualities and that the use of the brand will have a positive effect on the factors set out in section 2(4) of the 1988 Act."


A poster on here, who is a great supporter of the Authority, so that he should have said it is a great surprise to me, has said:


"99.9% of that brochure's readers will not object to the Broads being referred to as a " National Park" instead of "A member of the National Parks family". They probably won't even be aware of any significance in the difference." (my emboldment)


My point, which still hasn't been answered, is, if the second statement is true, what was the point of spending time, effort and money on the renaming?


I'm sorry if some of you feel that this is unimportant and trying to get an answer is childish. There are many Broads lovers (although obviously not members here) who disagree with you. As the importance of this seems to be lost to you,and the idea seems to be to stifle debate (or perhaps, not upset any sponsors) I'll let you get on with it.



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As the importance of this seems to be lost to you,and the idea seems to be to stifle debate (or perhaps, not upset any sponsors) I'll let you get on with it.


I feel that the essence of this statement is somewhat high handed and attempts to belittle the mental capacity of some members here.


However I quite enjoy reading the ping pong exchanges between Paladine, strowager and others regarding the BNP (which I always thought stood for the British National Party) ...... just not on every thread that appears here.


I'm sorry if that suggests that I don't understand the importance of the debate to some, I do, it's just that I really don't care what we call the Broads.

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I appreciate that you like reading the ping pong, as you put it, between members, BUT in the approapiate thread!


This thread is about the Good Nosh Guide, not a discussion on whether the Broads should become a National Park or not, whatever your views. This has been discussed elsewhere on this forum, so PLEASE, lets keep topics on course and not drift off on to other topics, not related to each other.


Now where can I find an Italian restaurant that serves Chinese and Indian meals? :lol:

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I notice that Clive has not been tempted to comment on this discussion.


My thoughts are "Well done Clive, it's good to know that somebody cares and is willing to do what they can to help promote the area and the visitors who come to spend their money in the area"


Why should one man spend his own time and money to do this and then get slaughtered because of one small error?


If I were Clive I would probably think twice before trying to help people in the future then everybody would miss out on these informative brochures.


After all it is trying to promote local businesses, Not score political points !!



Well done Clive and I hope that any more comments are purely constructive and mention other eateries which may not have been included in your first edition of this publication.





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Hi Jeff, 

We don't do the content, we just put in some of the cash to make it possible as it was not going to be produced again.


Not all businesses want to be included, I think they were all asked but some declined for various reasons.. there was a cost to be in there but most of that would have been recouped when the mystery diners visited.. 

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.....This thread is about the Good Nosh Guide, not a discussion on whether the Broads should become a National Park or not, whatever your views. This has been discussed elsewhere on this forum, so PLEASE, lets keep topics on course and not drift off on to other topics, not related to each other.......


I completely agree Geoff, and I've tried to make it clear that is my view too.


I felt compelled to finally answer "the question" in my previous post, but it seems that is still not sufficient to quell this constant stirring of the NP topic.


I only hope this forum can weather this current surge of such postings, and still retain enough general interest Broads topics to retain the bulk of the readership.

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I notice that Clive has not been tempted to comment on this discussion.


My thoughts are "Well done Clive, it's good to know that somebody cares and is willing to do what they can to help promote the area and the visitors who come to spend their money in the area"


Why should one man spend his own time and money to do this and then get slaughtered because of one small error?


If I were Clive I would probably think twice before trying to help people in the future then everybody would miss out on these informative brochures.


After all it is trying to promote local businesses, Not score political points !!



Well done Clive and I hope that any more comments are purely constructive and mention other eateries which may not have been included in your first edition of this publication.





Jeff, not for one minute do I think that Clive was trying to score political points but I do think that someone else was! 

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