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Plane crash


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All this with planes hasn't gone down too well with mate I work with, he got a pleasure flight out of Leeds for his birthday and told him it's like sat in a old VW Beetle with wings. Well we've try'd talking him round to get himself up in the air but 30mins ago I got a text offering me the trip. Last time I did this out of Leeds I came in on rw28 which crossed the main runway this has since long gone.

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At the end of the 80s start of the 90s I was based at the Silvertown International Paint facility. I used Stolport every week to fly to our office in Lille. 

Those were the days before the runway was extended and only two planes could use the airport the Dash 7 and a Dornier as the approach angle was 7+ degrees. Once extended jets came in at 5.5 degrees.

I loved flying out of there in the early days as you just turned up fifteen minutes before takeoff, grab your dutyfree and away. Parking was outside the entrance. Have to say landing was not for the nervous flyer.

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Thanks for the post Jonathan, it brought back some good memories. I used to know David (Bunny) Gunson and he was a funny man and a good footballer to boot (sorry).  He was a controller in the Air Traffic Control and we used go around (sorry again) playing football against other airports as Birmingham Airport.  I can remember playing against such as Manchester and Gatwick.  He was blessed with a great dry sense of humour, even on a football pitch.  Excellent after dinner speaker, one of the best I've ever come across.

cheers again.


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