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Interesting day yesterday


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Well another interesting day afloat yesterday, the wench decided to take the helm after I had got us out of our marina birth. Heading towards the beauchamps arms I get a shout from the wench quick quick all these yachty things bearing down on me. Well head whacked getting it out of the wiring behind the dash (trying to sort out rev counter none working) to greeted by a the biggest amount of traditional wooden sailys, all tacking here there and every where. The sight of them was amazing, as normal forgot camera lol .......,.But to make things even more interesting was a fishing match all along our starboard bank. Well i nestled into the reeds on starboard bank between to angers pegs much to their disgust, 99.9% of said sailys were as good as gold and giving a nice wave.


But one lady on the helm of a quite large one all but hit us, if our canopy had been up her bowsprite would have ripped it off, thankfully the wench was in the galley making a cuppa of she would have been sitting right where the said bow sprite went over the rear of our cockpit. No I never had a chance to get a boat name or number, but as she tacked away was visibly laughing.


The rest of the day went great nice stop at the cantly moorings then a leisurely return back.  But all ready for friday now....



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I would steer clear of the Yare next Saturday between Coldham hall and Breydon as I think the Yare Navigation Race is on .



Having met that lot head on a few years ago, especialy when they are waiting at the Reedham Swing Bridge! I saw the first of many about a mile from Berney Arms. Ok Doug, question, what is all the paper and pencil brigade sitting at the flood wall at Reedham doing regarding all the flappy things, please? I was lucky I managed to find the second last mooring  that day at Reedham.



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when you get to Reedam the clock effectively stops while you pass through the swing bridge and then starts again once you reach the other side.  It's also a good place to sit and watch all the mayhem. 

We were stuck on the Yarmouth side last year with about 20 other boats as the tide had yet to turn and the wind was not quite enough to get round the corner to the time out zone.



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when you get to Reedam the clock effectively stops while you pass through the swing bridge and then starts again once you reach the other side.  It's also a good place to sit and watch all the mayhem. 

We were stuck on the Yarmouth side last year with about 20 other boats as the tide had yet to turn and the wind was not quite enough to get round the corner to the time out zone.



Hi Doug,

Thank you for info, it most certainly was as you describe it at Reedham...MAYHEM! :naughty:



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