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Ferry Inn Horning closed by flooding in the area


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I thought that the Broadland Flood alleviation project was supposed to put an end to those sort of problems.....

However there were never any plans to protect housing or businesses . When the first compartment ( River Chet) to be completed came under challenge from a surge tide, properties at the head of the navigation in Loddon were under significant amounts of water.  Meanwhile, the Water meadows downstream, towards the river mouth remained dry........

Commentt from the Environment Agency was that the 'defenses ' had performed exactly as the computer model predicted :smiley-angry047::smiley-angry047:

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Hi Poppy - the flood banks stop at Horning Hall Farm and above that there is no specific flood protection other than afforded by the marshes.

In other words the flooding upstream of there just overflows into the marshes and fills the flood plain - that what its for.

The road to the Ferry, and indeed Ferry Marina, is below river level and generally what little gets in is just pumped away. Until it gets too much when the pumps cannot cope and that stretch of about 30 yards just floods - usually does and will until they spend a lot of money. There is foot access still so i guess they cannot be bothered to spend a lot of money for what in effect, is a pretty minor inconvenience. The pub has always been subject to flooding and i guess always will  - its a riverside pub!! It rarely floods in the pub - its just the access road

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And the properties in Loddon?

I've no doubt that they are happy to let the Bure Marshes flood - its about the environment. Were it not, a tidal barrier would have been built at an appropriate site in Great Yarmouth - and at a considerably lower cost. A side benefit would have been very little loss of 'wild' moorings......

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The ferry think they have problems. The centre of Appleby. Ouch their Christmas is not going to be much fun. I hope the link is good.

We have friends in Cumbria, they say it is a mess Cockermouth Keswick Kendal and Appleby, oh and Carlisle, all bady flooded despite millions of £s of recent flood defence work.



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