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Reedham Ferry moored at Oulton Broad


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4 hours ago, Poppy said:

The ferry is usually closed whist it has its annual service. Not aware that there is a 'spare'.

When the owner (Mr Archer) bought the pub in the mid sixties there were 3 ferries at that time, I remember reading somewhere that they had one in operation and one that they worked on as a spare.

I doubt that they could have the ferry out of operation for too long, it works from early morning until about 11.00pm and the only time it could be out of service is when the river is so high that sand bags have to be placed on the slipway outside the pub to prevent flooding.



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Alan, the ferry is serviced at the same place annually at one of the yards on the seaward side of Mutford Lock, and is usually out of service for I believe around 4 weeks with the appropriate signage placed on all Ferry approach roads courtesy of the AA


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It used to go back to Newson's, the original builders. If it was done there now I suspect it would return with roundals (I hope thats what they are called) and a nice pair of twin engines... I suppose it is already Grey though :naughty:

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