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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Mark, Hi. Try this: http://www.netknots.com/rope_knots/
  2. Great News, Peter! We often used to spend a couple of hours in the bar..."Waiting for the Tide"!
  3. To be fair, Peter not all crab/lobster pots are well marked, in fact I've seen 'em with just an old plastic bottle attached to the line. They're not easy to see into Sun. Best advice is to go far offshore and avoid 'em all!
  4. Kindly show a modicum of decorum, please, Grace! (As if we guys would think like that!)
  5. OUCH! Was it a good Saturday night out, Peter?
  6. Only once, Roy and Diane, when we lost the engine with overheating just down river of the old railway caissons near Haddiscoe Railway Station. I threw the mud-plug over but this only turned us stern-on with the strong Spring Ebb... I had all sorts of terrible visions of lost stern gear when we eventually hit something...... Along came a hire-boat and the Helm asked if I needed help. He then proceeded to expertly come alongside (far better than I'd ever hope to accomplish) when his good lady and I managed to secure Friday Girl to his boat. He then turned us through 180 degrees just before St Olaves bridge and put us alongside at the Bell's moorings. :clap He's a member of the NBN and may wish to comment himself!
  7. You certainly know how to cram a heck of a lot of enjoyment into a short time, Neil! Perhaps you'll give us a bit of notice next time as we'd love to meet up with you all! (P.S. completely agree with you on The Shed!)
  8. I'm tempted, John, but haven't! "Yes for piece's of eight,piece's of eight X peg leg Ian" It sounds as this might get repetitive! :bow
  9. It certainly is a bit nail-biting, Paul.................... :oops:
  10. And my "friends" too, Peter! (YES, I do have a few!) :shocked
  11. Something about "the last word", I believe!
  12. They went right up there with their weed-chopper a couple of years ago.
  13. You might PM me on the topic, please, Pater?
  14. I DO wish we might put this desperately unhappy topic to sleep................................
  15. Grace, the mind boggles! :shocked
  16. If you haven't got a mast of some sort then very little! If you have then you can arrange an earth path for the lightning strike as in the diagram below. The big problem is with your electronics if you're in a gin palace with go-faster VHF aerials...........
  17. Where are we going wrong, Grace........... all we can see is a blurred pic!
  18. Absolutely, Charlie! That's a pretty impressive clip when you get to the display. What an absolute shame that the Lowestoft Air Show passed into history.. what a weekend that was.. Moored at the RNSYC and latterly at the OBYS.......... we never missed a show..... :cry
  19. We'll be very interested to hear the result of that conversation, Andy. I spent a pleasant enough hour or two in there last September. Definitely how it's described in TripAdvisor! Reviewed 10 June 2015 This property has had a change of hands and refurb but it it still pretty much like a working mans pub.
  20. I can always turn it to other uses, Peter! :naughty:
  21. The ship we sailed in earlier this year moved 6 yards per gallon of fuel oil....................................
  22. Surely you can't just leave it at that, Neil? Come on, let's have the whole story, please!
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