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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Not rocking the boat then? Very clever Tim, Iain
  2. I hope its well supported, knowing all the work involved in setting up one of these shows ! Iain
  3. Errr has the Blessed Authority done summat wrong..............again !
  4. Och grendel, its the thought that counts ! Iain
  5. One must assume a "minature bar" will be part of the finnished craft! Seriously, grendel, I am sure the Forum members will await in anticipation for the completed boats. Iain
  6. The wallpaper is possibly the same as when I first entered the pub in the 1970's! Iain
  7. Think this is the programme Dave...... http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03pjd66 Iain
  8. Oh Mark, now you have me thinking back to the days of my father making potted hough, in steel wash boilers. My old man was a butcher/ hamcurer, and was involved heavily with the Ministry of Foods in WW2. Anything and everything went into that cauldron of water and I mean everything! It went to show there was absolutely no waste then. I was a very lucky wee laddie eating the finest butcher meat. As for the potted hough, just the smell of it turns my stomach ! Iain
  9. Your buckies Eric, sound like whelks we collected along Newton-on-Ayr shore. My father loved them. Not my ieea of food though
  10. Thank you The Q for all your daily write ups. Its been a long week for you, now enjoy a few guid ales! Iain
  11. A strong investigative journalist is what is required to show these so called big wigs that there is more than one way to skin a cat...or dredge a broad ! Panorama comes to mind ! Iain
  12. Errr when is Happy Lancashire Day?...... Iain
  13. Chocolates for Janet Anne by any chance?
  14. Its a nice sail to Rotterdam, Grace. Done it many times with P&O Iain
  15. By the time that review comes JA, your boat will qualify to be in the Museum of the Broads !
  16. With the larger boats unable to go beyond Wroxham bridge, it reduces by one or two drop off points for said rubbish. Iain
  17. Haste ye back Eric. Have a safe journey. John, rumour has it Pickfords are delivering the Norwich shopping spree the girls had ! Iain
  18. Awe look Grace, flappy thingies ! Grace....Grace come out from behind that settee ! Iain
  19. Rumour is that they were trying to perfect a Scunny version of Irn Bru made wi Scunny girders, and failed miserably ! Iain
  20. The answer to that is blowing in the wind ! Iain
  21. Looks like an old Hipperson or Rowancraft roof colour to me Vaughan. Iain
  22. You girls should really update your sat navs I use my eyes, even though I have Tom Tom! Iain
  23. Hi Mark, Welcome to the NBN Forum I wish you well on your search for the windshield. Iain
  24. Post a box of Malteesers to the winner Well they aint heavy to post !
  25. Tim, Two years is nothing compared to the fortyone years this time next monday of happy wedded bliss! That should keep SWMBO happy for another year !
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