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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. Troll may well be the wrong word then! It was the most polite I could think of in this situation!
  2. Just a thought and in no way trying to defend the accuser, but wouldn't the wash on a "Light" at 6mph be substantially more than that on BA thus giving the illusion of speeding to some observers?
  3. Nope, much as I dislike the manner in which the BA is constituted and behaves, buying one of those is akin to feeding a troll in my mind!
  4. Mine appear to be all sun relaterd! Approaching Beccles.
  5. One very simple and very cheap aid to keeping warm is the humble hot water bottle in your bed early doors!
  6. That seems a good way to go about it . I hope it does not prove to be a kings ransom to sort out. Then again, we are talking about a boat!
  7. Really enjoyed your tale! Thanks very much Neil
  8. Nay, don't be so modest! Composition is nine tenths of the law or something like that!
  9. With photos like that you will be dominating Janet's calendar methinks! The "Breydon Line" would especially suit July/August!
  10. All straightforward enough but I would be curious as to what was wrong with your diesel tank? Wrong type? Good luck with the fixing.
  11. I can recall "Line Azzuro" or some name very similar once trying a hire operation there. It could have been described as a "catalogue of catastrophes"! Some of the tales from hirers were almost unbelievable!
  12. If goose fat is one of the most unhealthy then, my mucky dripping from either roast beef or pork, must be positively suicidal! Doesn 't half make tasty spuds though!
  13. My apologies Vaughn, I had no intention at all to trivialise this issue. Its just the way I occasionally express myself. Where I come from a "kerfuffle" is simply a task that involves a few others within it! I had very similar issues to Jocave with my own similar aged Norman. I would hope my serious intention at genuine advice was more prominent than a careless expression at the end.
  14. I think you changed your fridge Jocave? The Electrolux would have been a failure not being room sealed. What cooker do you have? Many come with the old Vannette? These fail as well for not having a flame failure device. You can get onto the BSS website and see all the issues that count so to speak and try and cross check these with the boat. https://www.boatsafetyscheme.org/ The eberspacher could well be exhaust or the burner needed adjusting and is there a test point in your lpg curcuit. The gas storage locker needs a drain hole at the lowest point. (mine was too high! Most important really is that you find an engineer that you can trust. Being on the Lanky have you thought about seeking advice and recommendations on the Canal Junction forum as they will have folk up there? Best of luck, I know what its like trying to get a tad aged small boat through this kerfuffle!
  15. This is true but only in the terms that you have to! As mentioned, the inside helm is a joke! The seated position up top in relation to the wheel would be termed a severe health and safety issue in any other situation. Its excrutiatingly uncomfortable and unpleasant!
  16. Afraid I get backache simply thinking about that boat!
  17. Looks like a nicely maintained Norman Macroft.
  18. Unashamedly pirated.... " 24/09/17 @ 15.00 BST Team tasked to work with Gorleston ILB and Gorleston RNLI Broads Rescue crews to bring in 2 persons and two ferrets from a vessel aground on Breydon Water at Post 7. The operation also saw EMS recovery and the Broads Authority launch "Spirit of Breydon" involved. Richardsons Boatyard sent a mini bus for the persons and ferrets, landed at the Yarmouth yacht station and the vessel was recovered by EMS later in the evening at high water. #096/17" Have we ever had a rescue of ferrets from Breydon before??
  19. Seemingly good call Pater! Thanks. Not sure how it decided to block youtube in the first place though!
  20. Can't find anything amiss in plugins at all.
  21. I have tried restarting and, since posting this, have discovered it is only blocked on firefox. I can access on both IE and Edge. I can't find any settings in firefox that may be stopping youtube. Wierd!
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