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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. At last! Someone who thinks like me! Never leave the house without my copy of Philips Navigator Britain. Even shows the locks on canals!
  2. I'd take note of Smoggy's advice and give the Ferry House a call. They really do attract a good crowd in the evening.
  3. Sorry Peter but my thoughts about this originate from activities other than the evangelistic saviour nonsense regarding the BA over the years. There have been many comments and opinions over time that have formed this opinion which suggest that I am not alone in my views..
  4. Prime candidate for fishy euthanasia! My preferred comment would be contrary to TOS!
  5. I do wonder at times where the mods on here get their standards! Kim Wilde is 57 years old for heavens sake! She turned to gardening instead of just music. I think a couple of comments made do this forum no favours, .
  6. The New Inn at Rockland would be my choice. A reasonable but briefish cruise and a cracking pub with peaceful moorings!
  7. I think number 2 may well be the Nelsons Head at Horsey. I recognise the punt gun I think! Car visit though I suspect.
  8. As long as you are appropriately equipped, night navigation can be a magical experience. Even more so if you are lucky enough to have a clear night with a full moon. It seems so quiet and peaceful as to almost be a different world. As has been said, keep your lights off apart from nav lights and you will be surprised at how much you can actually still see.
  9. £500 for engine servicing??? I know you have two engines but still sounds a wee bit pricey!
  10. Folk mysteriously vanishing, text vanishing, behavioral therapy, secret talks behind the scenes and public warnings! This place is just getting wierd and the "friendly" label is looking rather tattered!
  11. I think I mentioned that very fact!!
  12. I was trying to spot the big house at How Hill, but, if you say there is nowt missing.... oop's! Plus, do post boxes grow from seeds??
  13. I would not be at all surprised if the names on the Martham fleet were hand done!
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. When I first got "Glenmore" I was a convert to Danish oil and suggested such to Brooms who seemed to instantly develop cardiac problems! They were not keen at all, I was newish to lots of mahogany and she ended up with many coats of varnish!
  15. Yes, I suspect Aldi picked up on the having to queue for stuff and now offer most items for pre order online for free delivery. Works for me! Ordered the water roller and steps! Had other items this way and they seem to have an efficient and reliable delivery service.
  16. My wheel needs a bit of a freshen up and I wondered if anyone had a preference for the sort of varnish to use on something like this? Ta in anticipation!
  17. Yes, in the current climate I can understand that faceache is not the ideal host when wanting folk to see and share photos!
  18. Not sure if it belongs here or even contravenes T&S but here goes! This is a faceache group but there are some great photos and a fascinating collection of postacards to see. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1506131323018102/about/
  19. Every year around this time, Aldi offer a few useful bit and bobs! Here are this years offerings! Some are helpful for the new season. https://www.aldi.co.uk/c/specialbuys/dates/2018-03-25
  20. Not deep heat but Wintergreen is the smell I recall from my rugby and football playing days. Years ago I also recall smelling toffee whilst on the river below York. By far the most hunger making, after bacon, was the bakery at the bottom of our street. Every morning bar Sunday around 5 - 6 am! Whilst at school, we had a kitchen that turned out wonderfull school dinners (possibly oxymoron for some). By 11am everyday you knew what was on the menu!
  21. Good win for Leeds! Will be interesting to see how Cas go against Wigan!
  22. Bit suspicious about his "pop" bottle! Don't mention the amber nectar!
  23. Apologies for a slight "political" tinge! Watching "The Codebreakers" will show very well why I have such a distaste for "kick and clap". Its being shown on BBC2 Wales but will be available on iplayer. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09w01q4 And this is well worth a read for the background story https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/rugby/rugby-news/story-lost-welsh-rugby-heroes-14391534
  24. Hear hear Scaniaman! League beats kick and clap every day! Yorkshire Fev fan.
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