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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. It seems I am unable to access anything from Youtube. All the videos on here have vanished. That is there are no links anymore. When I try and access youtube directI get a blank page with the web address showing in the address bar. Also I cannot access any saved youtube links. Anyone got any ideas please? Ta very much in advance.
  2. Hope you don't intend supping past 8 - 9.15'ish as the bar staff like to go home then!
  3. Have your dreams ever wandered towards the Netherlands boat builders?? Sturdy steel boats with a performance more akin to Broads type boats? Plenty of Lebensraum ! (Yes, I know, that's German!) Pedro, Linssen, Stevens etc?? There was/is a dealers at Brundall methinks! Or for UK build, Aquastar which would give you a more speedy passage!
  4. Contrasting scenes at Oulton Broad Yacht Station! Jam packed with fluttering bunting then a tad on the moist side! Excellent informative photos. Thanks
  5. I really don't think this particular humour lights the forum honour lamp at the moment!
  6. The South?? There be whitewalkers, direwolves, dragons and the unsullied! Winter is coming! Be prepared to taste Valyrian steel!
  7. Dandelion & Burdock and American Cream Soda were early memories in the pop department for me. When that ran out we made spanish wine! To this day I cannot for the life of me think why we drank that stuff.
  8. If you like the Brinks Serenade type of boat, try Pacific Cruisers at Loddon for "Pacific Diamond".
  9. Very much a tongue in cheek comment Peter. I continually marvel at the tiny engineering you are producing. Thank you!
  10. Nay Peter, surely you are not telling us that you have not made a minature stuffing box with a greaser that needs half a turn every day??
  11. Another Elysian to introduce to the mix! Not so many around but I think they show some of the best use of available space on boats of this size. Which one I hear you ask? The Elysian 34. Back in the mid 70's we had one of these for two weeks in January. Yes, it snowed as well. But we were toasty warm and had planty of space. Didn't seem to struggle to find mooring spots either!
  12. Jones at St Ives are a good source for various bits and bobs and have been known to price match. I know Dave rates them and often recommends them.
  13. Really?? taking on a pirate role were you? Did you manage to get as far as the pillage then?
  14. Isn't it always the case? Folk who don't understand or appreciate the context of an opinion can only then slag the writer off! Very crude.
  15. Anyone noticed quite what they are up to in the Broadshaven? Are there still folk working on it?? What might the eventual intention be?
  16. Its also what my Dad used. Cast iron glue pot with a liner placed on a gas ring. Took ages to "cook" and the stink was memorable! Never emptied the thing and just kept adding more of the infernal beads!
  17. To answer your question about the Whale gulper 220 , Whale have a generally very good solid reputation amongst both the boating and caravan community. You can't really go wrong with those. They are a tenner or so cheaper on amazon for instance but, if there is one near at hand at reasonable price, I think you will be fine.
  18. I hesitate to say it ........ but I don't think he was using his Canon for broadsides!
  19. And we hired "Sovereign" from Richardsons which is the same model and a tidy boat at a good price.
  20. I used around £25 worth over the week. That included daily social media stuff for the offspring!
  21. So, the yards don't charge excessively for fuel then? Have to make a bit on fuel because margins are so narrow?? I reckon that's all Hans Christian Anderson stuff. The majority of yards appear to charge at least 20p above the sort of cost you would see at the likes of Boulters and Goodchilds. Thats in the region of 20%! I've been holidaying on the Broads for some forty years plus now and experienced all manner of devious behaviour regarding fuel. Often you don't get to know what the actual charge per litre/gallon is until you return. Even when you return its not obvious. I once queried my refund against the price shown on the pump. Oh, that doesn't work was the response, we only use the quantity reading! That is a VERY common experience. I'm pretty sure that there is something illegal just in that! I once asked why the yard charges so much for fuel! "Because we can" was the curt response! This was one of the occasions I had topped up and they noticed. "Why did you top up" they asked on my return. How surprised would you be to hear my response?? "Because I could"! As for the suggestion that "worrying about the cost of fuel" can stress my holiday! Not a bit. Once away from the yards I've always enjoyed every minute of my time on the Broads. Although I've rambled on a tad and it may seem I'm obsessed with fuel prices, I'm not at all. I'm just your normal everyday sort who doesn't like being taken for a ride. Being a boat owner as well as a hirer, I am well aware of the difference in fuel cost.
  22. Our week, late last month, we paid £100 fuel deposit. From Loddon we did Surlingham, Thurne Dyke, Coltishall via Potter, Stokesby, Rockland Staithe, Oulton Broad and Reedham in that order. Yes, we did some against the tide on the Sunday to Thurne. The rest we managed to time fairly well. I received the princely sum of £1.20 refund! Once again, we didn't top up mainly because we were treated so well by the yard and the original hire charge truely was very good value comparatively.
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