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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. I might suggest that wandering along for a pint or two plus some chin wagging with a certain Sonia may well prove benefitial on all fronts including music!
  2. Never heard of spuggylingus then??
  3. Have to give him/her due respect for endless patience! Has to be a "him" methinks to be waiting so long! (Big tongue in cheek of course!)
  4. I used this stuff and, although hardly a giveaway price, it works really well and is very hard wearing. Didn't need renewing for at least four years in my case. I must admit that it is not the easiest to clean though, needs a bit more than just a swill! http://www.protectakote.co.uk/
  5. Afraid I'm with Smelly although I think it might be a mistake to even cough gently.......
  6. Good to see the revisions, looks great. When might we see the webcams back please?
  7. Nay Howard, problem with that is they would not know what a brewery was!
  8. They still had two very reasonable looking Hamptons moored with the day boats when we passed last September. Website still "live" as well! http://maycraft.co.uk/home/2703209 Only takes a bit of "finger walking"!
  9. How long have you had this obsession with living in an "Arabian Nights" themed boat of ill repute???
  10. Seems that no sooner has Doris packed her bags, Ewan will be visiting! What joy!
  11. That's a handsome beer engine you have there Brandon!(I think) Looking closely, it appears to have huntsmen scenes on the handle which are very similar to the original Tetley pumps. The reason for the "I think" is that I'm not expert and I know there have been some very clever mock ups to try and persuade the quaffer that they are receiving the real stuff. Now they would never try and kid us would they????
  12. Yes Simon, On my first Norman I had similar problems with the windows. I too got the rubbers from Seals Direct. All this talk of inter screws and such bring back nightmares! I did cheat with one and took it to a Leeds firm (Kellett Engineering) who supposedly actually supplied frames to Norman. Was a tad expensive as you might guess! Yes, please keep posting, we are a patient and appreciative bunch!
  13. Another occasion I recall was when we had "Judith" from Martham and mudweighted on Hickling. We were treated to very clear views of the milky way and lots of shooting stars. A spectacular display. Not been anywhere as exotic as some! (Although some might say I have!)
  14. (tongue in cheek) Looking for somewhere to hide Alan??
  15. PLEASE keep this coming, I just love threads like this where we can follow the work in such detail and actually see the results. Especially impressed with your work on the window seals. I know just what a task this really is! More please!
  16. This reminds me of sone of my vists to the "Nelsons Head" at Horsey. The then landlord, Andy, a somewhat shaggy haired fella who had "collectoritis" was also something of an astronomer! Had me out on the beer garden with his telescope star gazing a couple of times after shutting. Ideal way up there as there was minimal light pollution.
  17. I had very similar hopes Smellyloo for Sonja Kristina and Julie Driscoll. The delights of testosterone loaded teenage life! Continual disappointment and rejection!
  18. Years ago whilst driving my "super fast" Fiat Strada out of Wakefield I suddenly became aware of a car alongside! There was a fella gesticulating at me and furiously waving a police helmet! I did pull over more out of curiosity than obligation. Well, he berated and cursed me no end over my speed bemoaning the fact that he could have booked me if only he had been in a traffic car! Of course H. M. Constabulary have got their own back on me numerous times since!
  19. The one I never seem to see on Ebay is the smaller brownish book that Hoseasons used to send with your booking confirmation back in the 1970's. Was a real mine of information and even had a daily log to fill in!
  20. If you were a carpet fitter I would have expected you to have encountered "Flotex". It was developed especially with water resistant properties. A lot was used in health centres and wards where I worked and it was certainly hard wearing and spills etc were readily wiped off. It was/is very flexible in all directions. I've seen it used to excellent effect in boats and even found it on either Sunseeker or Sealine at the Boat Shows in the past. Leo also found the "rip off" version and still uses it. I know its not self adhesive but good for projects like this.
  21. "Flotex" used to be the one to use and likely still is. Expensive but very pliable for all the bends and curves, hard wearing and waterproof and comfy! There was a "ripoff version" called "floorex" that I know Leo used successfully.
  22. " Pi ? What good is an Indian kid in an open boat with a lion for watching telly. " Thought it was one of those stripey cat things!
  23. I know you go bargain hunting at Lidl Grendel, how about Aldi? They are offering this next week! Seems the sort of thing that could prove useful for scale detail! https://www.aldi.co.uk/mini-circular-saw-600w-with-laser/p/093966109033600
  24. No doubt Lord Paul could help you out with that!
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