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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. "I believe it's called 'cutting your nose off, to spite your face" I suspect that it would be more accurate to suggest that its rather effective industrial action!
  2. You could try seeking out a copy of "Hamiltons's Broads Navigation". Been out of print for a while but , if complete, include some very reasonable maps. There was a "plan" to update this but it sadly never happened. Seems to be a couple here. http://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/hamiltons-broads-navigation-charts-and-index/
  3. If you look on youtube there are some pretty good filums of the Scotsman arriving at Edingburgh Waverley (grand chuff chuff one emerging from a tunnel) and crossing the Forth Rail Bridge.
  4. Robin, I would have thought that the fact that digital photos are date and time stamped and, as such, would indicate a situation where the boat was clearly in the possession of the hirers!
  5. Says the new Commisioner is called Lorne Green Iain! Apologies if I missed some form of irony!
  6. I like the bit right at the bottom announcing that Ben Cartwright will be the next Police Commisioner!!
  7. The scenario that Griff describes is very typical of my own experiences with BT but I have learned! Invariably when you first call you get the "support staff" in a foreign land. If you play merry hell about your problem and insist on speaking to a manager or supervisor you then get transfered to the likes of Griff's "Exeter Lad". Its obvious that any problem that can't be cured by the call centre parrot list or come from a bolshy type like me gets elevated to the UK based technicians.
  8. "Roy Wilkerson" in Acle is (or was last time I visited) a similar sort of shop Alan. I've sourced lots of useful and essential bits there in the past. Very friendly as well as the brown coat. (or was it white?)
  9. Often at this time of the year both Lidl and Aldi start offering "usefull" items at "usually" good prices Have a peek at the offerings on the way. £180 for a 2kw four stroke genny sounds a bit good! http://www.lidl.co.uk/en/our-offers-2491.htm?id=840&ar=10 https://www.aldi.co.uk/specialbuys/dates/sunday-8th-may/c/2016-05-08/?q=%3Apopular&page=0
  10. Only a few Smellyloo, they are all from the result of a general yahoo image search so inevitably some may turn up.
  11. Those are really fascinating photos Peter. Put me in mind of Frank Meadow Sutcliffe and his Whitby photos. He was born in Headingley, Leeds just like me! One does hang onto a precarious claim to fame! Have a spy if you wish! http://tinyurl.com/ho92huq Thanks for posting the link.
  12. I'm concious that maybe these should have been posted under the main photo thread! I got carried away posting! If the mods want to shift them, be my guest!
  13. And one last one for now at Berney Arms. I found this in my album and I'm not 100% sure I took it. If someone recognises it as theirs then, my most humble apologies!
  14. And I found a couple of sunrises at Hickling, How is it we always snap these??
  15. The worst I ever encountered was the first time we actually came boating on the Broadss. It was early 70's. We stopped at a pub advertising "Elgoods Fine Ales" and it was truly horrible! Closely followed by the afore mentioned Norwich Bitter and Red Barrel. The best drinks we had that time were in Beccles at the "Loaves and Fishes" but I can't for the life in me recall what they were. Must have been a good night!
  16. One of my favourites taken from Nicholas Everett Park!
  17. "Proper" trains and charabangs to get there! Why does it look like so much more fun than now? Elf and safety bods would have a stroke nowadays encountering those fairground rides!
  18. The other Norfolk themed prog was "Normal For Norfolk" which was mildly interesting!
  19. I've actually had three Lada's and they all served me well and were not particularly unpleasant to drive. I will admit that I always bought the top of the range with the largest engine. My first was a 1500 and may have been a "rogue" as it really did fly. 105mph when trying to get a friend to Prestwick Airport and we were late! Was basically a Fiat 124 which was actually car of the year during its lifetime.As was its smaller sister,the Fiat 128.
  20. I'm becoming totally p**d off with the cams as they are at the moment. Something interesting starts to occur and the damn thing sharply departs to look at a fender!
  21. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them I used to work with a fella blessed with the name of Arthur Plank! I swear its true!
  22. Despite all the holidays I had on the Broads I never managed to save one of those little books. I've been watching all the auction sites to try and find one! No luck yet after a few years!!!
  23. Or why not simply hire a magnificent woodie from Martham Boats??? http://www.marthamboats.com/
  24. Suprising what you can do with Irfanview as well with a bit of thought and playing around.
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