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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. Might also be significant as to what sort of boat you are seeking to insure? Why do I ask? Because Craftinsure will cover a boat fully comp up to and including 23' without a survey.
  2. Hmmmmm.... it might come as a bit of a shocking surprise to some to learn that not everyone who comes to the Broads comes to "navigate"! OK, I know, blasphemy on a site like this!
  3. I really despair at attitudes on here sometimes. “You can never please all of the people all of the time!” Who was it said that? It does have a ring of truth in most schemes and projects whatever they may attempt to address. But to wholesale carp and grumble as previous contributions on this topic do is just obstructive negativity. The project makes suggestions as to what could be done and asks for contributions and ideas for development. It will involve youngsters at school and college. How often have I heard folk bemoaning the fact that the young seem to take no interest in the future of the Broads? The intention is to improve access at key areas such as Beccles, Norwich, Oulton Broad and, not before time, even Yarmouth. Also to create new and improved walkways where Robin will have new opportunities to wander talking to his camera. This should delight him I would have thought! Restoration of wind pumps and other historical buildings that illustrate the heritage of the area. £2.5 million is nothing in the scale of things today compared to the wild amounts that are thrown at allsorts of weird and wonderful projects. I know simply this does not make it right but its a start in the right direction and will eventually benefit the area and its residents, be they human, fishy, furry, botanical or feathered! If folk disagree or object to elements of this, contribute your own ideas in a constructive rather than destructive manner. It really achieves nothing at all to throw stones and grumble from behind a tablet, iphone or PC via a somewhat less than national internet forum!
  4. Looks a tad short of customers! Will try and "sample" it next week.
  5. Looking forward to our week out on "Sovereign" from the 17th as well. Trouble is that it seems the minute you get there you are very rapidly chucking all your clobber back into the boot!
  6. Somewhat preferable to freshwater semen Vaughn!
  7. There are certain faces that even the internet will reject!
  8. Alternatively simply stick a bit of bread on!
  9. Hmmmm Surprisingly I can read! I know "Thunderbolt" is not listed but "Vulcan" is and I was pointing out that, of the two, "Vulcan" had more bells and whistles and was more expensive to hire. If the photos are "as now" then "Vulcan", superficially, seems to be at least tidy!
  10. Hmmmmm thought you said "Cod willing" ...... Would be a first from the Ferry at Horning methinks!
  11. I wonder if those photos are "as now"??? Out of the lot, both "Vulcan" and "Swift" are the only two that look anything like in reasonable order. We hired the sister boat to "Vulcan" which I think was "Thunderbolt". Out of the two, "Vulcan" was the better fitted out and a few quid more to hire. They were not bad boats at all, being of the "new look" but low enough to do all bridges bar Potter!
  12. Both the Kidde alarms are often to be found in Aldi and Lidl and very nuch more advantageous prices. Keep an eye out!
  13. Those boats were the worst that Alpha ever built. That came from some of the yard staff/engineers! Its also the worst boat we have ever hired. I can think of no redeeming features at all.
  14. I've had experience of berths like that and I wasn't at all keen! Unless there is some way of holding them tight together you inevitatbly get a gap in the middle eventually which is not comfortable! Having said that, I have found that most "double" berths are less than generous in width. I've often been told my sleeping habit often takes up more than my share of room! If I am on my own I do like to "expand" onto a double berth to snooze. This is when the gap is discovered.
  15. You may have better results trying to scan them.
  16. And we are also down enduring the infernal A17 from Wakey on the 17th for a week out of Richardsons!
  17. I have had an odd experience with Richardsons as well. Booked via phone and was told I would get both email and snail mail confirmation. Two weeks went by and I had neither. Contacted them and they blamed their "new booking system having introductory glitches"! Evenutually got an email confirmation but still no snail mail. Couple of weeks later I contacted them again. Definitely sent they said. Waited another four weeks, still nothing. Then I contacted them again! We have sent out FOUR separate sets of confirmation by post they insisted! Checked thay had all my address details correctly, yes! Had enough of asking so I left it. Now its another two months on and still never seen a bit of paper at all. I've a very slight concern that it does say we have to take the "snail mail" version when picking up the boat. Well, they are going to have to make do with a printed email version!
  18. Seems they have used the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway in the filum which adds a bit of interest for us West Yorkshire folk.
  19. Nay Dave, its a cracking flag mount as well for the Yorkshire Rose! Not so sure I meant "cracking"!
  20. Yes, it is ally, doubt whether it would have "torn" like that if it were steel. And yes, I have experience of ally welding prices and used at least six big hankies to dry up my eyes! And there are six scews Alan!
  21. Not sure this is the correct spot but, no doubt, it will be shifted if not! Did a daft trick and slid open the roof with the aerial still mounted, knocked the thing over and broke it. I can't seem to find anything like it anywhere. I want very similar so as to use the existing holes! These are not the best photos but, hopefully, might ring bells with someone!
  22. Can't you get "middle" rashers of bacon anymore? You know, the rasher that has both the back and streaky bit?? Thinking about it, they wouldn't be able to charge as much as for two separate bits would they? Or is that pure cynicism?
  23. I suspect there are at least a couple of tongues with bloody big bite marks!
  24. That looks very familiar to me Howard but I can't place it!
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