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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. Thanks for that Trev, We are a bit short of swindleries here in Wakefiled!
  2. Ooop's!! Could this be it?? https://www.asap-supplies.com/domestic-water-supply/drinking-water-filters/hotpot-drinking-water-filter-element-508732
  3. I found an old thread about this but the links in have expired! On my boat I have one of those chromed sticky up drum type filters with an upside down "u" pipe on the top. It has a removable filter that may have been in there since it was built for all I know. Anyone know what type of replacement I need and who might sell these? I have searched various web pages including ASAP and Brian Ward but can see nothing that would appear to be a "Cartridge type" insert. They all seem to be disposable inline jobbies! in advance for any help!
  4. Is there not still a Garden Centre At Blofield near Brundall? It was doing a cracking trade when I last visited a year or so ago. Failing that, The Hardware shop in Brundall just off The Street is a veritable trojan horse of a place with all the stuff you would also find in a garden centre and some pot plants etc!
  5. Far too many! In fact so many I had to buy another toolbox!
  6. Mark, tell Dinger to get out there with a bucket and shovel in his wellies! Might raise a guffaw if you tell him who made the suggestion!
  7. I've had similar experiences many times especially with Grendels overdrawn scenario. 99.99999% of the time these letters are never touched by human hands and automatically sent out by bots! The machines are taking over the world!!!
  8. Great job! That was a "proper" holiday with some good old chugging.
  9. Clearly I'm still suffering the morning after blues! When I read the thread title I thought there must be another Lynx or some other big wild cat on the loose! Not two rag on a pole things stuck together!
  10. Love all this encouragement! Plenty of mooring spots and room in the pubs for our southerly fine dining with a good beer!
  11. Every year I am somewhat amazed at the efforts some folk put in on this auspicious day! Just sit back and have a peek at ths! https://youtu.be/5Nt1_fftP8I
  12. Really? I suspect there is a point where things can get too slick and fancy! Love the videos but the bells and whistles irritate! Unless, that is, some folk like BB are taking some sort of pecuniary interest!
  13. Great photograph there Vaughn. Brings back fond memories of a few stays I had with a mate who upped sticks to a derelict farmhouse he got for hardly any money at all at Montaner in Pyrenees Atlantique and proceeded to renovate this into a wonderful dwelling. The friendliness, helpful nature and hospitality of the folk there was warm and genuine. The general way of life really attracted me but, somehow, I lacked the actual gumption to actually shift! Something I occasionally regret. My daily visit to the boulangerie and relaxed sessions in the bar just passing the time of day with so many different folk was very tempting indeed. Although I love Yorkshire and The Broads I am a tad envious!
  14. The boat does look really good for the start of the season although I would prefer a different coloured scarf!
  15. The total of the budget that the post is responsible for is only £8,000 more than the possible earnings!
  16. My Old Man was a great believer in the CO-OP and we did the majority of our shopping there. This was in the day when they still had traditional department stores. I was a tad "rough" on my shoes and seemed to wear through the soles rather rapidly. I found myself going to school in some monstrosities called "Goliath". They were literally work boots without the collar for the ankle! Great thick moulded rubber soles. I didn't half get some stick at school! Much to my Dad's mystification, I somehow managed to wear through these just as quickly. Partly due to my desire to wear the bu**ers out and get a different pair. Imagine my horror when I discovered that they had an unconditional (almost) guarantee for 12 months! This kept me in Goliaths for some six years having at least a pair a year! It seems Goliath still exist very close to where I live! I shall not be visiting!
  17. Using Sonia's wifi perchance???
  18. Bit short on table etiquette those boidies!
  19. I use Malwarebytes as well but I have also occasionally used Spybot which seems very efficientas as well, Particularly for spyware.
  20. Any five of the aforementioned would suit nicely but add Horsey Staithe or mudweight on the Mere.
  21. "( the chap who runs it reckoned you can see the piggies that it comes from out of the café window !)" Hmmmm do the piggies come in to donate blood every week then?
  22. And a very reasonable pint Howard.
  23. Sorry for assuming you might know about "The Ferry House" at Surlingham. One of the deservedly most polular pubs on the Broads.
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