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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. " I hate politics! " So bury your head in the Oulton mud then! Its sod*ing politics that has sadly and tragically subjected a lot of the complex diagnostic procedures to the mercies of financial performance and a rigged tendering system that has no place whatsoever in the care of the nations health. Apologies for the rant but, after 40 years plus in the NHS lets just say I'm a tad biased and desperately regret what is happening to out Health Service. I also realise that this sort of discussion is not favoured here but I could not let some of the comments made go unanswered.
  2. Or even more effective, get all the services out of the greedy profit seeking private sector!
  3. Perhaps you are able to control your slips then Robin?? If I slipped on the gunnels, be it ice or whatever, I can esily picture my head catching the side of the boat or quayside as I went in. I really think it is a tad foolhardy to assume you will make a graceful, non contact exit from your boat!
  4. I'm not a fan of the honours system as it is. It gives some folks delusions of grandeur like that fella similar to what you might spoon into a coffee! Having said that, I have no problem with folk like Andy Murray receiving accolades. I now wait patiently to here the umpire say "Advantage Lord Murray of Dunblane"!
  5. MM is quite right. Normans are fine boats but then I might be a bit biased! As for safety, the designer described the boat as being suitable for estuary and calm coastal waters with a suitable engine. They have been built with inboard engines combined with both outdrives and shaft driven as well as outboards. They will also get on the plane willingly with the oomph needed. They were also built at a time when the GRP layup was almost armour plating compared with todays thicknesses. Grand cockpit size as well. Rest assured, you have a very safe and stable boat that will suit the Broads nicely.. Of course they are a small boat and will "wobble" a bit with onboard movement but you will get used to this. Have fun and be safe, don't forget the life jackets!
  6. That is the sort of outcome from a sad messy situation that I would really like to see Robin. Sadly I think there are other "issues" that make that highly unlikely. I do wish it were otherwise as I have a lot of happy memories out on Alpha boats and was always warmly welcomed at the yard. Yes, the Old man could be a tad fierce but I really liked him.
  7. I read it as including the boats. I'd sort of forgotten quite how extensive the site is. Substantial buildings as well by the look. That's if these photos are current of course. Someone seems to have cut the grass methinks!
  8. Caulking in minature would be a thing to see! Its what they do with the biguns allegedly!
  9. You and me both Wonderwall, now a minority of two! Actually I quite like James May when they drag him away from the other two. Loved his electric guitar and lawn mower restoration thing!
  10. Notice your workforce is absent! Not to worry, I saw them safe and well on a "Bohemian" program this evening with Victoria Coren Mitchell! Your crew were, shall we say, repopulating the planet!
  11. Well! Fancy that! Its Enterprise Inns again! Ever so often (but not often enough) Enterprise don't get their way. Here in Wakefield they tried to sell off a pub local to me with the inference that it was ripe for change of use and residential development in a much sought after area. Thankfully, the local authority were having none of it and refused any change of use. Enterprise are now asking for a new landlord. I am hoping that they will have to sell it on to someone who want s to actually run a pub for the community.
  12. Anyone know if any of the boats have been sold? Have they all been removed from the Brundall yard? Has the yard been sold? Questions, questions questions!
  13. I refer the honourable member to an answer given (Jonzo) 27 hours ago! http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/topic/11651-any-calendar-for-2017/
  14. Oh I do John but I also learned to spell as well!
  15. Either tell us what you have been supping or tell us what " fesces " are!
  16. Are we confident that we don't already know the person or persons behind this??? Couldn't possibly be some folk with two bases already?
  17. October 13th, Aldi have those bits and pieces that we are all convinced should be in the bottom of any tool or spare box as they will DEFINITELY be useful one day! https://www.aldi.co.uk/specialbuys/dates/thursday-13th-october/c/2016-10-13
  18. I suspect the point being made Gracie is that customers who took mooring with Richardsons new marina at Horning when it opened were told it was private craft only. I've no idea if they were told that this policy may change in the future!
  19. AS far as Iknow, the only one that HAS gone is that which was at Whispering Reeds at Hickling.
  20. Just having a browse over past years posts and came across this. I've done a search for EVM, but no luck. It seems to have been some sort of wonder cleaner reading the posts. Anyone know or can recall what it is?
  21. Really fascinating viewing, thanks very much. "Princess Of Hearts" looks very similar in design to the Ripplecraft boats such as my all time favourite, "Broadland Lapwing". I really do wonder why the likes of Richardsons and BB or Faircraft can't build a GRP craft similar in design to either of these magnificent boats. Bet these would get under Potter occasionally! Found a photo of "King Of Hearts" among my files!
  22. I suspect "fridge engineering" must be something of a "black art"! I've tried in the past to find one without success. Advice from the manufacturers is only useful to a point. Like others have said, I bit the bullet and spent £600 for peace of mind and cold beer!
  23. The finance involved is, again, a separate issue in that I can see no evidence of this coming from monies that would otherwise be used on navigation. You will have no arguement from me that there needs to be far more spent on navigation and moorings maintainance. I will also concede that the issue of prority of need is not addressed here but, if there is no possibility of the money involved being spent on the navigation, surely it is best to grab what is available for other improvements?
  24. Surely then, if pathways are improved and new walkways put in that minimise disturbance, these "new" visitors won't be lurching through reeds and other wildlife habitats? Dog control is a totally different issue and one which I am convinced needs re-examining and real penalties introduced AND APPLIED that truly will deter potential miscreants!
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