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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. The landing net is a good buy! Had a couple already.
  2. Mr Jaws, I wasn't advocating making a habit of it. Us privateers tend to forget that many holiday makers are only here for the week and they are stuck with the prevailing tides. I would only consider doing this if time was that limited that this was the only opportunity to visit . As for "undue pressure" on an engine, the majority of diesel engines on boats are never run at anything like their optimal rate and will benefit from blowing g off a bit every now and again.
  3. In desperation just do what we have done a number of times. Just make sure the bridge clearances are OK and punch the tide! Yes you will use more fuel but, then again, you are on holiday and want to see these places. You take your choice. "Grande Girl" is well capable of doing this. Just a wee bit of a red face job as pedestrians overtake you at a pace!
  4. The posts at Beccles are not the usual looking ones! They are strange cast iron black things with what can only be described as trap doors! Look more like lamp posts!
  5. I have my own views about those folk in Horning and they contrast greatly with what is here. However! I'm surprised that nobody seems to have mentioned "Canal & River Rescue".? They do cover the Broads, I specifically asked. That way leave the worrying all to someone else!
  6. I've had a couple of Xantia's. The first was when it was introduced and was the turbo diesel top spec. Never had a more comfortable ride in a car and its performance for a diesel then made you grin! I loved it. Moved from that to the very first Skoda VRS and that was a monster! In the best possible way from a drivers point of view! Used to leave all manner of so called hot rods standing wondering where I had gone!
  7. We have all bought the occasional "lemon" but that's not to say that there really are no occasional bargains to be had! Even in your somewhat cynical world Peter!
  8. You never really know quite when you will need a bit but you surely will one day https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/sun-24-may/product-detail/ps/p/ropes-and-twine-1/
  9. I know its no longer fashionable, but, I still love Aleksandr and his mates!
  10. And another thought! Get up to somewhere like Coltishall, West Somerton or Geldeston where the water is so clear and you could add the underwater profile to your boat reviews!
  11. Great stuff as usuual Robin! I see Aldi are offering an underwater still/video camera! Could that add another dimension to your blogs??? https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/thur-14-may/product-detail/ps/p/underwater-digital-camera/
  12. I recall being sent for a long stand! It took a while ........
  13. I'd be very surprised, pleasantly I must add, if anyone had managed to prise The New Inn out of the pub company's grubby mitts for use as a pub! Can't recall if its Punch Taverns or Enterprise Inns!
  14. Considering the age of those little Dawnies Brandon, She does look very good indeed. Well done mate!
  15. Can't for a second imagine this was Swancraft! They would have blown a gasket or two!
  16. That's a great colour Griff for the canopy! Just what I was intending to get for "Glenmore" before I sold her. Also was going to use Richard at Snugtopz! He did give a very competitive price guide as well. Very smart!
  17. VetChugger

    Quant pole

    Otherwise Martham Boats have got to be worth a try!
  18. That's an interesting filum Brandon. I'd like to see a bit more of what you have done to your boat though please! Some full outside views please! Ta in advance!
  19. Asda at least do some sausage meat "patties" that would be just the jobbie for this sarnie! I actually find them a bit to big so divide them and flatten them out to make two thinner versions that make getting the burnt crispy bits a lot easier! I'm hungry now!!!
  20. Howard is right. I once asked Langford about this He simply said that every sale gave them the chance to put a new boat into the hire fleet. Whether this is till the case, I don't know but its a likely reason.
  21. Aldi do these tinned puds! I saw Spotted dlck and Strawberry Sponge.
  22. You might be surprised at the usefulness of a blow torch! Rope ends, heat shrink etc.Great for "caramelising" (burning) some foodstuffs as well! One of the cooks type is what I found at the ever so reliable source for this sort of stuff, Aldi!
  23. I've watched the Timothy and Pru series and am enjoying it immensely. You lot take it far too seriously! Yes, they have boating experience but still don't profess to be know it all experts. They make mistakes and acknowledge this which is refreshing. It is also reassuring to new boaters as well in that they can see that everyone can make a mistake and still have fun and enjoy the experience. To suggest that this is left out is just plain daft! Why on earth would you want to try and convince people that the mere thought of an error or mistake is catastrophic? That's not real life in any shape or form. The way these two present this program is admirable. They share some pretty personal stuff with the watchers and their enthusiasm and love of boating is very infectious. Add to this the likes of the wander around the cemetery and reminiscing, the snippets about Spratts Warehouse and Limehouse Basin and Camden Lock. I want more! I'm looking forward to trip on the Midi.
  24. The collapsible jobbies that both Aldi and Lidl do regularly are excellent value and very serviceable nets. Keep an eye open!
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