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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. I suspect I should know about THE Norman webpage. Its mine! Alans first link is to a fairly recent appearance that seems to have blatantly pirated info from mine with a bit of rewording! Alans second link is only to a page on my website and does not show the various links! These are here! http://www.normanboats.co.uk
  2. Must be wishful thinking but I read that as "£10 Sports car"!
  3. Can I correct your link?? I suspect it might be www.normanboats.co.uk
  4. Yards often have boats up for sale on a speculative basis. Alpha used to have their whole fleet up for sale and Langford said it was simply a case of sell one build a new one! The Swancraft boat is priced at £92K which is likely about £30/£40 short of the cost of a brand new one so fits with the depreciation rate!
  5. Its as good as most I would say without being out of this world! Very pleasant beer garden, beer appears well kept and there appears to be a reasonable selection. Food is towards the upper end of pub grub standard. Bar menu is better choice for value although limited. Otherwise you might find the prices a tad eye watering! Its only a very short stroll from the moorings as well so, yes, worth a visit if you can get a space. Obviously its also a very pleasant and peaceful overnight stop as well. Have a look here! http://www.crosskeysdilham.co.uk/
  6. Not "Goldengnome" Maxwellian, just a coincidence, my boat is "Glenmore"!
  7. I think this may be what you are seeking! http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Style_Details&style=DwnV But I think finding one may be a very long shot! Seems "Sir Bedivere" was seen in 2005!
  8. Can't understand the lack of response to this. Or are you all secretly looking at it? I'm going to push this FREE online magazine again! The July issue is now out and has a very extensive review of the Elysian 27 which is a very Broads friendly boat at an affordable price. Lots of other stuff as well. I repeat! ITS FREE! How can you resist? http://issuu.com/motorboatowner/docs/motorboat_owner_july_14
  9. You sure you are not thinking of Ronda? Place in Spain, Andalucia seemingly! Then there's "Help Me Rhonda" by those Beachy fellows! Or even he Rhonnda Valley in Wales where they dug up lots of black stuff!
  10. I recall this place as originally having a couple of rooms, one with a very cosey open fire. Its now almost minimalist in its style, open areas with modern furniture if you can call steel kegs with cushions on modern!. Not entirely a bad thing but just not as casually comfy as pubs used to be. Outside area is compact but pleasant. Not the biggest menu ever but what we had was good quality typical pub grub. I had Ham and Eggs and, for a change, it was genuine carved off the bone ham! Very nice! Offspring both indulged in burgers and declared them well acceptable! There is also a very good selection of traditional beers and locally brewed lagers. All very drinkable. My eldest son must have duff tastebuds though as he declared the Wherry to very good indeed! The only thing that puts off us Yorkists are the Norfolk prices! Good but limited moorings at Neatishead Staithe a short plod away!
  11. Jon is busy and its partly my fault! I was at Wayford Bridge for a couple of days this week. The sheer amount of work this fella gets through in a day is hardly believable. Hugely impressive service given with a cracking sense of humour! Very many thanks to Teresa as well for all her help.
  12. Hmmmm and out 'n out White Rose chap here! The Lever CooWee's thinking about will be J K Lever who was indeed a left arm medium fast I'd say who did ply his trade with Essex and England. Not as quick as Goughie though!
  13. There have been a couple of efforts to do this but with very limited success. Somehow they don't quite get the look to make an attractive boat. Here are two examples. The second one is by Sea Otter and aluminum. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Narrow-Boat-Steel-Cruiser-with-centre-cockpit-Excellent-runner-New-BSC-/221291000910?nma=true&si=TmqbdDEt59tCOoR9P6jVfvFhNZo%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://narrowboats.apolloduck.co.uk/advert.phtml?id=301707 Sorry about the absurdly long link on the first!
  14. I thought I had mentioned this publication before but can't find the post. Its still going! I'm assuming its getting a fair share of advertising revenue to maintain this. Its a very good read, free or not, there is some useful stuff. Have a peek at this months! http://issuu.com/motorboatowner/docs/motorboat_owner_june_2014 Back issues are available as well!
  15. Doco, I have to say that the seating shown in what I presume is your "stateroom" actually looks comfortable which is entirely unusual for a boat!
  16. But if you are "floating", don't forget The Ferry House at Surlingham. Sonia will feed you rather well!
  17. If you are "down south" then I would suggest Bramerton Common might be a good spot during the day. Nice wide river and, usually, a couple of lengthy stretches of boat free moorings.There is also quite a bit of space at Cantley although you will start to feel the effect of the tides here. There are also stretches of moorings on the Waveney such as Somerleyton but, again, tides will be pushing you around some.
  18. Here's one you might like to get your mits on Jon though maybe a tad far off! http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/108650132/wooden-boat.html Trevor
  19. I've seen Hot Chocolate a couple of times and they are a very good band to watch live. Good musicians. However, the thoughts of Rick Astley, Billy Ocean and Jason Donovan have me running for cover at a hell of a rate of knots! Trevor
  20. Sheet sleeping bags help and save a lot of grief either under a duvet or with a sleeping bag!
  21. Failing that, Horners hold weekly auctions at Acle with regular "specialist" auctions. Not specifically boats I know but you can put owt into a general sale! http://www.horners.co.uk/ Trevor
  22. Sadly "Escapade" has a dose of "bridgeitis"!
  23. There's so much "self congratulation" and back slapping going on elsewhere that it can really make you feel dreadfully ill !!!
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