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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. Hopefully this might work to a point! One of the finest Broads Cruisers I have ever seen! Hope you might be able to do something with the photo Robin!
  2. I always imagined that Royall's had a huge stash of bright orange tinted GRP mix!
  3. Have to say that, from all my experiences of local bands on the Broads, Lee Vasey is the best by some distance. Both in his solo capacity or with his band and guest singers. I'm afraid that the bands that are much hyped in another place just don't do t for me, some merely variations of one band, especially when they "pinch" another established bands name! I'd be confident that a combination of Lee Vasey and Surlingham Ferry would prove to be a cracking event for Christmas!
  4. Ditto what Soundings has said. Very pleasant cruising although the lock gear is a bit weird for us Yorkies used to ground paddles. Terms such as "slackers" seem to be used and you need a funny handle! Only downside we found was that pubs had very limited opening times and we rarely managed to get fed at lunchtimes! That's more the Middle Levels than the supposedly "Great" Ouse! Ours is the "Great" one in Yorkshire!
  5. And try this one although I'm not 100% certain it is a Sea Otter! http://www.canalscape.net/Dont%20Call%20it%20a%20Barge/Cruiser%20Diversity/LR%20Frobisher.JPG
  6. Eeeek! It works so here is another one! http://www.docstoc.com/docs/28644201/SEA-OTTER-BOAT-BUILDERS-CRUISERS
  7. Tried to post a link to an image I'd found but it would not work! Try copy and pasting this! http://lh4.ggpht.com/_8GlWYXT9zzg/THLQ3tarkwI/AAAAAAAAEr8/zzXoNC5ZVUY/DSCF7928%5B2%
  8. Hoping London(Spielberg)Rascal will see this and respond. Some of us occasionally fancy taking a wee movie whilst out and about. Not on Robin's epic scale but just as a fond reminder. My Canon EOS sadly does not have a video function so I am considering buying a basic camera to do this. I got this from Maplins today and immediately thought this might just be the jobbie http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/vivitar-dvr-787hd-action-cam-black-a12ql Hope the link works and look forward to some response! Trevor
  9. I suppose that could be a risk Martin but I suspect allowing tenants to retain more of their individually generated profits from sourcing beer elsewhere and by being able to retain profits from catering initiatives without consequent rent increases should mean they actually keep the pub and the landlord merrygoround will end. It has been the many short term tenancies that have appeared to make the pubco's actions in disposing of pubs and change of use seemingly economically sensible! This should suit such folk as those who have recently taken over at Rockland Broad.
  10. Hello Bow Wave! Interesting that you are considering an online version. You may be aware that there is already a more general boating online mag called "Motorboat Owner". I find this works very well and also appears to be well supported with advertising. Long may it survive and best of luck in your own efforts!
  11. I'm curious as to why there is not more mention of hirers filling up elsewhere prior to returning the boat? I can't think that its illegal in any way and surely the yard would have to refund at the same rate as they sell which suggests a profit can be made! I would even go so far as to suggest that if hirers did this more often the yards would be forced to reduce their own prices! All slightly tongue in cheek to encourage comment and supposition!
  12. Just a final comment. I'd forgotten that I'd suggested a "None Of The Above" category! It seemed to me more than a little odd and offside that, in order to take part, you have to vote for one of the so called short listed business's. Even in national and local elections abstentions are counted although often referred to as spoilt papers. To put it more plainly, there was at least one section where I would not have chosen to use ANY of the three options!
  13. I post occasionally on the said site and my concern has always been the total lack of transparency in the nomination and voting process. For each of the last three years I have asked the same questions and suggested what I felt would add credibility to the exercise only to meet with flat refusal and a degree of hostility. Even as a member of the site taking part in the process you have no idea how many votes were cast in each category. Its shown in percentages! How convenient is that when you can't bring yourself to admit to only half a dozen or so souls took part? My suspicions were also " tweaked" when some mysterious new members appeared and voted. Also, my natural cynicism reared its head when The Dog Inn proved victorious once again being noticeably popular during the year with the sites main contributors! Having said all that, I do value the general intention of, not only giving useful information, but having a process by which hard work and effort can be recognised. I just wish the mechanics were a bit more open and then I suspect many many more folk would take part.
  14. Hodor! GOT could be the source of some cracking boat names!
  15. Unfortunately "Marine Electricians" are not exactly ten a penny on the Broads. I had great difficulty in finding one to investigate wiring problems I had on "Glenmore" and never did satisfactorily resolve this. If anyone has knowledge of Marine Electricians who are able to work on the Southern Broads I'd love to know as I have a bit of work to offer!
  16. Every now and again Aldi and Lidl have a european branded portaloo on offer very cheaply and they are actually Thetfords. Well worth keeping an eye out for! Usually come with blue etc.
  17. "I'd suggest, instead, to invest in a depth gauge or fish finger (which has a depth too) because I swear there are shallow places on the broads and I hate not knowing now much water is underneath." Would that be Birds Eye or Ross??
  18. The "Corsican" always seems well festooned with fenders!
  19. I've actually seen the BA's weed cutter up that end a couple of times. I suspect a few calls from boaters to the BA might just result in it getting nibbled again. This is the sort of work often done in response to the amount of demand.
  20. Ossett Brewery is in ahem ..... Ossett, not in York! A very fine brewery who not only produce many varied brews but also take over "pubs" and turn them back into proper Pubs! The Brewery Tap is, most suitably, "The Tap" neat door!
  21. I think the best advice given so far is Jon at Wayford Bridge. Rumour has it that he has a lifetime contract to sell ice to Eskimos and sand to Arabs! It wouldn't surprise me ! He both sold my boat and sold my latest to me!
  22. Now I'm thinking Sheringham but don't go there near often enough so can't recall exactly where!
  23. Looks very much like Coldham Hall to me! But its not ......
  24. Another one supporting what Frank is saying about surveys and my views come from actual experience! I spent in excess of £15K on restoration work including some £6K plus just on rotten wood. Imagine my horror when, less than three months after this was completed a huge area of rot in the wheelhouse was discovered that had been missed! Initially I was told "tough luck" but I wasn't going to accept this and pursued this via the "International Institute Of Marine Surveyors" which is the sort of "OFTEL" of surveyors. This resulted in my getting a large proportion of the work done at the surveyors expense but not all and not with good feeling either! This was a very well known local surveyor so beware!
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