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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. It might sound like a confused way of operating but it does work! Overall, I suspect I'm actually in front in terms of finding existing credit on posts. Obviously this is just luck and I will, no doubt, find myself using more cards. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  2. I might be wrong but I seem to recall a product called "Barkeepers Friend" being a cheapish but good alternative! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  3. I suspect he is referring to the vessel number rather than the toll plaque! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  4. Detective work attempted! Failed! Someone pm me please!!! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  5. Does nobody use sand bags for ballast anymore? That's what I used on my Norman 23. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  6. Martham rarely use the pilots as far as I'm aware. They take their own boats through. They reckon that the speed also takes the boat down in the water a tad. I've seen them do this fast approach a few times and its always jusr as impressive. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  7. Just been looking at the Silverline site. Their new boat is "Silver Simoon". I do like the way they keep a traditional "boat" shape yet incorporate all the modern refinements you could possibly wish for. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  8. Seals+Direct are very good. They will send you a comprehensive catalogue and any samples you might need to make sure you end up with the right stuff. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  9. But you would need to be Popeye or have a crane to lift it! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  10. I've mud weighted on Rockland as well and its gloriously peaceful despite the channel. You seem to have forgotten Surlingham/Bargate Broad! Wonderful place to swing! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  11. Brundall Gardens would definitley be worth a look at. Has all you are asking for. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  12. Seems I'm being less than generous to Lidl! This time its a full size 21 litre waste tank which makes it even more a bargain. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  13. Lidl have the bogs once again! They may have a low capacity waste tank but these are made by Thetford so are good for general and emergency use or as a source for spares. http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/xchg/lidl ... _30856.htm They also have a windup LED lantern and a solar powered shower! Trevor http://www.normanboats.co.uk
  14. I'm sorry that my original post seemed to generate a bit of gentle fencing! That was not the intention at all. Maybe I worded it wrong but I was trying to say that Robin's blogs were an indicator towards how good Richardsons service was. They show the customer experience first hand. I wasn't trying to knock the reliability of any boats at all. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  15. Just the point I'm trying to make! It shows a good response to problems that can and do occur by the very nature of boating. Its reassurring to see Richardsons responding like this. I would almost be tempted to use it as a "reference" to the quality of customer service in unfortunate circumstances if I were Richardsons! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  16. Now I realise its oft frowned upon to refer to matters from another place but I would be very interested in responses! There is quite a highly publicised voyage on one of Clive's boats running at the moment and the voyage is not entirely incident free shall we say! There are two ways of looking at this. The obvious is to carp about a possibly poorly mainatined boat at the beginning of the season. But, if you follow the thread and blogs, what becomes apparent is the excellent and prompt and good humoured response from the yard staff and the efficient ('ish) solutions to the problems. Maybe even "i'sh" is a bit unfair because all the problems are separate mechanical issues and each is fixed individually. Just unfortunate that another seems to follow! I also think the yard are fortunate to have such a good humoured hirer on board. Even though his holiday is a tad disjointed because of the breakdowns, humour is maintained and a very positive attitude to the yard despite the problems shines through! I would venture to say that this was, therefore, good publicity in terms of "any problems and we will strive to fix them as soon as possible"! It will also be interesting to see what the yards response is when the boat goes home on Friday. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  17. I know Royal's boats are superbly maintained but that is a LOT of money for a 30 year old Bounty 27! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  18. When I bought "Glenmore" and decided to have the topsides rubbed back and varnished someone advised that I consider using Deks olje. The rationale behind it was convincing and I asked Brooms about this. They seemed horrified at the prospect and said it was something they would never use! Unfortunately I didn't question it any further and accepted thier advice based on their "reputation"! Having since read more about the oil I do wish I had investigated much more. When someone else is doing the work for you the major part of the cost is in the labour of course. Given that they reckon to have put six coats of varnish on I do wonder what the actual price difference would have been using Deks olje? Just the cost of the oil itself as against the varnish I suspect. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  19. At the moment Brooms are £1.28, WRC £1.25, Richardsons and Woods are both at £1.40. The hire yards do charge significantly more! These included the 60/40 split. Trevor http://www.normanboats.co.uk
  20. Is there a particular reason nobody has mentioned the Kings Head? I accept that its by no means cheap but the food has been consistently very good in my experience. My one grumble with the place is that the simple beer drinking area is so small! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  21. Not attractive!! How dare you!! That's a classic Norman/Callumcraft 17 De-Luxe and is around 40 years old!. She earns the de-luxe accolade by virtue of the hardtop canopy. The apparent "bulbous" shape means lots of room for her size and they are a very practical little cruiser. I've seen quite a few of these around on the Broads and they have a real sort of "retro" appearance as far as design goes. There used to be or still may be a cracking one at Rockland. Rant over Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  22. That's a grand piece of footage to watch. There must have been a cracking trade in captains hats back then! I wonder who won "Miss Potter Heigham Bridge"?? Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  23. That's it in a nutshell Howard. At Bramerton we've experienced both instances. Arrived to find it closing at 9pm. Then the instance I mention when, as you suggest, the bar staff were conspicuously sent home at 8.45 and the Landlord was not happy doing his stint! I do hope that this has changed as the pub is in a lovely situation with idyllic (for a wide river) free moorings and an electrikery pole for extra comfort in winter! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  24. Out of interest, how is the pub doing? I crossed it off my list last October after a poor experience there. Any improvements? Main complaint was the disappearance of the "welcome factor" after about 9pm and they very clearly wanted to close! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  25. Being where you are I suspect many would welcome the sight of a fridge with a pint or two of milk. Apart from Norwich and a long walk up the hill at Brundall, there is nothing until Reedham. Otherwise just think of the regular consumer items that boats use. Blue stuff, maybe some oil, deinonised water, WD40 etc. How about an order service for the morning paper?? Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
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