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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. Neil, Those "bogs" are actually re branded Thetfords. The couple I bought were excellent and were branded as "Mobil". The only downside is that the waste tank is not so big. Its also a much cheaper way of having a few spares!
  2. Try again http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/SID-6DC48B04-6EEFE543/www_lidl_uk/hs.xsl/our-offers-2491.htm?id=45 and Aldi have the portable satellite system again! http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/offers_week20Sunday13.htm
  3. The bogs are back at Lidl plus other stuff next thursday! http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/SID-8BF83A0D-0170F21A/www_lidl_uk/hs.xsl/our-offers-2491.htm?id=45 And Aldi have their portable stellite setup on offer again on Sunday! http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/offers_week20Sunday13.htm http://http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/offers_week20Sunday13.htm Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  4. Out of interest, what were their prices like? Trevor
  5. My questions didn't rate an answer then .....?? Trevor
  6. Oop's ...... green blobs!
  7. Nice work! All looks very slick and tidy. Just a thought, have you considered putting all the pinned informatioin topics into a seperate directory names as General Information or some suitable title? I find it just a wee bit irritating to have to scroll past all those yellow blobs! Trevor
  8. Snugtopz at Bramerton is selling antifoul at discounted prices. Might be worth a peek! Trevor
  9. I have read somewhere that the Red Herring had closed??? Trevor
  10. They once did methinks! The Helmsmans Association"?? Trevor
  11. I did a bit of this on a previous boat using the methods described here. The only thing I would add is that a friend recommended "own brand" versions of Floatex, Its a very dense short pile, no troublesome backing and extremely flexible for the unforgiving corners and shapes found on a boat! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  12. Might well be a daft question but, if you don't ask! How do you get that blue hue to the pictures?? is it simply a photoshop effect? Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  13. Please Mr Flint don't even ask that! After all the money that has syphoned its way out of my clutches I dearly wish to believe all is now well! I want to hear no more at all about Broads engineers or surveyors! I've had more than a gut full and simply want to float around now. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  14. I do hope the Woods End will have a "proper" bar area where folk can go for serious drinking rather than just for food. Having lost the New Inn it would be good to redress the balance a bit. Yes, I love the Ferry at Surlingham as well but it only takes two spins of my prop to get there! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  15. Would be interested in how much the prop insurance with Maffett costs please?? Trevor
  16. "It would also really do something positive to encourage visiting boaters onto the Broads from Sea and start to transform things into the water wonderland for boats that they are so keen to sell." I'm afraid that single sentence would have me either eagerly derusting that pile of scrap at Yarmouth or even lowering the bridge levels! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  17. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not looking for a cheap half job, I want a sound and reliable repair. I've seen enough reasoning now to avoid straightening and go for a new shaft. Its just that the prices being quoted are eye watering! But then again, what's new in Norfolk! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  18. It appears likely that "Glenmore" will need a new prop shaft. An engineering company has made an attempt to straighten the existing one at no small cost I might add! But, once again, on taking up drive, there is an unholy clattering and vibration from the rear that seems to come from the rear cutlass bearing. Local "sages" are suggesting that the attempted straighten has not worked and the consequent uneven running has worn down these bearings again. Although "Glenmore" has done very limited running since this repair back in July/August 2011, the company that did the work are washing their hands of any responsibility because of the time that has elapsed. Long discussions and concerns fall on very deaf ears! Anyway, we lifted "Glenmore" yesterday for a look and another engineer suspects either bent or misaligned prop shaft. Both outside cutlass bearings need replacing for sure so the shaft has to be pulled and will be checked for straightness. Some "sages" are suggesting that straightening a bent prop shaft is never 100% successful and that its best to "bite the bullet" or "grasp this very expensive nettle" and go for a new one. Has anyone any opinions on this? My next question is about a new shaft. It is somewhere in the region of five feet long with a taper at one end at least. The guesstimate of the engineer as to cost of a new one sets ones heart a fluttering seriously! £450!! And that is without any associated labour. Has anyone any experience of buying a prop shaft? Where from? How much? Who's best to supply? Any advice at all will be very gratefully received! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  19. Now why does that not surprise me? Denis Healey and being savaged by toothless sheep comes to mind! Sheep being the operative term!
  20. There is a thread running on similar lines in the other place but on pubs and eating. Just about winning is the opinion that negative posts should be allowed so long as it is accepted that it is a subjective and personal opinion. Opinions and expectations will always vary and you will get wildly contrasting reports about the same business at times. To suggest that only positive reports are allowed is doing nothing but burying your head in the sand and helping nobody at all. These forums are supposedly seen and used as a resource to Broads newcomers looking for guidance. So anyone new considering a first Broads boating holiday and looking for a reputable yard will now read this thread and think there is no point in asking here as they won't be helped if they happen to make a bad choice! Then to say that people must discover the bad ones via experience is positively cruel. The result could be a first time family coming to the Broads and having a lousy time because of the quality of service from a yard and deciding never to come back again when we all know that this is thankfully rare and boating holidays are a wonderful relaxing experience. Additionally, unfavourable reports can do much to encourage providers to clean up their act. On the section description where it says "If you have a favorite Hire Boat Let us Know !" maybe it should also say "Don't tell us about any bad ones!" Trevor http://www.normanboats.co.uk PS. Not my spelling mistake! - favourite
  21. Project for you Dan! Shouldn't be that hard with all the info you have available and with Craig & Richards blessings! I'd buy one! Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  22. Would be very interested in your experiences with "Rapide" when you come back. Please tell us all about your break. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
  23. I've watched the Martham crew do a similar thing a few times with their boats at Potter. They load the boat with people and take a long run and go at full speed. Impressive to watch especially after they land and all these folk suddenly appear and get off! I think its simple really, these people know their own boats very well and how they respond and behave. Trevor www.normanboats.co.uk
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