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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. A very fitting tribute to a Broads boating pioneer. Just a shame that the legacy was tarnished by the unfortunate events surrounding the demise of the fleet and yard. Events seemingly beyond Langford Sr's control.
  2. The quality of EDP journalism was again enhanced today with the publication of a story about an RTA on Acle Bridge illustrated by a photo that looks like its from the three rivers race! http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/acle-bridge-crash-appeal-1-5354679
  3. (Very much tongue in cheek) I suspect even Clive does not make babies to order! Now waiting for spell check to make my comment totally redundant!
  4. By heck! the lengths some folk will go to to find an excuse to chug on the Broads! Best wishes to the both of you and enjoy the boat.
  5. It isn't obvious, but some of these also have chopped glass fibre mixed in, although, being described as gelcoat, that infers the topcoat.
  6. Most of the dealers supplying Plastimo cookers also seem to offer spare parts including the oven handle. This might suggest it is removable! Could be worth giving the dealer you are using a call prior to ordering.
  7. To add a slightly lighter note....... this may amuse! https://youtu.be/4wE-2TgMWJ4
  8. Welcome John, already good advice has been offered. What I will stress is take your time, the looking, trying out, wandering around, long debates over alcohol of should we/shouldn't we, oooooo, its got one of those! This is one of the best bits of boat ownership and it is to be enjoyed. The main initial thinking is around a basic lists of "must haves"! Its also well worth while looking at boats away from the Broads area as they do carry a price premium similar to the Thames. Most of all, enjoy it.
  9. Can't comment regarding the dogs but you have chosen an excellent boat. We had her this, oop's, last year and had a grand time. Great yard as well. Good that "Breeze" has a bow thruster to get off the Pacific mooring! This you will appreciate when you set off!
  10. I'd be taking that one back! Looks a tad cloudy!
  11. When a student nurse I worked behind a bar to inflate my income a tad, confused the heck out of me when little old ladies approached asking for a milk stout, I refuse to reveal what I tried to do the first time I was asked! As for Double Diamond, worked wonders did it not?
  12. Remember it well Vaughan, great song but I liked this version of the message just a tad more!
  13. I suspect this is part of what is being gently "hinted" at! Healthy debate attracted a "lets play nicely" comment from sources on high.
  14. What came out of the fridge space? Don't say fridge please!!! If it was the Electrolux 3way jobby the smaller Waeco will fit.
  15. VetChugger

    Bilge Survey

    Five star Cuprinol I hope! That will impress Griff who (tongue in cheek bit) could have earned a fortune if a fee per mention was available! Excellent advice about its use though.
  16. VetChugger

    Bilge Survey

    What's with all this "eggshell walking" over brand names?? The forum is surely about useful information as well as discussion?
  17. What is this "new guide book" then?? No more Bradshaws quotes?? Will ensure superstardom and many reprints of some ancient text no doubt!
  18. Its in no way a criticism of the effort needed and made in the production of the calendar which is highly appreciated, simply my own opinion. Well done all the same.
  19. Have a great one Geoffrey, Steve and Austin, I'll have to make do with Mrs Beetons till you return!
  20. Hmmmm, seems I'm going to be the grit in the calendars vaseline! Afraid I'm not impressed. This may well be because I have been spoilt by previous Broads versions. They were always glossy pictures (I know some prefer mat) also, a separate page for the days so more room for entries and notes.
  21. All sorts of BSC regs about the use of gas fridges on boats. They must be "room sealed" and this wee modification adds an anything but wee amount on the price!
  22. Some more overtime for that as well! I got a Spinflo four burner with oven and grill which fitted, just in a space previously occupied by the flavel! Smev also do some that have a reasonable reputation. Its the old old story, put the word "boat" anywhere near this stuff and the prices goes into the stratosphere!
  23. With my Norman 23 I "bit the expensive bullet" and got a Waeco 12v fridge, yes, it was expensive but worked faultlessly and had a very low draw on the batteries, Other bonus was that it fitted the hole left by the electrolux jobby very well.
  24. On the "Site that must not be named" (not Richards), under the thread "some more old photos", there is a lovely picture of Thorpe and, I think, Hearts Cruisers. One for Vaughan to maybe take a peek at!
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