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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. I bought one of these more in desperation than realistic hope! Shock of all shocks! It actually works very well for its size and voltage. Only as a personal cooler that is, I have the same problem as Grendel with my car aircon and tried this and its grand! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B002C2KMZC/ref=pe_3187911_189395841_TE_3p_dp_1 Obviously good for the boat as well.
  2. Yet we can praise folk and businesses till the cows come home and mention their names! Seem lopsided to anyone else?
  3. The errors in the installation of the batteries and monitor must be a concern! Especially needing replacement in such a short time. I would hope you are going to query this with the suppliers?? Seems such a basic task for boat engineers.
  4. Away from the Broads one Ernie Wheeldon began building grp cruisers in Shaw, Lanashire in 1959 initially alongside Callumcraft but. eventually, as Norman. These quickly became a somewhat less expensive way in which to start a lifetime of boating. I was fortunate enough to graduate to an 1966 Ernest Collins built Moores "Glenmore" which was a fabulous boat and I do have some regrets for letting her go but I was not using her enough and also keeping up with the wooden topsides had already cost me thousands and were clearly about to empty my pocket even more, so I downsized and moved back to the rivers and canals of Yorkshire.
  5. I'm curious why we no longer seem to see anything of Ricardo here? I always appreciated his interesting contributions and they add to the enjoyment of this forum.
  6. Was proudly watching the eldest son do his Geezer Butler bit in Leeds and had some very refreshing and quaffable "Yorkshire Lager" which hails from the Great Yorkshire Brewery out near Pickering. A good night was had!
  7. I think "ducks" is much more East Yorkshire and the Hull area.
  8. Surely the interest level on a forum is generated by the discussion provoked by points being made? This obsession with "thread discipline" is alien to wide ranging discussion and discourages contributions. Cal is a relative newcomer and is hardly going to feel encouraged by this sort of comment. In this instance, the variation ran from comments made about the state of readiness on takeover of boats. I really don't see a problem and appreciate the contributions made.
  9. I managed to find an old draughtsmans seat with a spin to raise and lower adjustment. Was just the job for my Norman 23.
  10. There are other behavioural factors behind the why's and wherefores of feeding bread to our feathered friends. They get so reliant on the source then cannot feed properly when all the holiday makers go home. Devils advocate to a certain extent, I suspect the majority of mass produced bread nowadays has a vastly different nutritional content to what it did in years gone by.
  11. Slightly puzzled as to where you are talking about Mark? I assumed you were still at Brundall Gardens. New tenants??
  12. Lovely picture of "Isabel" (Star Glory 3) from Jack Powles. Thanks for posting.
  13. I've heard that I have been 'moderated' on this thread! To be honest, I hadn't noticed but now that I know, I thought policy was to inform folks of moderations and the why's as a 'friendly' way of guiding posts.
  14. Bill is absotlutely right in his comments and I will take it a step further. This oh so noble forum spent 30 plus pages saying why this should not happen and would only end in calamaty, alrm, disaster and pestilence! Lo and behold, the swim has gone very well with no problem whatsoever and shows promise for future such events. Is this forum spending another 30 plus pages of hot air congratulating the success?? Is it heck, its busy trying to think up more excuses to have a go! The majority seem to be suggesting that it as some sort of fluke that the event went off without a problem. Absolutely bloody typical of the holier than though attitude of many on here. Its almost laughable.
  15. Swimmingly apparently! No problems at all.
  16. JP appears to have visited "another place" giving details of some sort of preventative soaking of Somerleyton Bridge.
  17. Absolutely love these threads and watching the gradual rebirth of these magnificent boats. Lots of pictures please, also from Socrates and "Broadland Grebe".
  18. Welcome Cal, does this mean we won't be able to read about your adventures on Canalworld anymore??
  19. Similarly, there seems to be a country mile under Wroxham Bridge, Just watched one of those ugly Alphas go through with at least a foot to spare!
  20. Never had this problem when trains went "diddly da, diddly da, diddly dum, diddly da"!
  21. Very comprehensive list, well worth remembering just in case! Thanks.
  22. Bottled or draft, Becks is a refreshing drink as is Kronenberg which has just a tad more "bite"! Goes down alarmingly easily at times.
  23. Happened to me at Loddon Staithe, found myself banging about on the way past Bill Maxted's yard. Seemed disturbingly common at the time about 10 years ago. Late saturday night/sunday morning crowd of drunken yoof!
  24. I remember this very well indeed! Mainly due to a rather tender and well roasted pair of shoulders. We were out on "Morgans Treasure" from Bucaneer Boats who were ex Pirate Craft at Brundall. My mate was out on Alphacrafts "Mustang". A lingering memory is being outsde at the "Loaves & Fishes" by the yacht station at Beccles for rather a long time and managing to get through rather a lot of falling down water! Loved it! As was a trend at the time among a few, we had hair way down past our shoulders along with the multi patched Levis and tie dyed grandad shirts! Yes, we were 60's leftovers.
  25. That is simply magnificent. Very well done.
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