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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. Thanks Robin, I was very tempted to buy a similar unit but was eventually persuaded by the offspring that it would never achieve its potential in a space like a Safari. The one I have does most, if not all of those features you quote although I don't think it has the wall wobbling watts!
  2. I was on my little Norman 23 and moored side on in the end corner berth so didn't have a need for a mud weight.
  3. Curious to know what cd/radio setup you settled for? I recently set up a complicated Sony CD am/fm/dab affair that I'm quite pleased with.
  4. Unfortunately I find it difficult to relax overnight at the staithe after being cast off, ropes and power lead simply chucked in the oggin. Found myself bumping around moored boats on the other side a hundred yards down the river at 3am!.
  5. Unfortunately discussions on here tend to be very slanted by the few that react in raptures every time there is a criticism of the BA. Would be refreshing to see a few more well balanced debates.
  6. Won't someone rid us of this meddlesome pike?? PLEASE!
  7. Since John Sergeant did that series on a narrow boat where he clearly only got on it for the TV moments and his ridiculous foray into what is allegedly dancing, I have found he irritates the hell out of me! This program did nothing to improve that opinion sadly. Shame really because I always found Micheal Buerk interesting to listen to.
  8. I had many happy evenings at Batley. I think the first was Hank Marvin. I used to sport a very heavily embroidered bandsmans jacket and crushed velvet purple loons along with the obligatory tie dyed grandad vests daubed with patchoulli and a pair of moccasins from the "Scout Shop" . We had a cracking shop in Leeds in those days called "Boodle Am". My most memorable night at Batley though was at a table right next to the stage with my chin on the stage delighting over "Hot Gossip". Remember Kenny's "Naughty Bits"??
  9. "Birding"? As rampant teenagers that's what we did most weekends. We were hopeless at it, we would end up following a couple of "nubiles" around the many paths of Roundhay Park but then freeze in terror if the chance to actually talk to them occurred! Halcyon days indeed.
  10. I used to have one of those! Specifically the Fiat Strada 75. It truly went like stink! The acceleration was staggering. I recall pulling up at home one night and a police chappy approaching me red faced complaining he couldn't get near enough to me to signal me to stop! However, a truer rust bucket I have never encountered. The door skins came away from the door frame and used to flap in the wind! I wouln't mind but the thing had been rust proofed using that cavity injection stuff. Can't recall its name. Traded it in eventually to a blind garage proprietor for a cracking Jetta!
  11. Whilst I truly do admire folks efforts in raising such a spectacular amount of money it never escapes me that this country has 134 billionaires and 715,000 millionaires and we are the fifth richest country in the world. It is absolutely wrong that anyone in need should be denied basic care services, equipment, support or even protection when we can also bale out the commanding heights of the economy, the big banks! The money raised on occasions like this should be used to provide the extra treats, holidays and experiences that these kids never have a hope of having, not basic care and protection! Sorry for the rant and well done to all these fund raisers!
  12. That's true!! "A hazelnot in every bite"?? Spot deliberate spelling error!
  13. Anyone live in Boston and forgotten about that euro lottery ticket in your pocket??
  14. Heating, beds, cooking facilities, shower, makes hardly a ripple in the water and goes under ALL the bridges. Whats not to like??
  15. Hired "Judith" from Martham back in 1989 and have just booked "Juliette" for next June. Can't wait!
  16. Maybe I have read this wrong but I didn't think it had been dropped, simply withdrawn for "tweaking" to try and pacify the objectors??
  17. Totally agree with Fred. I had experience of unscrupulous planners doing just this. They treat planning regulation with total disdain. Add to this the money that is then needed enforcing decisions and departures. Who's money is this that is being taken away from more worthy causes??
  18. "Regal Lady" is now normally a resident of Scarborough after a substantial rebuild.
  19. Was thinking more of the ring on the back face of the wheel. Looks loads better than the "rally style" wheel I have at the moment. Only problem with mine at the moment is that I don't have a boss cover. Would really like something like on yours.
  20. Amazing how nature has reclaimed the old Alpacraft yard. I hired a couple of times from that base and there was a fair size basin.
  21. I'm going to suggest The Ferry At Stokesby for the "difficult" one!
  22. I wouldn't disagree with you on that Eddy. The bits I am on about are the two brass rings on the wooden wheel. I just don't really want to be putting polish on those and spoiling the varnish.
  23. I've read a few times that some folk, after polishing, coat the brass to stop it tarnishing. What is best for this purpose please??
  24. Don't quote me, but I seem to recall it being said that residents of Ludham have dibs on the parish moorings. I suspect there may be a waiting list though!
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