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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Nothing like this in the Warwick area - yet!! I can see a huge explosion in fly tipping.
  2. I’ve just thought of a great business idea ! I could rent my mum out to single parents who want to cruise with under 18’s, she would need help on and off the boat though. She loves the Broads. She is happy to quietly sit looking out the window at the scenery. Doesn’t mind where you cruise. Doesn’t drink alcohol anymore or eat much food. Is a really good cook. Has good knowledge of the Broads dating back to the 50’s. She does know how to drive a boat but is half blind so it’s probably not a good idea to let her near a steering wheel. Knows it takes 190 turns on the winch to close the roof on Richardson’s San Francisco !! Lots of experience with children and has a frown that would stop a riot in Cairo !!
  3. Yes I remember them ! Think they even made a few posts but cannot remember if it was here or the other site. 3 years ago I took my mum for a weekend break on San Francisco. She was 82 with wobbly legs and dodgy eyesight but is classed as an adult, I was effectively single handed. My 12 year old son is nearly 6ft, not far from me in terms of strength and probably a lot more sensible but far more helpful on a boat than my mum. I could still take my mum who is even more wobbly than before but not any of my children. I appreciate a line has to made somewhere but a little bit of discretion based on the hirers experience would be nice.
  4. I wonder what these “incidents” were? We’ve all heard lots of stories about boat loads of yobs but I cannot recall any any issues with solo hirers.
  5. Sounds like Richardson’s need to review their insurance provider, maybe ask Bridgcraft for a recommendation!!
  6. Great topic ! My parents had been boating on the Broads since the early 50’s so I was sort of born into it really. First trip was apparently about 2 months before I was born !!! Since then it was usually a 2 week summer and a 1 week spring or autumn holiday, sometimes a boat & sometimes a riverside cottage and launch. When I hit 18 1/2 and finishing college / apprenticeship I started work in the marine industry and I’m still in it 27 years later! My wife is not too keen on boating but she does love Norfolk, luckily work provides the odd boating fix. Next trip is a short break in April & a week in August.
  7. Never been seasick myself but only had 2 very rough trips. One was on a ferry across the bay of Biscay when I was the only one out of 4 still standing for about 36 hours, restaurants were nice and quiet though! The other was shortly after I started working for Volvo Penta back in 2002. Drove down to Plymouth in the afternoon and had a slightly heavy night with 2 colleagues and a couple of guys from Princess. Next morning I felt a little queasy in the lift so I was a tad apprehensive when I was invited on board a sea trial, on the way out they said it was a little rough but "should" be ok. It was so bad leaving the harbour you had to cling on just to stay in one place but I didn't feel the slightest bit sea sick. My granddad was in the navy from 1917 to 1930 and then in reserve from 30 to 39, back full time 39 to 45. Up to 1940 he was mainly in destroyers and apparently was always sick for the first day or so at sea, after this he acclimatised.
  8. The infrastructure will need to be updated but I think electrification will really start taking off in a couple of years.
  9. KPMG have just been appointed as administrators so it's now official - http://www.boatingbusiness.com/news101/industry-news/administrator-appointed-for-oyster-marine-holdings?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTnpJek5UQmhPRGMxWXpjNCIsInQiOiJWQkkrYVU3TTRBeWxZdFhPRDMwdVZBWmE2emthd1FQTGs1b0xHRzg5cUJSdmoxXC9obDFZWDRTbzJcL1RCNDNXb1MzVTJWb3BzZ2IxbCtlc0x4bnpEUGluVk1JNEVudEl2OU9jWGVtejNmRDRDNVd5K1NrOUFpMFdwd2VSWlwvaUZnTSJ9
  10. I thought it would be around that, my guess was 3,300. I may have spent few minutes studying the engine spec sheets and passage plan though ! Still didn't win though.
  11. About 160 at Wroxham apparently with the same in Southampton. Not sure we have the full picture yet - http://www.boatingbusiness.com/news101/boatbuilding/boatbuilding/oyster-yachts-goes-into-liquidation?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWVRJMlpHVTNZemRoTnpFeCIsInQiOiJjcXh3bkNGVk5CMytEQlpHMWxEekFrT3N2eTVPZklRU1pzKzhXRWYxeFg0K0NXdnpRekZUeSt2M1dKU1FDOW43TWhcL2RFb0t3TFNkclJiT3FFald5VHR0b1lnS1wvSjh4RllVWmNSck5uSnFkOXFXUkZ5cCt0bGxjdUhNcFVKaVwvTCJ9
  12. Nice to see another yard down south and building new boats. Wonder what will happen with Acle now?
  13. Reckon they could make Australia by 23rd May !!! May need to up the sweepstake estimates though !
  14. The boats I saw on Thames last year were a bit grotty, it was start of the season and you could see the exteriors had not been polished or even cleaned. The ones on the program looked ok but then they would be due to being on TV !
  15. Put your foot down a bit, you need to use more fuel for my guess in the sweepstake !!
  16. Think it was the gears they had trouble with? Not sure what gears are fitted in this case, normally ZF or sometimes Twin Disc but there's usually a way of manually controlling the gear change solenoids.
  17. Good luck with the sea trials ! Keep an eye out for this as sea trials are imminent and you could get a video scoop !! - http://www.mby.com/news/spyshots-reveal-secret-princess-superboat-89320
  18. Happy belated 25th birthday wishes!!
  19. Those pot plants can be quite expensive as well !!!
  20. Lovely film, Easter 1981 I would have been 9 !!
  21. A turkey is most definitely not just for Christmas, it's normally good for Boxing day as well !!
  22. Our 2 cats were rescues nearly 14 years ago as kittens. They’ve put up with 2 house moves, 3 children, the rescue dog we’ve had for one year now. He was soon shown who were the bosses in the house and now he’s a little wary of them!! We’ve had dogs and cats in both our families for years so know what’s involved. People need to realise pets are not cheap to feed, yearly shots, vets etc. Could have probably bought a boat instead !!
  23. For my New Years Resolutions I've decided to make a list of 10, surely some will stick? 1. Give up alcohol. 2. Try and be more realistic. 10. Stop being so lazy. Seriously though I do need to loose some weight, last year was not good as my mum has been ill and moved into a care home. Lots of stress, worry, driving up and down the M40, clearing and selling her house etc, etc. Although still waiting for another operation mum is settled now and it's time to start looking after myself a little. I am actually in shape, unfortunately that shape is round so I'll make a start by eating less and taking the dog for a few extra walks which he'll love. Hopefully by the time we hit Norfolk in August I'll be slightly less round !
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