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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Mind the language? All we need to know is bow, stern, port and starboard? Then in the next sentences we get 'cast off' and 'slip' the bow line followed by I think it was 'centering the helm' er???
  2. Hmm, videos ahead of time really are a good starting point. I do think though that the much maligned 'trial runs' suffer from a hidden problem. It's this : if you are nervous, or even worse scared, you can't learn, the higher brain cuts out and your basic, reptilian brain takes over. This one keeps you alive and runs the fight or flight approach to life, neither of which is great for boat handling, or absorbing what you are being shown. Tricky. We always help newbies, but treat the 'they didn't tell us' comments with circumspection, in that they may have been told but couldn't receive. Thankfully, after a few days the penny drops with most people.
  3. The quiz is as barmy as these examples dear readers, so if you are teetering on the edge of sanity, it's for you!
  4. Salhouse Broad, Ranworth, Ludham Bridge, Fleet Dyke, Acle Bridge....to name a few..there is a wide choice and in September you shouldn't have much trouble compared with say, August. There's a publication on the Broads Authority website called, The Broadcaster and that has a basic map for you and cruising times suggested, between locations.
  5. I am really enjoying this thread Helen! Are any of you crafty readers interested in making Little Dresses for Africa btw? This charity aims to provide garments that girls can wear, apparently it helps protect them if they look well dressed . If so pm me your email and I will send you a pattern that the charity is advocating.
  6. Looking awesome! All the best with the interviews.
  7. Blimey Griff, is that a religious statement or just your seasonal varnishing?
  8. I'd feel a bit guilty at opening the door for this interesting QM but how was I to know that the rest of those present were tolally illiterate when it came to Discworld? Shocking! (wanders off humming The Hedgehog Song)
  9. I will have my anorak out and ready.....
  10. And the winner is........Grendel. well done to all who took part.
  11. Quiz tonight folks, all welcome 8.30 onwards
  12. I think objective success criteria should have been appended to this clause.
  13. That was a fun evening with the top 4 scores in sequence as I recall, so it was close. I will be QM next week. Quiz sections: Fairy Stories London Landmarks Bad Mikes Musicals Discworld General Brainlessness
  14. IT was a near squeak I can tell you, I was 1/2 a mark behind him!
  15. The smart money is on NOT winning, because if you do, you write the next one.
  16. Welcome Frank hope the repair goes well.
  17. Great Paul! Yes it is required thanks
  18. Yes that's right Grendel, Ranworth Island Friday, Cruise in Company Saturday Morning, Salhouse for the rest of Saturday with stuff going on, depart Sunday as desired. Come for some of it or all of it as you wish. It's a great way to meet other boaters.
  19. You are in the right place.
  20. Happy New Year! We are open at 8.30 Hangover cures on request.
  21. Happy New Year everyone!
  22. Wish him all the best from us please Vaughan, we want him back on his wall.
  23. We are at our daughter's and her partner is cheffing...hooray!
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