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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I did not want Micky to hurt my foot! Ian
  2. Thanks to a present from Marina,today i went on a rib on the Thames.Firstly i went to Chelsea to get my new first team shirt with my name and 60 printed on it.Back to the river,it was a great trip,starting very slowly,building in speed,boy it went quick,we whizzed past everything.On the way planes taking part in the flypast marking VJ day went overhead.Once again a great day,I am going to fit that engine to Sweetkingfisher. Ian
  3. I think they know when Marina is on the boat cos they seem to run. Ian
  4. Hi lurch as others have said where do you come from do you hire or own a boat etc.Welcome from me,for us up on our hold in two weeks time Best wishes Ian
  5. As Alan said take a trip to Brooms and call in the office and have a look,we always call in to top up for water,fuel and gas,they are a friendly bunch.I am sure they would be happy to help,they used to have a offer,not sure if they still do if you hire a boat from them,then you go on to buy they will give you the cost of the holiday back! Ian
  6. Do what we used to do we had two 25 Lt one 15 Lt and one 5 Lt can Ian
  7. I was lucky enough to have a trip on her a few years back.It was truely a great day.Also it gave me an insight into what it was like for the brave men on an amazing plane. Ian
  8. I understand what you are saying, it is true there may be a good reason why the boat has gone aground, however if not then others need to be aware of the dangers,in recent weeks there appears to be many such incidents. Ian
  9. With the new layout I seem to have lost my friends, have that transferred over or is there another reason? Ian
  10. Agree with comments above,give Colin a ring.We used Silver line many times before,great boats and very well done.You don't need hair straighteners,a trip across Brydon will give you a good pem,secound thoughts! Have a great time may see you will be up bank holiday weekend, heading north on the Tuesday Ian
  11. WRC does petrol I should know but can't remember, but maybe Brooms did/do stock petrol. We had a trolley, which we helped.We loved our little boat it was our first boat bulit for us,but in a sence we out grow her,its for us much better using diesel.Still we had many good times on our trips. Ian
  12. I know this stretch of water very well and would not attempt to moor there,the clue is the stones/rocks in view.It looks like one of Brooms boats. Ian
  13. Before Sweet kingfisher our last boat was a Shetland 4+2.During our two weeks we would travel from Brundall, up north then travel back down.Most of our petrol came from petrol stations, in the north,Stalham,Acle and Wayford bridge. Not easy but we did it for four years,we had three petrol cans so we could travel a fair distance. Hope that helps Ian
  14. Must admit the only time I have seen PC broads boat was at the Horning boat show,and that was on dry land Ian
  15. I think we should book our moorings now! Ian
  16. I love Wroxham,but often visit with fingers crossed, in the summer its like London in the rush hour.Some skippers not knowing where they are going or what they are doing.it is fun seating in the hotel watching. I am sure when we hired (going back ten years)we were told to use the pilot,I have gone through myself.the bridge is slightly lower from the Kingshead side.Whatever the problems it is also worth going to Wroxham. Saddly we can't under with Sweet kingfisher. Ian
  17. I did not know there gas cookers and water on tap in 1791!Funny the price is not 1791 though Ian
  18. As I said before we popped in a few months ago,everyone was friendly the food very good.I hope it becomes a success.It is also a good spot to moor. Ian
  19. Like most people,very sad to hear of Cilla death,she will be missed by all. Ian
  20. Iain has anyone told you your new photo bears a striking likeness to Robbie Burns? Ian
  21. I have mixed feelings about this,I think you need to check that the water is clean,and be aware of boats in the area.I would advice not to swim if anyone has open wounds or colds or illness. Ian
  22. I think your right,but I think and hope it will bring to the game new fans,me I love test matches,but many people don't want to seat through five days.The last couple of tests perhaps will gain fans to Cricket. Ian
  23. Iain we can all dream,many times I have scored the winning goal for Chelsea,only to wake up having kicked the cat off the bed,sorry kitty Ian
  24. It don't get much better winning against the Aussies,or may be beating the Germans at penalties in the semifinals of the world cup,then beating Brazil in the final. Still a great victory. Ian
  25. As I get older in the back of my mind are the places I would like to see,I have been lucky and seen many,but there are still more to see.The broads have been part of much of my life and always will be,perhaps ifbthe powers to be make a 30 hour day and a 500:hundred day year we can fit it all in Ian
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