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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. The forecast for the next few days suggest some rain. Then it seems to improve.
  2. You could have a lovely Welsh Lamp stew,followed by pancakes.Then St David's day together with pancakes.
  3. Hi Alan can you use Maple syrup instead?
  4. Jean no Christmas pud today,pancakes Lemon and sugar.Its pancakes day,also St David's day.
  5. Dads Army perhaps? They don't like it up em,.Don't tell me your name Pike!
  6. Great idea,for the sea but not rivers and broads.
  7. In 87 I walked to the station at Abbey wood.So many trees down on the line,no buses either.Unable to get to work.So I helped out in the community, mainly checking on older people and those that were unable to get out of the house.Seven Oaks became one.1987 was far worse then this one.What I would say these strong winds and storms seem to happen more frequent now.
  8. All quiet here in Martham now.Not sure if there was any damage as we stayed at home,apart from a few small fence slats to our fence.A few sheep got out of a field and had a walk down the road.The farmer was contacted and pleased to say the sheep are safely back in the field. Never had sheep walking down the road,however did have horses 🐎 on the road. Very sad that three people lost there lives yesterday. Thoughts go to there family and friends.
  9. The clouds are darker now in Martham. Not that windy yet.Some light rain showers. Stay safe everyone.
  10. Our cats didn't like the wind last night.Today they've hind in the greenhouse. Agree with you Helen sadly weather at present very unpleasant.
  11. Agree always good when somewhere continues to serve people. Be it a pub, Restaurant ,shop etc.
  12. Very sorry to hear your news.I understand what it's like.Our cat had Cancer also.
  13. As I've poster elsewhere. Today we sold Sweetkingfisher. We should get our new boat by the end of the month. After alot of thought we decided that the new boat will moor on the northern rivers.Not far from home in Martham. We've been at Cove since 2013,and in that time made many friends. In many respects will miss the South. David at Cove and the other Dave's were always helpful.We met Clive and Victoria early December he outlined changes at Cove,cctv bollards.Cove is a lovely place to moor,as I said Clive has made improvements to the Marina and am sure other improvements will follow. Marina and I wish Clive and Victoria well and best wishes for the future. Ian.
  14. Last Thursday we agreed a sale on Sweetkingfisher. Today we signed the paperwork, and cleared off the remaining bits and bobs from the boat.A bit sad,but she's been a great boat and wish her well for the future. We should get the new boat by the end of the month.
  15. Think you've hit the nail on the head!
  16. As said some hire companies open all year.As a private boat owner, I can use my boat all year round. Some yards don't hire out boats in high winter. HW have some boats available next week.Regardless of hiring or not,most yards work throughout the year.
  17. Live aboard has crossed my mind a few times.But I don't do cold.Alan lived on boats for about 10 years.In the end he came ashore because of the cold.Thats something you need to consider. Perhaps talk to people who do live abroad, to get an idea of the lifestyle.
  18. Thankfully, our house didn't have a outside loo.Bout only had coal-fired until late sixties.
  19. So true,also a generation that didn't have smartphones,ipads.The must have sports gear,A generation that joined clubs,Able to entertain themselves. The down side,frost on the inside of windows, running from cold rooms into warm open fires,but making toast over the fire.
  20. Oh yes had at least three,free coffee's thanks to the loyalty card.
  21. Great little video. We can have breakfast at Bridgestones,Potter and not to many in there,yet in high season you will wait,until a table is free.
  22. Just seen it on catch up.Enjoyable,didn't realise the boat at Horning changed hands two years ago.Or that due to licensing the hotel had a licence to sell alcohol on board throughout the day.Agree a better program then most.
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