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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Could a mod please make the"o" in CO a capital in the heading please.
  2. If you have one that looks like this made in China and I would think Amazon ans Ebay are not the only outlets, best change it.
  3. Judith and I were building our seawych mostly in swimming clothes. My goodness it was a good job we were young and could work fast as the resin was going off in seconds.
  4. Manuel " I know nothing "
  5. Ok you win what are they? Sounds like a Tomato or runner bean!
  6. Too far for PC Tedder to cycle from Horning. Anyway his veg patch would take priority at this time of year.
  7. Thanks, could have been very nasty.
  8. Does anyone know anymore about one of the BA's barges being set adrift on the Lower Bure. Even unloaded the displacement of such a craft could cause a very serious incident. Sounds like they need a night-watch when working in that vicinity!
  9. May I wish you a speedy recovery. I have to say that a lesson learned many years ago was:- Some jobs are a step too far and the best solution is to throw money at the problem, sit back, and let a professional have the agro.
  10. I like the first two. It will make the place look a bit more up market. Whatever people say Acle Bridge is still many visitors first view of The Broads coming off the A47. It will provide an excellent stop when too early for your boat or accommodation. The BA should be applauded for taking on what could have been a real eyesore.
  11. Is this because you are bolting them together and you want them all to remain stable? If you could describe the application that you intend doing with them.
  12. I think temp pontoons like at boat shows from end June To end August is the way forwards. Plenty of open water to go out into. Also if properly planned it could stop idiots ramming their way in.
  13. I didn't know till I got a call from Melbourne this morning. Fathers day in Oz is the first Sunday in Sept. Mothers day there is the second Sunday of May. Likewise thankyou for your kind sentiment.
  14. My commiserations Griff. And I thought I was having a bad day. A RCD kept tripping, the fix £399.00 for new dishwasher. Then I didn't drive far enough into garage and the up and over door has taken the paint off the spare wheel cover on my brand new car. At least it is plastic so it will not rust.
  15. I can assure you that the population of grouse moors go up and down like a yoyo. The Red Grouse is a wild bird. It is given a helping hand by heather burning to promote young shoot growth in the breeding season and keep parasites down like fluke but a cold wet spring can virtually wipe out a breeding season. One moor that I know well that is along and at the top of Arkengarthdale has lost three shooting seasons since 2004 and others have seen their number shooting days seriously curtailed. The above is the main reason why Grouse Shooting is the top end of game shooting. Pheasant and Partridge being much more affordable due to being reared and released. On the 1st May this year I was on Hathor from Wroxham to Ranworth. The river was very quiet and we saw virtually no Mallard, Moorhen or Coot. We did see however four apex predators in the form of Otters. The Marsh Harrier has also become very largely non migratory and the roost at Hickling now has huge numbers of birds, young waterfowl are very much on his menu. Ten years ago, if you sailed from Stalham to Ant Mouth, you would be chased by Mallard chicks looking for food all the way down river, when did you last see that? The Mallard is not exactly a retiring bird, it will nest if full view of humans so the argument of they are in the water where there are no boats does not hold water where Mallard are concerned.
  16. The is quite a bit about the two bridges in question in this months Broads Briefing from John Packman. I am on my phone perhaps someone else could post a link.
  17. At one time there was a plan to make the store much bigger with reduced car park but additional parking on the other side of the road connected by an underpass or bridge. To cope with the additional traffic a rounderbout was to be built on the A149. I think the financial meltdown and Tesco's woes of a few years ago put paid to such ideas.
  18. Certainly to take 2 months to inform someone that they are the subject of an enquiry or investigation would appear to be appalling personnel management. The more so if the alledged misdemeanour is of such a serious nature as to warrant dismissal/permanent stand down
  19. When an employer calls an employee to a disciplinary hearing it is a mandatory requirement to offer the employee some form of representation. I say some form because who that person can be can form part of a contract of employment, ie a Union official may not be allowed if the employer does not recognise a particular Trade Union. Now how the law covers what in effect is an unpaid voluntary situation, a status that once covered most of the RNLI ? ? Traditionally very few crew, with the exception of Engineers and famously the Spurn Head crew were full emplyees. That has now changed dramatically with the greater remit of "Life Saving". It sounds to me to be a can of worms awaiting a tin opener if not correctly managed.
  20. See what you mean. Just shows how closely I look!!
  21. The ones at the Club House are working OK for me. Acle and Martham are only ever over the race days.
  22. That narrows it down to about three marques then.
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