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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. It should be remembered that Marine VHF channels should be used for purpose and not for a "good ol jaw" or contemplating which pub to end up at. It is a shame that PMR is not allowed to be a bit more powerful, however for a c in c on a river it should be adequate. It depends on the terrain. At home channel 6 is used by Mundesley Golf Course. I can hear them well over a mile away as I can hear some of the Crabbers on channel 5 chatting to their shore base.
  2. I was talking to an old sailing friend yesterday evening and he had been out in the Solent on a 60s Folkboat that was home built on the Great Lakes USA. I remarked that it was interesting how boats from the Broads turn up in Spain etc. To this he replied "Well, you have sailed one in The South of France" "Have I"? Says I. "Yes, when Nick let you use his Essex Smack, that boat was built by Martham Boats" I can't find my photos of that holiday but this is one off the Net, can anyone tell me more about Matham and these? It was a lovely boat although it did look a tad "out of place" with its tan sails against the sparkling waters of the Cote d'Azur.
  3. Mazel tov, look a nice craft, I hope you have many happy days afloat in her.
  4. ChrisB


    I have not heard one this year either. Every year we would see cockoos at Fleet Dyke and between Ranworth Dam and Cockshoot but Broadland Cuckoos don't seem to be doing as well as a few years ago.
  5. I hope it is not like it is here for you, vis zero! Bon Voyage.
  6. Many, Many years ago my late wife and I hired Tamar Bridge. We had two dislikes. The hull is very high sided, probably fine now but I am going back to before the headings were raised at How Hill, Fleet Dyke and other places making getting ashore to moor difficult. On the sedan you are sitting in a gold fish bowl when stern moored, causing us to pull the curtains as folk stood and gazed at us eating, almost like a drive-in at Womack one evening.
  7. On my phone so had to reproduce by screen print.
  8. Notice to Members rec'd this afternoon. Could not get it all on one page so split into two.
  9. Looks like someone has spent a lot of money on her, very smart.
  10. That is Freeserve, I have to record off my dish.
  11. Found it 306 on Freesat.....Talking Pictures.
  12. At least it is only misty and it sounds like a good time was had by all. More than mist up here on the NE corner of Norfolk. This is the current view from The Rocket House Cafe on top of The Lifeboat Museum at Cromer. Looking towards the Pier. A full blown "Haar" It is just 5C now. Due to clear about 1100, but will only be about 10C on coast even in the sun that is forecast for later.
  13. I suppose you are basking in sunshine. Here on the coast a cold Haar is rolling in from The North Sea, cliff top has gone from view as I do my pans.h
  14. I fancy a go at that. Not seen one fitted with cross country rubber on before.
  15. ChrisB

    Bad Manners

    My method was to stay behind a while and then shout to the helm " Could you please make your intentions known"
  16. He must be one on the North Norfolk One Speeders as my late wife would call them. 39mph in a 60, a 50, a 40, a 30 and even in a 20mph school zone. There are loads of them up here, unbelievable.
  17. The NWesters have pushed an already high, higher this morning, we are a couple of hours earlier than Gorlesdon.
  18. I think I read some time ago that ships, someting like two thirds were fitting scrubbers so they could continue to use cheap high sulpur fuels. I suppose short ferry crossings make enough to use expensive low sulphur oil.
  19. But some cars are £2K dearer than petrol so you need to be doing mileage to get your money back. Personally I do about 8K per annum so I buy the car I like, petrol driven and don't even look what it does to the gallon. If you are doing a 300 mile round trip to your boat every weekend then oil will save you a lot of money. For the last fews years I drove 4x4 but my last two cars have been plain fwd. My house can be bad to get out in snow but I now use Michelin Snow Socks, fitted and unfitted in 3 or 4 minutes they are brilliant. I also put Michelin Cross Climate on when my original tyres need replacing.
  20. When I did in excess of 40K miles per annum I drove oil burners, then in the 90s big Peugeots. Now, being retired they make no economic sense. We went into a local dealership to buy a new car a few years ago. The deal having been done the salesman said we had made a wise choice. He said he dreaded the retired coming in and saying " I want to do 70mpg and pay no road tax" he would get the service manager to aid him to change their mind to petrol. Sometimes they were rigid and they knew at their 4000 miles a year at average speed of 18mph around Cromer and North Walsham the car would be in and out of the workshop like a fiddler's elbow.
  21. The narrow beam of the 23 makes Potter's arched bridge a doddle, our dear late friend Richard (Viking23) would run Potter when my 20 would not. The downside is your side decks are narrow but if you are agile not a problem.
  22. Living up here in North Norfolk the air quality is good as seen by the large amounts of lichen to be found. I can go months without having the inside of my windscreen cleaned. When I return to the Home Counties within a couple of days the inside of the windscreen is covered in an oily film from driving in heavy traffic. I also can feel the difference in my throat and airways. My cars are rarely older than three years and have all the filters etc. One of the worst places I found to stay on The Broads was Norwich yacht Station where you not only get boats running engines but you are lower than the road traffic. Once was enough for me, in the morning I felt like I had a heavy cold coming on.
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