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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. My plan and one of my two reasons for having platforms fitted is make way to stern. Grasp a platform, haul up a bit, bend knee and get foot on cavitation plate of outboard. Push up and sit on platform. If canopy up unbutton it from sitting position. Grasp rim of cockpit above engine well and get feet onto low transom where engine is mounted, stand up and transfer to standing on platform. Climb over back of boat and wreck my cockpit cream upholstery.
  2. The end of Neatishead Boardwalk.
  3. I hope that you soon recover. Since being single handed I have learned a few tricks. I carry one in the car because Broadsedge in the depths of winter can be very deserted. If I remove my jacket to use the heads or eat below I hang it on the cabin door so that I am not tempted to go on deck without it. If you have not been a regular wearer like me it does not automatically become second nature to put it on, so best not kept in a locker.
  4. I think that is because GL is a rather nice person and CE just can't live down his past some episodes of which I am sure he would rather forget.
  5. I think that many celebs actually give not only a lot of money but their time to many good causes but do not shout it from the roof tops. When George Michael passed away I made mention of the time and money on this forum while the gutter press was still muck raking through his troubled life before they found he gave away countless millions. It was just that I was privy to the fact that he was a huge giver. I think most high earners in the public eye do give back.
  6. I actually think that the BBC probably makes the best documentary in the World. I do watch alot of programmes on BBC4. Like Robin I use their News App daily but also Reuters and Bloomberg to try to get the balanced view. I do not think anyone could argue that BBC nature programmes are not outstanding. My comms bill mobile + BT runs at about £800 per annum so the licence is good value imho. As for the high earners, I don't listen or watch hardly any of them but as stated above a lot of folk do, poor souls.
  7. I have used this type of snubber of my springs and warps. Fishing boats would pass our mooring at speed and these did take the worst of the snatch out
  8. My Maternal Grandfather was also in the Horse Drawn Artillery in the First War though I do not know which regiment. I think it was probably as a farmers son he could handle heavy horses as that was the only traction they had at that time.
  9. On their 2 week seaside break http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-norfolk-40637541/household-cavalry-holkham-beach-trip-for-regiments
  10. Going off subject a bit, when we took delivery of our V20 in 2008 it was fitted with a standard Honda 20 and was frankly a nightmare to control. In those days the local Honda dealer was Fineway at Hoveton and I mentioned the problem to Steve and that I was thinking of fitting a rudder device but was a bit worried because of the large amount of lilly at Broadsedge. He confirmed that he saw a lot of damage where rudders came into contact with the prop due to weed or touching the bank when turning. However his solution was to fit the PowerThrust Honda prop which is huge compared to the standard. It transformed the boat both ahead and astern. When crossing Barton in the calm of very early morning with no other boats underway I can set the trottle to run at a logged 4.8mph and leave the helm to put the kettle on or have a quick heads visit. The engine now runs at much lower revs and will not achieve anywhere near it's potential of 6000 so the few hundred spent on buying a 20 over a 15 was wasted as the extra 5hp are in the last 500 of the rev range. An extra 80 kilo of ballast in the bow completed the job.
  11. Now just suppose I purchase one of these and fit an outboard. I then toll it, BSS certify it and insure it. I then motor it out on Barton or Hickling or another Broad and lay it to four large Danforths at each quarter and commute by dinghy. I wonder if this is covered by the byelaws.
  12. I have heard of Klargester sewage treatment systems, in fact my house has one. Is Klychester a typo? Or is it a Chinese copy?
  13. And waterline length for displacement hulls if you go faster than their theoretical speed they just start pushing a wall of water and using alot of fuel. The old rule of thumb (imperial) for hull speed was 1.34 x square root of waterline length in feet = hull speed in knots or times it by about 1.4 if you want mph. So if you have a waterline of 25ft sq = 5 x 1.4 gives an optimum hull speed of 7mph. But it must be a true displacement vessel.
  14. I was awake early this morning. I don't use power tools on a Sunday because I think it unfair on folk in the village who only have Sundays to enjoy with family and friends. So I was going to get stuck in to some serious lawn and hedge cutting and then go shopping as the fridge is running on reserve. However it was so calm and warm I made a small egg bagette, an apple and cold fizzy water and went down to Broadsedge. Looked at Paddys but kept going, How Hill, Ludham Bridge but ended up at South Walsham. Had my lunch and set off back. Just got home. Half a cold pizza and salad from last night but not bothered had a good day. Have to be honest though, I am struggling sleeping aboard alone but I will get there in time.
  15. They should be ashamed of themselves. Perhaps if you ask for a little scrambled egg, smoked salmon and caviar you would be in with a shout (pardon the pun)
  16. I think it is Dick Strawbridge's area twix nose and upper lip put me off. I would not take anything away from the man who has had a most distinguished career. But it reminds me of a Walrus.
  17. I am a great francophile where food is concerned, I love French Cuisine. However on one of our many holiday road trips we dined in Lyon as guests of a French Business Associate. The main course was Rhone Pike which duly arrived in a sacrificial pastry covering that was a work of art as it represented in pastry what was within. It was cracked open and served at the table. For once French food did nothing for me. I have eaten Carp at Jewish friends which was certainly better than the Pike but I really think Salmon, Trout, Grayling and Eel are the river fish to eat, whilst Bass, Turbot, Halibut and my favourite Dover Sole are a nice treat. But really any sea fish is good. Pike not for me.
  18. Actually not brilliant! But I missed it first time round.
  19. I know it is a repeat but for those who have not seen it. BBC4 7pm today.
  20. ChrisB


    You beat me to it Lab.
  21. Going off track a little an old friend from schooldays lives on the moors. A few years ago the RSPB bought a track of what had been Grouse Moor and halted the heather burning. Naturally the Grouse went as they don't eat old heather but a consequence has also been an invasion of bracken that is now infested with ticks from sheep and deer. I won't comment further as I might write something regretable in anger.
  22. Have you tried Sheridan Marine/Freeman Cruisers for advice. When they are up to speed they are really good. Back in 2006 we really fancied an early freeman. We were prepared to spend quite serious money getting it renovated from the bottom up but alas, well let us say service was erratic. We once drove from Bledlow Ridge to near Goring for an appointment and the place was closed having phoned the week before. So our "Freeman Dream" remained just that and we bought a new Viking to potter about on.
  23. The Broads did bid for World Heritage Status in 2011 but failed to pass the first step. The BA bid was rejected by John Penrose who was the minister for Tourism and Heritage matters and so never went forward.
  24. Yes but at least Port & Starboard's father won't be hogging the silverware this year. We could do with Tedder back he would sort those boose cruisers out.
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