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Everything posted by grendel

  1. for months now i have been posting a word of the day to the whattsapp group we have for the office at work, I purchased some magnetic letters from lidls, and write the word using those on the door of the refrigerator, which I then photograph to post on whats app.
  2. in that case i would stay at home and have a beer previously purchased from an essential shop at the supermarket.
  3. for a small animal they leave big holes in our hearts when they leave us, thinking of you Tim.
  4. I rarely answer an unknown number , i will check it on the internet first and call back if it seems legit.
  5. i went in the o2 shop and bought it, it doesnt have an external aerial per se, but i think uses the usb cable for that purpose, if i am in a laptop i plug in via usb as that keeps it charged and automatically connects via the usb this is the one i have https://www.o2.co.uk/shop/huawei/4g-pocket-hotspot-2020#contractType=paymonthly only on payg
  6. Ian, if its any consolation my mother in law had a major cancer operation back in 2011, and now 9 years later is still getting the all clear on the annual follow ups, she was lucky enough to be treated by the Marsden and during her operation they called in surgical experts from adjacent specialist hospitals to perform some of the trickier surgery as some of the growths were in very tricky to get to spots. all the best for your journey to recovery.
  7. as I see the latest utterances from the broads authority that seems to be a matter of personal choice, as they dont seem to be able to decide either way, I can see that it would be good for her mental health and wellbeing, particularly for those on the front line so to speak, but would not encourage everyone to do it as individual circumstances vary, certainly for me its not an option as I cannot justify the travel. I too share your views on face coverings as i really struggle with the standard masks, and have gone to great lengths to find an alternative that works for me, if I had to wear one all day at work, then I am afraid I would have to change jobs as that is physically impossible for me, the face covering I have is only good for short periods after which I need to recover my breath, so its off as soon as I leave a shop.
  8. maybe through all these years we should have been taking the same precautions for flu as we now do for covid- by that I mean the hand cleaning and facemasks, not the shutting down of the whole country. it has taken this pandemic to highlight some of the precautions we should always have been taking, but as a personal choice rather than by government dictat. It has highlighted several things, the lack of allowing others their personal space, the overcrowding of public transport amongst others, I for one am hoping the restrictions will be pared back and that new social etiquette will come into being where masks are socially acceptable, and leaving space for others becomes the norm. this pandemic has been a world changing event, lets see what we can do to make sure we come out of this with a changed perspective that might make our world a safer place for all. where employers ask that employees suffering from colds and flu dont have to travel to an office via public transport, but can work from home (where possible) rather than forcing them to come into work, then finding most of their work colleagues now have the flu. we can but hope, and do our best to see this vision come to pass.
  9. I have one of the huwawei mifi units, on a payg basis, as I only use it when away from home I but a 12Gb data sim, with a usage cap of 12 months, via O2, generally this lasts me at least 10 months, but when its time to renew, i have found its cheaper to call into one of their stores and purchase a new sim, than it is to top up the existing data card, a new card in store is £40, while the same as an online topup is £60.
  10. with the incubation period of around 7 dys the rise is to be expected as that is easily atributed to meetings that took place outside of the new regulations, the telling numbers will be from now forwards, as the effects of the restrictions take hold. Paladin, I dont think its fair to anyone to say they are following guidance like sheep, I feel most that follow the restrictions will have put thought into the matter and have made a conscious choice. the ones that are of concern are those who think they can just carry on doing what they want and ignore any guidance because it obviously does not apply to them, the ones making no effort to change, and who probably have not even read the guidance. the very fact that we are able to discuss the issues and debate the ramifications means we are not among that group, and that we are at least considering what we are / are not allowed to do, the fact that we all have come to different views, is normal and shows we have thought through the problem, we are all different so will all come up with different answers. Finally, wearing my moderator hat for a moment, just a call for us all to calm down and keep things civil and polite, this thread was moved into speakers corner so that the moderators could exercise tighter controls, but we dont want to stifle the discussion as the topic is important, just ensure that we keep the discussion polite and respect each other. Thanks
  11. I have carefully read the law and by my understanding of it have not changed my mind, i will still be staying at home as that is my understanding, no matter how cleverly you try and persuade me otherwise. i will follow my understanding and my conscience. what makes you believe that those who have made a decision different to yours are sheep and are only blindly follow the guidance, i am following the guidance, by my own evaluation and because in my judgement it is the right thing to do.
  12. you lot just reminded me i needed to top up my payg on my phone as i was down below £10, i seem to recall i last topped it up in july before my holiday, so i topped up by £10
  13. everyone (including british marine and the BA) have quoted that part as part of the guidance they have received from DEFRA
  14. maybe it would be that in the lake district the majority of motor boats are what we would refer to as day boats, not motor cruisers like we have on the broads. that said it still says no maintenance or winterisation in the defra guidance as not an essential reason for travel, and i would consider that more essential than a trip out on my boat. but thats just my interpretation, and i will be staying at home
  15. well according to the BA so that surely is still a no.
  16. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR3PsdAB0NS9w-Jz32Q5MZzLWOOCYNX79KgFMMkmcZBQqZwTmjN6IAdHr34 yep, its down to you and your conscience.
  17. this is the very reasoning i use to not go into the office, before lockdown, they were in a tier 2 area and i was in tier 1.
  18. yes hoist on my own petard for not spending the time to check, do we know what insurance companies are actually planning though, as while it may be quoted incorrectly from the mirror, it must be leading some insurance companies to at least think about the possibilities. do we know how other companies will react to the new legislation, I would imagine things are going to get quite complicated with what is allowed and what is not, if every company and person is working the their own interpretation of what is allowed and what isnt, herein lies the underlying confusion. Me, I think I will suck my head into my shell and stay at home except for shopping. (getting an online delivery here is still a nightmare)
  19. meanwhile, I spotted this article from the manchester evening news (https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/car-insurance-could-invalid-you-19243516?fbclid=IwAR3JeeNwtBCBtqXBdYYkGRbRrNG1SHu6tZukMVzm-ctC7v60K_RAXD_pTMY) that says your car insurance may be invalid if you are travelling for a non essential purpose and quote interestingly no mention is made of 'to exercise' as essential travel. so just be aware that insurance companies may use any travel not deemed essential (in their eyes) to avoid paying out should you have an accident. I suppose another reason to stay at home and not go anywhere then, and yet another person to explain why your journey was essential to (and we all know how good insurance companies are at wriggling out of paying). this would also be a good reason why you might want to go shopping by boat rather than taking the car! provided of course that your boat is ready to hand. Of course marine insurance might take a similar stance, so its probably also worth contacting your insurer and checking you are covered if you want to use your boat during lockdown.
  20. we all know you were personally attending at methusulas birth JM
  21. if you do, remember not to reuse the gloves in multiple shops, as that can lead to transfer from the handles of one shopping trolley in one shop to the next shop. I use hand gel before i leave the car, and then again between shops, as i have a face covering i wont be touching my face while i am in the shop.
  22. unfortunately the ruling by DEFRA specifically forbids maintenance and winterisation as essential reasons, furthermore it allows boating 'under the guidelines issued by the navigation authority responsible for the waters'. and Paladin, I am reading past the point where it says stay at home, its just that i dont see the reasons so far presented as valid reasons to visit a boat or travel. can i exercise by just walking out of my front door - yes, so why would i need to visit my boat unless it was within walking distance- i dont would i drive anywhere if it was necessary - yes, if i needed to call in at the office i would have to do a 125 mile drive, something i used to do daily, but i do have a letter from my office that justifies that should i be stopped, can i work from home - yes for the most part, there are a few reasons i might have to visit the office occasionally. if needed i will go to medical appointments, and to the chemists to pick up medicines. Are there any other times it would be absolutely essential to go out - no, so i wont. i wonder for how many people would going to their boat be the only possible form of exercise, very few i think.
  23. well all of the radio adverts I hear are saying you must stay at home, then list the few exceptions where you can go out, what i am hearing here is people listing the exact word of the law as a reason to carry on and do what they want, rather than abide by the general starting point of staying at home, while I may not have the legal background to interpret the new laws, it does seem to me that the main crux of the matter is stay at home unless its absolutely essential you must go out. taking exercise is one of those things listed, but it does seem to me to be stretching the boundaries to justify going out in your boat, if you lived at potter heigham and used the boat for a trip to lathams - or even heaven forbid, wroxham to go get some food or other essential shopping at Roys, i have no issue, even to go fishing i can see.but other than that what is essential about going out in a motor boat.
  24. when i have had a raw water pickup issue in the past, i just used the shower head to add water for the flush
  25. we went through this in the first lockdown, when a new law is introduced normally in the UK, it can take years of preparation to ensure that the wording is clear and not ambiguous. for a law introduced in a matter of days from inception to passing (albeit a temporary law as it is time limited) it would be virtually impossible to avoid it being ambiguous, contradictory and not as clear as it could be. these are just excuses why you should be allowed to carry on and do what you want to do, all I am saying is that people should avoid trying to find an excuse to do what they want, and just knuckle down and follow the intent of the laws. We are talking elsewhere of the soldiers that saw it as their duty to go to war, well it is our duty in this new war against the pandemic to follow the intent of the rules and stay at home as much as is practicably possible to slow the spread. to ease the burden on the NHS and to try and beat this thing, we wont beat it by ignoring the intent of the rules.
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