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Everything posted by grendel

  1. thats not how it works with the leccy posts though, you put £1 of leccy on the post, the post supplies £1 of leccy, it doesnt matter who uses it , the regulator just cares about the fact that for your £1 that amount of leccy is made available at the post.
  2. I would imagine that this is why the spare leccy is left on the post, for others to use, as this way someone is getting use of the full value of the card, you might pay for the card, but someone will use any leccy that you dont, its been paid for, if they cancelled any left after you unplug, that would fall foul of the regulations.
  3. the funniest advert i ever saw, was microsoft, a world without walls - so where do they put their windows then, surely without walls windows are redundant.
  4. most people add a small amount in every tank fill
  5. Are they waiting for the next Timbo accident.
  6. which one, bumping his head, or the rest of us cracking jokes about it?
  7. I think they have all gone under Ludham Bridge.
  8. Just remember that when you say full speed ahead at Ludham Bridge next time.
  9. I know when Robin had his fuel cleaned on independence, he had to get an outside company in to do the job, and it meant having a spare 1000 litre tank to pump the fuel to/ from to accomplish this. whether you can get a system that can be inserted into the fuel system, I dont know.
  10. I think most villages would be struggling to get more than 2 of those qualifications nowadays
  11. being somewhat tall, i found the table to be the perfect height, i did try the forward starboard berth and found it comfy, but tall as i am it was still a small jump down in the morning, the rear double i found perfect.
  12. I measured the top of the canopy at a generous 7'3" using a laser measure to a leaf floating on the water, so would be happy i had clearance at 7'6" and be watching very carefully at any height lower than that. Liz, Dave and I have been discussing whether the roof could be tapered in at the rear from behind the rear support arm, to make it narrower, (and easier to get to the rear of the boat down the side deck) this would inevitable also mean canopy modifications, but we are only at the bouncing ideas stage at the moment. the starboard tank leak is only a drip drip at the moment, but its enough to keep the planking under the tank wet all the time, we cant see where its coming from though.its not from the visible sides.
  13. yesterday I had to set up a new win 10 work laptop, stopping it using edge for everything was a pain, change the default apps- eg pdfs to acrobat, and you still have to go to the file types and change it there too. our company internal software is optimised for chrome, it just doesnt work with edge.
  14. I actually know a youtube blogger that worked for apple, she doesnt have a lot of good things to say about their os either.
  15. no computers on broads cruisers so that makes it more invalid
  16. hardly a fair comparison since a cessna can be flown by one person whereas a 747 has a crew of over 15 (with either 2 or 3 actual flight crew in the cockpit) that would be like saying you could pilot a cruise ship solo, while with careful planning a large cruiser can be handled solo, its far easier with the large crew it can carry to handle the ropes while the helm positions the boat.
  17. ouch, good excuse not to have a haircut for a while
  18. Its usually the boat that has a go at the top of my head
  19. talking pictures TV here even older.
  20. then one has to recognise that the person waving to you requires assistance, i was in a queue of 3 boats when an inflatable waved, the other two boats waved back and carried on, i went to investigate to find they had a dead engine and needed assistance, i took the non swimmers aboard and towed them back to the waveney river centre, even though i was on a hire boat and the two in front had been private. the people on board were most grateful
  21. Purdey after the gun brand, not the avengers.
  22. is that the bit of dyke that winds around the back on the right as you enter Oulton, the one that says shallow, and doesnt look wide enough for a cruiser.
  23. yes the world is full of these clever devices nowadays this is the power meter https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Digital-DC-Watt-Meter-12v-24v-48v-Voltage-Current-Battery-Monitor-Solar-Power/254103933935?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=553443570910&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 they also do one with a shunt to read up to 100A, i recently bought usb output boards that can take just about any source and outut 5v
  24. mobile network is generally pretty good nowadays on the broads
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