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Everything posted by grendel

  1. round the rung and back to the cleat on the boat, through a ring and back to the cleat or round a post and back to a cleat, generally work well for me. that way the end you need to handle is on the boat with you.
  2. i was reading the label that says 52 stuck
  3. 52 magnets in that little box, you can bet they were stuck and going to be a right bu**er to separate
  4. Vaughan, in my experience the modeller can always see every minor flaw, yet others coming at it with no knowledge of the flaws do not see them.
  5. I heard its a secret way of falling off the wall
  6. i dont rush, currently it has cooled to 32 degrees from about 36 degrees out in my workshop, which is a little warm to work.
  7. after the hurricane in 87, my mate who worked for his brothers roofing firm was driving to scotland to get pallet loads of roof tiles, they had pallet loads of special and different profile ones as stock in the yard, these they sold on to the people who turned up in hire vans with a brand new ladder on the roof, as they knew nobody locally who needed these particular patterns, mind you he did get told off by his brother when he signed off one of their subcontractors work as complete, then found that the contractor had only tiled the visible halves of all the roofs.
  8. they were always snake and pygmy in our works canteen, then there was lookers pie (we were on the edge of Romney Marsh)
  9. grendel

    Space Station

    17500 mph is closer, but it is quite a distance away.
  10. i have just seen our new covid 19 office layout, side on moorings throughout, and partitions. i have my argument ready, the government says those who can work from home should work from home, and those who cant should go in.
  11. they have pictures on their facebook page
  12. yes the rubber seals sticks to the glass until they manage to break free.
  13. now why did i not think of that i have a large case of brass BA sized bolts and nuts (see what i did there BA bolts for BA model) there we go i have swapped out for a 6BA brass bolt, there happy now, i only seem to have large brass nuts in 6BA, but i tapped the bracket holes to 6BA too.
  14. the important thing is managing to keep the red stuff off the item you are working on, if you think what you are making is bad, try holding and sanding a part that is 1/4 inch by 1/2 inch when the gap between the sanding disc and the support shelf is 1/8 inch, finger tips tend to disintegrate faster than brass in a sander. I have a drawer in my workshop literally just above the workbench full of finger sized plasters for such eventualities, and being on thinners myself I appreciate it doesnt help.
  15. in actual fact the weight limit used to be 25kg for men, but the HSE has changed that now, to what you can comfortably lift, and you have to risk assess every lifting task, so if you are happy lifting 22 kg, fine, but if you are exerting yourself then 16kg may be where your limit is. there are still a lot of places that quote the 25kg limits though.
  16. they are welcome to mine, if they can use them, currently being on warfarin and previously having had jaundice may exclude mine from use.
  17. looks a bit like felixstow docks
  18. So i went with the brass in the end, i dont have a milling machine, but i have a 3mm milling cutter, so the milling cutter went in the lathe chuck and i mounted the workpiece in the tool holder, adjusting the height to suit. then i used the normal lathe controls to advance the work into the cutter, cutting a deep slot through the workpiece, then where the pulley would be i made the slot extend right through, then it was time to file the pulley holder into shape, add the pulley with a 2.5mm bolt and the part was done, it just requires some mounting holes to fit to the bow of he boat.
  19. after my submarine dinghy adventure at candle dyke last year, i can attest to the fact of just how difficult it is to haul yourself out, i was quite happy in the water, i was wearing a lifejacket (manual) and felt no need to activate it. i got to the side after giving up trying to drag the dinghy that was anchored to the bottom by its seagull outboard with me, i got to the bank, but that 18" up to dry ground was insurmountable. even with assistance from the shore. i had a choice to swim back to marthams slipway, or to attempt to get out at one of the slipways at the chalets, the one i chose was at water level, and with a bit of a scramble i managed to get out no worse for the experience. without a good foothold to get out, you are not going to manage with just the strength of your arms, especially if you are like me on the chunkier side.
  20. so with the lettering on hold awaiting some purchases (strength 6 double sided tape, scissors and some slightly thicker foil) it was on to the next item, a pulley, the mud weight pulley forward, so pulley turned from some scrap brass, it was on to the bracket, this is currently being fashioned from 0.2mm stainless this is about as thick as i can bend into a 3mm wide channel neatly to hold the pulley, next job to shape it into a bracket to hold the pulley, how to hold such a small part to shape it is the issue. Pencil next to the pulley for scale, it will need a 2.5mm bolt as a pivot, if i cant manage in stainless i might have to do it from brass, as i can carve the whole thing out of a bigger lump of brass.
  21. everyone is given instruction before they cast off, irrespective of experience if it is the person i am thinking you refer to, also what to do under certain circumstances, in man overboard situations , fire and any other forseeable circumstance.
  22. on the lifejackets there should be a date on the self inflate mechanism, now I am not saying it wont work if its out of date, but it would be better if it has a current date on them.
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