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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Alan, I do the same, I make a cauliflower cheese, 1 cauliflower does me enough to do a side to 4 meals (or even a main plus 3 sides), the days portion getting thrown in the oven in a small oven proof dish for the time it takes to cook the sausages or chicken kiev or whatever else I am having to warm it up again.
  2. the topic mentioned above is here -
  3. well, the replacement gooseneck part for the boom has completed, i rotated the part so that the layering effect is at right angles to the stress and bumped up the infill from 50% to 90% (what my davinci 1.0 Ai0 printer calls solid) to avoid having it break, I will also fix the layering by giving it a brush over with some acetone to seal the layers (the printer prints in ABS plastic which is very strong, but the weaknesses are with the grain so to speak.- acetone slightly melts the surface and reinforces the layers)
  4. today, apart from working on the model, i worked on the boat, getting her ready for the wooden boat show, i had already fitted a seat / mast mount area at the front, so today was getting the mast set up, oh it has wheels for easy moving, i used the opportunity to practice with a new tool, a screw cutter for making wooden threads, this wood thread is used to attach the wheels into the mast hole. its been a day of i step forward 2 back as i managed to break part of the goosneck (the part on the boom.) a new print will be needed. this time as a solid part
  5. as long as he has a big enough tin of putty he will manage.
  6. Ray, while you were posting, i was busy creating such a video, seen here
  7. Well two steps forward, one step back, all the wiring is in some still needs tidying up, but when i was testing, i had no power to the motors, everything else worked fine, after some diagnostics i determined the speed controller was at fault, it was converting power for the receiver, but not supplying the motor. fortunately i had a spare to hand, so that was swapped in, and now everything is running, including the sound module.
  8. I reckon this might help.
  9. if you have a registration number you might find it here http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boats_matching_search&RegNo=&bname=&aand=EQ&tand=EQ&quicksearch=lillian nothing matching under lillian
  10. my school was old fashioned like that
  11. our office managed to slowly climb to 29 on thursday as the air con units lost their fight against the flat steel roof soaking up the sun, downstairs their two identical air con units were keeping them at a cool 21 degrees.
  12. usually bridges have a staggered gap with the two sections of rail overlapping half their width across the gap so the wheel has something to ride on at all times 5% would leave a 5mm gap, which if the rail expanded a bit more wouldnt allow the two sections to mesh again when closed.
  13. so while i may not have been posting regularly here, work has been ongoing, the stainless steel deck fittings have been completed, the mount for the battery has been positioned and fixed, and the electronic gear is being positioned ready for installation, just got to print the radio mount
  14. its strange, this is the third time I have hired Jayne, and this time no phone call telling me she's not ready, so it looks like I might get her this time, I have had a Janet 3 and a Judith 5 so far. so far I have liked all of them.
  15. I have Jayne, Jocelyn is booked out until the 9th so it would be a bit of a rush to get there even for the saturday
  16. looking forward to this, where is a good place to mudweight at Oulton Broad?
  17. I know 9 foot 6 on Judith was a tight squeeze, so a 12 footer would be a lot tighter, especially past any moored boats, at 9 foot 6 there wasnt room for two boats to pass except at certain places.
  18. I am sure it took quite an effort to tap directly into the beer cellar and run a new pipe direct to nyx
  19. I think Marthams must be the only hire yard that dont require a pilot for any bridge, ok they will only allow their own staff to take their boats through Potter Heigham (not even the pilots can take their boats through), but any other bridge you get told as long as the marker says 6 foot 2 or better, you can take them through, this means that wroxham bridge is a fun test for the hirer (though to be honest the boats are so low there is a ton of clearance, even when the boards say 6 foot 6" so yes i have taken a boat through wroxham bridge - several times. Also at 6 foot 2" their boats can generally pass through any bridge at any state of the tide, I even have a contingency plan for my next break on the broads (only a week and a bit away now) to cross breydon on a high tide slack water to gain half a day extra on the south side, though I might end up punching the tide up Breydon as low water will be about 9pm in the evening which is a bit late. Yes I do know all the do's and donts for Breydon, but even at high water I have the clearance under the bridges (unless the tide is particularly high in which case I just hang around until I can get 6 foot 2") the advice for Breydon is just that - advice, its not a hard and fast rule set in stone, and as long as you are aware of what the tides are doing (and have the bridge clearance), then passage at other times is possible.
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