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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I am picking up Janet 3 from Martham on Saturday, aiming to get there early and may be lucky as she comes off hire the previous day (due to the change in start days from the boat i had previously booked)
  2. we have had a couple of cancellations, so I am sure there will be space Bob.
  3. well in that case I will endeavour not to get Janet 3 wedged under Potter Bridge to stop you getting through
  4. well if you want the forum rapid response team I believe the going rate is 3 bacon butties and unlimited tea/coffee.
  5. grendel

    Bye Bye

    This is something that we might be considering adding to the TOS.
  6. Well last you heard I was aiming to steam the part for longer, this was a little better but still straightened too much, so a new former has been made and this afternoon one of the first two parts has been re-steamed and bent to the new tighter curved jig. I'm not sure if I will be able to get many done as I prepare for the meet.
  7. a slower version of the day 1 timelapse and the slower version of day 2
  8. grendel

    Bye Bye

    What about the poor moderators, I'm still trying to catch up after the weekend
  9. Day 1 I spent a lot of the day making window hoppers, and a ton of other bespoke horribly shaped bits out of some of the hardest wood I have seen, with gnarly grain going in all directions video of a few hours timelapse compressed into a short time. Day two, once again only a few hours worth of timelapse (a shot every 30 seconds) Today, just to get away from more window hoppers I had to level off the front edge of the front windows (before having to make - yes you guessed it more window hoppers and window parts
  10. The only problem with bacon butty pictures is the butties are gone as soon as the bacon gets into them. Yum.
  11. well work is finished for the day showers had and getting ready to meet up in the pub. there will be a timelapse video of part of the process (the camera battery lasted for about 4 hours), once I have got home.
  12. I have a small fold out solar panel that has 2 usb ports for topping up my phone while I am out and about, plus a whole raft of smaller solar powerbanks that i just leave sitting in the sun to recharge.
  13. good nights sleep in hotel BA, Just catching up on the forum via phone tether. raring to go, just got to wait for the others to wake up now.
  14. Have we ever extended an invitation to them?
  15. better than mine- mine are 9.00 training until 3pm, then work until 5pm then head straight for Norfolk to work on Tims Boat - at least on the bright side Norfolk is in there somewhere for the weekend
  16. well the walk to the mill from somerleyton and around the hills area is clearly defined with a description and map here:- https://www.walkingbritain.co.uk/walk-2237-print so the question is whether the section from the mill to the moorings is a public footpath or not. that there is a path doesnt seem to be disputed, and I am sure a blind eye is occasionally turned to occasional use.
  17. On the contrary, you have put forth reasoned arguments for your points, so the effort is not wasted. alas not every BA supporter is so forthcoming. we are talking in generalisations so as not to single out any one individual. there are also BA detractors (posh word we use it all the time when we do surveys of our clientele) who dont always back up their points with constructive comment, reasoned debate while remaining courteous is the basis of forums (an area where facebook to my mind fails dismally) after all it would be a dull world where everyone agreed with each other all the time.
  18. I think it's just that having put some thought and reasoning into the criticism, the response seems to just be that we are bashing the BA, and not a constructive response. This makes us feel that out concerns are just being dismissed lightly. At least if the response comes back with a reasoned argument, we can at least respect the thought that has gone into the response. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  19. well the ordnance survey show sandy lane going to the end of the dyke, but whether it is a right of way - who knows
  20. I'm not anti BA, I am anti stupidity and will voice my concerns if I think an idea is unwise, if you see the beginning of this thread where I was proposing some out of the box (maybe) options, and even suggesting the forum get together to place an entry, is that the action of an anti BA supporter? OK on further looking into things I spotted some inconsistencies between what the BA think they own and what the land registry think the boundaries are, but then I dont know who controls the land (waterways) that those sections of unregistered land represent, if they were adopted highways they would fall under the local council for maintenance. Its just as part of my job I have to check things like this, as if we lay cables in such land we require a huge indemnity insurance in case someone comes along and says 'get orf my land' so I know these things can be deal breakers. The same as when I am at work and spot a problem, I raise a query, once addressed a solution can be found, but sweep it under the carpet and it will come back and bite you in the bum.
  21. Half on and half off, I was entirely serious when I said that we would not allow personal abuse - it is against the tos, but otherwise my opinions are mine. While I wouldnt say it is derision, certainly anyone who criticises the BA is seen to be anti BA, in some circles, even if that criticism is constructive in its nature. but does it extend to derision? certainly we dont always see a constructive response. does this count as derision - Well I dont know, it could be taken several ways. not enough information in this post to define derision - incredulity maybe?
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