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Everything posted by grendel

  1. longer screws have arrived, now looking at the motor mount plate it is a fraction off alignment, another will be made taking much more care to align everything.
  2. but have you frapped those haliards
  3. and the top quadrant looks like you sat on it - must be why they are also called bucklers.
  4. a b it like the car I met coming the other way down a narrow country lane driving down the middle of the road, then hit the brakes and stopped, there was room for two cars to pass, but half of my lane was down each side of their car, they soon moved over once they spotted I wasnt slowing down though (one does when faced with a volvo.)
  5. Ah, I occasionally get that on some websites (not NBN fortunately) have you tried refreshing the screen. if you press f12 (a section will appear to the right half of your screen) then right click the refresh button top left of the page, you can choose a hard refresh or empty cache and hard refresh - try either of those two.
  6. grendel


    Here is my idea in a simplified form, you have the mudweight rope over a pulley on a bracket, once the mudweight gets to the top, further pulling results in the bracket swinging back over the boat, neatly depositing said mudweight onto the deck. I have not figured the mechanism to re-deploy it yet. (please note I didnt have any string to make the rope so had to use what I had, but it demonstrates the principle). Using the pulley principle to halve the force required can still be done here. the bracket does have to have room for the mudweight to swing through the centre.
  7. could you give us a screen shot to see what it looks like (either use the snipping tool or prtscrn button) there are two view options at the top right, expanded or condensed for the listing.
  8. surely a good water pistol would have a nice effect on PA speakers (preferably attached to the end of a fire hose)
  9. Tim, if you have such a thing with old ladies in silver cars the solution is simple................ get some red or blue tinted specs, I guarantee that wearing them, you will never be bothered by a silver car again - red cars or blue cars on the other hand - maybe.
  10. here are the bench hooks I made last night, tonight was sorting tools (note no progress on the models as I need some longer than normal m3 screws, these are now in transit, and should arrive tomorrow or wednesday.
  11. when I was younger yorkshire pudding was made in an old saucepan, then a tin of baked beans was heated up and filled in the middle.
  12. grendel


    I am sure there must be a way of having a bracket that pivots at the bow of the boat, then when the mud weight gets to the bracket, pivots up, swinging the mudweight between its two legs to deposit it on the front of the boat.
  13. Mine is only tidy because it hasnt had time to get full of junk and untidy yet.
  14. some of the strange things I have seen - the neighbour hoovering his back garden (all concrete). A different neighbour watering his lawn - during a torrential downpour. Scantily clad young ladies out in the cold - you should see the queues outside the night clubs mid winter - we are after all a university city.
  15. I have spent all day working in the workshop, racking has gone up for storage bins, and I have picked up some sash clamps at the bootfair, one of these had rusted so the threaded section would not turn, so this was sorted, heated it up and eventually got it turning. I managed to clear one table off, so thats now gone, and the table saw sits in its space, this leaves the whole central area clear. I fixed the vice to the bench to assist the freeing of the clamp, however I didnt like where I put it so its been unbolted and moved, I will leave it unbolted for a bit to see if this is where it works. the last job out there today was making a couple of bench hooks to save the bench when I am sawing, one standard left and right hand, and the other right hand and mitres, 2 boot fair saws were sharpened, one I am not sure about because the tooth geometry looks more like a japanese saw, with only 30 degrees between the front and back of the tooth.
  16. Oak top on, this went on as odd boards of tongue and groove, then I had a rethink and decided not to use laminate for the sacrificial layer this time, and went with my original plan of 1/2" ply. a nice trim at the back edge to stop bits going down the edge of the ply top, and its nearly done, just got to sort the shelves and under top storage.
  17. Well shopping all done and 1 clamp bought (when I saw the price I decided I could manage with 1) and gluing, screwing and clamping took place, the frame is now up.
  18. So this morning an early start in the workshop, everything has been tidied out of the way, and the dry fit has been knocked down (noting the order it all came to bits) the bad fitting joints have been cleaned up, itsall ready to be fitted back together with glue and screws, first though I have some chores to do, and I need to pick up at least one pair of longer clamps to clamp the frames together before screwing it together. so when I go shopping I will need to pop into a diy shop for those.
  19. well it is a lot quieter, a few more mods need to be done, as the motor is drawing over 2A (it should be less than 1A ideally, this shows that something is still binding, but it is running smoothly compared to before, more investigations - more work, and a bench to build tomorrow.
  20. I once held the door open for my Managing Director - he said thanks, and I shot back with - thats OK i would hold the door open for Anybody.
  21. I have always liked the art of insult as practiced by the vikings, to whom it was an art form to insult somebody, the more inventive the better. A friend of mine would greet you with the comment ( and I will have to star some words here) May your ear holes turn to a**eholes and s**t all down the side of your head. this greeting would be flung at a shout from halfway down the high street as soon as he saw you, causing many a head to turn. i am sure we could come up with some new descriptive terms for some of these scamps such as we are describing, without resorting to swearwords or overtly derogatory terms, especially for those of a certain temperament that dangle their worms in the waters of life.
  22. I had the one that had HO scale cars (a vw and a porsche) that also connected up to the model railway - and the carriage to take the cars. not got it any more though (well I dont think I have - it mat be in the loft.)
  23. we had a double glazed window broken at home - just the outer pane, later we found a golf ball in the back garden, we have a small bit of green behind the house, so goodness only knows.
  24. It does happen occasionally, but only usually when you use cat litter to soak up the oil and water like Timbo.
  25. more bearings arrived in the post, including 2 complete bearing blocks, so a quick spacer printed, and ready for a trial, and a successful one too I think.
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