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Everything posted by grendel

  1. you may have noticed a lack of update last night, that is down to my trusty volvo failing me, an engine misfire on the way home, so last night and this morning has been spent cleaning spark plugs and trying to diagnose the fault, I need new plugs as they are a bit dodgy, but I think I have a coil pack failed, as disconnecting the coils one bby one makes the engine run rough, all but one cylinder, which doesnt change. just waiting now for the parts shop to open to go get new plugs and a coil.
  2. That will be the clutch control while wearing high heels
  3. today I have taken the measurements along the hull, worked out how many planks will be needed, and then divided each measurement by the number of planks, so that I now have a table of measurements for each plank to be rimmed to along its length. now I have this, I have shaped and steamed the first plank for model #2. some trimming and sanding of the top rubbing strake is ongoing.
  4. windows defender to stop them getting in, malwarebytes to remove them, and nothing on the linux machine. in the past year I have had to use malwarebytes once, and that was to clean a machine I inherited from my wife, that had malware before I got to it.
  5. so with the second side deck fitted, it was time to fit the top rubbing strakes, first side done and glued, second side is glued and clamped, once this dries the front section can go on.
  6. its either that or a paddling pool under the keel.
  7. well best you stop messing with the old buggers stuff, get yourself down to Norfolk and get her finished then
  8. Ok, tonight the second top rubbing strip has been taken from the gluing stage and been planed up and shaped, the other side deck has been glued and clamped up.
  9. dont forget I will need pictures to incorporate these improvements into your model, so far my plan is to make my model as she was and yours as she is now. This will give them both their own individuality.
  10. one day I will learn all the proper names for all these bits - and get them right - I dont know here I am building a model with all these parts, yet dont know what they are properly called. strangely my dentist visit was to have a crown fitted, one broke off and he could not refit it, and had to redrill the tooth and fit a post. but coincidentally over the weekend I did have a tooth ache in a different tooth, but that has been sorted now with some antibiotics.
  11. well side deck is glued and clamped, the toe rails have been offered up and the staggered joint marked out and cut out.
  12. so today has been a bit strange, I had booked the afternoon off for a dentist appointment, this morning as I left for work I found I had a slow puncture, pumped up and got to work - hmm still going down slowly. so later in the morning, I get a call from the dentist cancelling, ah well the afternoon is booked off anyway , so I head home and drop into the local tyre centre. firstly the nail is through the edge of the tread - new tyre needed. next I asked them to check the rest of the tyres as mot time is coming up at the end of the month, both front tyres only 3mm at the edge and middle 1mm on one and 2mm on the other on the inner edge, ok 3 tyres needed. ho hum. Anyway, on the model front, the first side toe rail is glued, so that comes out of the former gets planed and shaped, and the other side toe rail is in and gluing up, and its still barely my normal time for arriving home.
  13. tonight the first of the toe rails was glued up and pinned in place to dry, the other one will be done tomorrow, as for model #2, that will need measuring to work out the number of planks and shaping that they will need to be shaped to, for each side, I will try and sort the numbers out over the weekend, then planking will start.
  14. I suppose its like telegrams, you pay more for the extra words 'National Park' Being cheaper than 'A member of the National Parks Family'
  15. tonight the toe rails along the sides were steamed up, both sides at once - 8 pieces 4 per side, all in one go. these will be glued together tomorrow night, then shaped prior to fitting the side decks then toe rails.
  16. a friend of mine did that, bird flew right into the front of the car cracking the radiator grill. Said friend picked up the bird and threw it on a newspaper on the back seat to sort out when he got home - great consternation when it woke up and started flapping round the car.
  17. tonights work, cutting out the side decks for model #1, next job to shape the toe rails to the decks, then fitting.
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/8648011.stm
  19. I dont know, but there was one boat that was rescued after circling sheppey several times
  20. I wouldnt want to try it even in the Day.
  21. is he the one with the white cat? - head of Smersh.
  22. well the fore deck is being glued into position on model #1 , on model #2 a lot of fine fettling has been done to ribs
  23. you may have noticed the lack of update last night - well yes I had a night off (shock horror I hear you cry). apart from spending most of yesterday afternoon and evening chatting to an elderly aircraft engineer whom I met through a meccano forum, when I got home I decided on an earlyish night. fast forward to today, and everything was moved and a grade 1 cleanup was performed at my workbench, this will set me up ready to start the planking. but still before that we have to check the shape and fair down any high ribs, and pack up any low ones. model #2 will sit toward the rear of the workbench while she is being planked, this should allow the front of the workbench to be kept cleat for model #1 parts to be worked on, there are times when a 12 foot run of workbench would be useful.
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