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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. Frequently mudweight on Barton. It's deep enough over most of the Broad - just please avoid doing so in the channel as some do - there is still passing traffic even after dusk
  2. The big ship: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Oronsay_(1950)
  3. As a matter of fact some helicopters do - most notably the KA-52 Alligator ( often seen in Ukranian fields these days ) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjKrcHC08n9AhWFRkEAHW_CBaAQtwJ6BAgCEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL8CjRw3kOXk&usg=AOvVaw0OfdcQ3xLygEu9KgEkQ04H
  4. Let's combine the worst of both worlds - this @ 12000 rpm
  5. Getting to the point of having to seriously think about cutting the fleet back - dinghy under threat I think
  6. 365N - when I joined CHC post RAF we were flying them from Humberside & Blackpool. Also had 76A+ & C's in Humberside and North Denes
  7. Bit dusty, but one from my collection
  8. Any photos of the helis / heliports ?
  9. Just remember Griff, we are ex-military, not civilians
  10. No longer in use as a regular church sadly
  11. https://www.aviationmuseum.net/
  12. Sllightly miffed - I built a custom locker for the 4.5. Hopefully Flogas will squeeze in
  13. I've been mulling over the Hoveton pavement improvements whilst stuck in the lights. All of the pavements in Hoveton have a small grass verge between road and path. This area should too, as the bits that have a phone pole and road sign on still do. The rest have been destroyed by people using it as a road. Now MY council tax is being used to provide a free upgrade to the frontage of these properties, for self inflicted damage.... Could have re-turfed it and shoved a few bollards in far quicker and cheaper....
  14. Be nice if the the casual paddle boarders pitching up actually knew what a toll was - at least half those I got chatting to locally last year hadn't No, it's not all ( or canoe users for that matter ) but I reackon as a percentage it's higher than boat users.
  15. HOW did they manage to get approval to have lights both ends of Hoveton / Wroxham and close the turn off to cut past the Hall for the Colt road at the same time .......... Coming from Stalham you have to get held by at least one set of lights or take a huge diversion. Took daughter 25 mins added top her commute yesterday to get to work
  16. Just had this pop up on FB - Has Griff taken things too far ?
  17. They do normally - I'll check on the way home tonight if I remember
  18. Paddy's is Barton........ yes, the parish staithe has closed to the public
  19. That early in the year can probably get in at Barton and walk if necessary
  20. Hmmm - in the RAF we had doughnut eating contests. Highly fought over between different stations. Maybe a Christmas variation should be arranged..........
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