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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. How far is walking distance ? You can do it across the fields from Barton Turf in about 45 mins.
  2. "Sir ( Seagull ) you are not being arrested but are being removed because you have entered a prohibited place subject to the Official Screts Act 1911" ( or words to that effect )
  3. One day I will put up a paddle faster sign...........
  4. It's Norfolk in general - not just waterside, and it's darn dangerous. Maybe OK if you have a 4x4 sitting several feet up, but even on some of the roads in Norwich I've come close to accidents recently because I can't see over the grass easily. BTW I drive a 'normal' saloon car
  5. I run a Cadet group. We have strict risk assesment proceedures in place, and if it hits 25 degrees we have to start actions to mitigate the risk - shade, stop activity etc. This on top of the slip, slap, slop, hydration etc. Had them on an activity camp this weekend, and no issues
  6. Need it for work - occasionally get called abroad at short notice
  7. ...and in my hand ! Interesting they are still using old stocks - 'Her Britannic Majesty'
  8. I thought they were backlogged / on strike ? Ordered a replacement afternoon of the 27th May - out for delivery today !
  9. Went from a 4hp two stroke single to an 8hp four stoke twin on the yacht. Could actually hold a conversation once I did Smoother, quieter, no pre-mixing. Only downside is size / weight if you need to move it, and it hates E10 fuel - use E5 and a stabiliser
  10. Slept on the boat Saturday - wished I'd set the heater up come the morning......
  11. The website 'Britain from Above' is great for cross referencing a lot of these old photos: https://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/image/EAW052975
  12. ...and just to lighten the mood, tried it once. OK but not for me - the wetsuit is challange enough
  13. Thankfully it went off safely. However, I personally could have had issues were I to have been trying to navigate my yacht in the area at the time. Transom hung rudder and offset outboard means unless I'm moving I have no steerage - I can't just stop. Had I been trying to navigate the bridge, mast down, at the same time as this event, things could have got 'interesting'
  14. Darn - away with other commitments. PLEASE capture the bridge shenanagans film someone
  15. The bridge in Neatishead is closed from Monday 15th for 12 days
  16. Watched a guy a few weeks ago buying new fenders and elasticated socks in a well known local chandlers. Shop inflated fenders, he slipped socks on. Simples
  17. Make sure you stand on the right and her on the left
  18. Frequently mudweight on Barton. It's deep enough over most of the Broad - just please avoid doing so in the channel as some do - there is still passing traffic even after dusk
  19. The big ship: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Oronsay_(1950)
  20. As a matter of fact some helicopters do - most notably the KA-52 Alligator ( often seen in Ukranian fields these days ) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjKrcHC08n9AhWFRkEAHW_CBaAQtwJ6BAgCEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL8CjRw3kOXk&usg=AOvVaw0OfdcQ3xLygEu9KgEkQ04H
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