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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. On quite a few occasions, I have read that someone has phoned a hire boatyard to report dangerous behaviour of clients. Possibly behaviour that could lead to the hire boat being damaged and personal injury. In all cases it would appear the hire boat companies have been grateful for the tip-off. They are, after all, able to contact the client by mobile phone and put a warning shot across the bows (sorry!) and surely this is better than sitting back and doing nothing until the worst happens. I'm not advocating this as something that should happen at the slightest misdemeanour, only in the most dangerous cases.
  2. vanessan

    Thurne Lion

    The Tripadvisor reviews make interesting reading. The Lion seems to be a place you either love or hate. I've only been in there a couple of times and a few years ago now. I have to be honest and say that it's the bad reviews that keep me away, shows how 'word of mouth' can be so vital to these trades.
  3. I'm still bemused by the original post, what was it all about Alfie?
  4. The post from ScrumpyCheddar is a warning to all. Now it's not clear if the incident took place at lunchtime or early evening but, whatever, it deserved to be reported to the BA and the hire yard IMO. I have a feeling it may be a bye-law offence to interfere with another boat, no doubt someone can confirm that. IF ScrumpyCheddar's boat had come adrift because it hadn't been secured correctly, who would get the blame? I think I know the answer to that. Of course, dealing with a large number of boozed-up lads is never going to be easy and I can understand anyone preferring to steer clear of confrontation.
  5. I'm assuming this event took place on Saturday? The first Saturday in August, and Broads Control can't be contacted - that is nothing short of disgraceful. Something which needs taking up with the Authority I think.
  6. I can't believe the state of that boat at Royall's. When we hired we used to spend our last night well away from the boatyard, get up early and cruise back in good time. I would spend the couple of hours thoroughly cleaning inside and tidying up, I don't think I saw much of the scenery on that last run back! One boatyard actually commented that I hadn't left their cleaners anything to do. It makes you wonder what these folks homes are like!
  7. Should just be able to fit a visit in before moving on to St Benet's to see the Bishop. Could be a busy day! Thank you for the information Alan.
  8. Pity the edp doesn't use a proof reader or maybe the bin is actually being 'trailed' around!
  9. Whilst I have no idea of the cost, I would have thought Hipperson's might take care of anti-fouling and the like. Nice people and very helpful.
  10. He is a decent guy, we have spoken to him on a number of occasions and I think he gets his 'new' boat at the end of this month. The dog is quite friendly and a sweetie, likes treats if you have any. He is, as Regulo says, quite timid though.
  11. I suspect the scruffy boat at Burgh Castle is the same one that has been there for a few weeks. We were there a couple of weeks ago when the BA wanted to cut the grass and asked everyone to move along the moorings. They had trouble getting the attention of the owner of the boat who was asleep on board (this was early afternoon!) and they clearly know him well and are on first name terms. He maintains that his engine is currently not working so he can't move although the rangers were telling him he had to move on. (Where have I heard that before??) I may well be at Burgh Castle this week sometime, be interesting to see if he is still there.
  12. There is an old red telephone box in South Walsham that is now an 'information kiosk' presumably that had planning permission? This is not putting the BA in a very good light - for both reasons.
  13. When on one of the houseboats (not static) on the River Murray in Australia, I found a loaded shotgun under the bed. I don't think we ever did find out if it belonged to a previous hirer or the boat owner but I would imagine a few kangaroos dived for cover at some point!
  14. It's a funny old world isn't it? Just because someone has a different viewpoint, they're moaning! Forum = Discussion site. This forum's members are Broads people of varying ages, experience and requirements. When we are not on our boats, and even when we are, we enjoy debating with each other, giving opinions if asked and trying to help others where we can. It's because we are all so different and often have opposing views that we find each other interesting, sad that isn't always recognised.
  15. We use a combination of this table and the Broads Authority tide table booklet (shocking pink in colour this year!). The latter gives the moon phases and rise and fall in metres so you get a better idea of bridge clearances at springs and neaps. Useful at moorings too. All sorts of other good information as well, a very useful booklet.
  16. I think gramps is right is much of what he says and what a sad reflection on our society today. 30 years ago we didn't have the so-called 'stag parties' on the Broads, or not so you noticed anyway. I don't believe we had the same drinking culture that there is today, sometimes it seems to me that the younger generation can't survive unless they have a can or bottle to swig out of. And it's mainly alcohol IMO that causes much of the bad behaviour that goes on. I would not moor at Norwich YS on a Friday or Saturday night, I steer clear of overnight pub moorings and seek peace and tranquility instead. I get a little concerned if a boat load of rowdy young lads is moored close by (although I will happily go and have a chat and a laugh with them). These are all things that I believe wouldn't have been the case 20/30 years ago but everything changes. With the costs associated with foreign holidays and trips due to increase, I think we can expect more stag parties to descend on us. Probably more families will be attracted by boating 'staycations' too, that can only be good for the hire industry but stags and families probably won't mix too well. This is not a rant against youngsters and/or alcohol - I was young once (ages ago!) and I still enjoy a drink (or two!). It's just my take on how things have changed.
  17. I wonder what the ratio was between hire and private boats 20/30 years ago. Many of the hire boats around then would now be in private hands and the ratio will be vastly different. I can't remember when hiring 30 years ago ever having trouble finding moorings, but then we seldom do now as private boaters as we avoid busy times like the plague!
  18. The Q - This was not any recent week, in fact it was probably about 6-8 weeks ago. 'The lads' have their weeks throughout the season these days. My point was that the BA could probably nip some of these situations in the bud if they were to patrol places like Barton Broad on a Friday and Saturday afternoon and have friendly, quiet but firm words with these people before any harm is done. Mudweighting on BB and watching the new crews come out is quite enlightening and they are certainly not all young lads, some older folk grow horns when on the loose too!
  19. One Saturday afternoon we were moored on Barton Broad. (It is always interesting to see the hired boats coming from Richardson's and you can usually tell the newbies and the 'old hands'.) On this particular afternoon I saw two oldish centre cockpit cruisers come across together with 7/8 lads on each and I can honestly say that I have never seen the bows of boats so low in the water. The water was almost over the bows they were going so fast and they were quite close together. You can imagine what the wash was like I'm sure! I hope they would have slowed once getting on to the main river but somehow I have my doubts. Heaven help anyone moored at Irstead or How Hill. I have been moored on BB like this many times but I have never seen a BA launch on patrol. What an ideal time to have a quiet word with these crews before they get too far into their hols and spoil other peoples' trips. I don't think much has changed in the last two years but it has over the last decade I think. Whilst some helmsmen are very considerate (both private and hirer), some have no thought whatsoever for other river users and some haven't got a clue what their wash is doing. Boats are getting larger and I suppose engines are more powerful than in the past. Sometimes it does seem that most people want to rush along and get to the next stop rather than enjoying their cruise. It is a shame that mickey123 suffered rudeness, particularly from private boat owners who should know better! It would be interesting to know how the rudeness manifested itself, even if only as a learning exercise.
  20. Sometime in May, I saw two lads out in that small blue boat fishing (yes it was May), they were moored bankside downstream of the Chedgrave moorings. By evening it was back moored in the reeds. Maybe it is owned by a family.
  21. I wonder how difficult it is for a PC to get boats moved on. Probably the same problems as the BA has at Thorpe! I hadn't realised the end boat had been there that long but it's certainly a while now. We have moored at Pye's Mill 4/5 times recently and have noticed the engine of the boat in the middle running for a while every time. Never seen any sign of life on the boat at the end though. I do hope it doesn't become another 'Thorpe' situation as those moorings are very popular.
  22. The boat at the very end of the Pye's Mill moorings has been there for over a year. The small one near it arrived earlier this year I believe as did the rather large old centre cockpit one which is moored in the middle of that stretch. I too am surprised the PC are allowing permanent moorings along this stretch, it does nothing to enhance the area rather the opposite.
  23. I guess no dogs on board then? That really makes a difference to the whiff from bin bags after a week!
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