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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. If a better material is made to look as good as the product its in place of then it shouldnt be anyones business other than the person who is paying for it. Although I do think it might have been wise to inform planning of the change of material beforehand but ultimately the end result should mean its allowed. Its private property, if he wanted to clad it with wood effect immitation made from gold bullion aslong as it looks the same with the naked eye who actually cares!!
  2. dnks34

    Stern Only

    The Barge doesnt appear very well suited to stern on mooring to me anyway.
  3. Many of the things on Eastcoasts list led us to the same conclusion, we are no longer boat owners and will spend our leisure time (and money) elsewhere.....probably with our Allies across the Atlantic. We are Broadland residents so we still benefit from the ambience and hostelries etc but thankfully have no need to deal any further with the BA. (Who are amongst the dwindling facilities more or less solely responsible for the decision to sell up!) But it isnt going to stop me keeping my beady eye on their antics and voicing my opinion!
  4. dnks34

    Marina Quays

    I just hope once the site owner has done what he/she feels they can to appease the nimbys they dont then come up with a fresh load of twoddle in another endeavour to put the kibosh on it! I think its commendable the site owner is trying to keep locals happy.
  5. They will blame it on the cold now! It might make the rails brittle!!
  6. This third crossing is vital for Lowestoft for all the reasons SwanR has highlighted. But, I am very sceptical that the new crossing is the answer to all the congestion issues in the Town. Afterall the new crossing will feed onto the same set of roads that also suffer congestion from existing infrastructure (due to being so busy) and the Oulton Broad North Level Crossing which at times backs traffic up to Banatynes gym near Lidl. This last week the railway between Norwich & Lowestoft has been closed for repairs/upgrades and traffic across the Harbour and Oulton Broad has been flowing perfectly well at most times. As ive said before I personally believe the main issue lies with Network Rail and thats where the changes need to be made as the Level Crossing at Oulton Broad North is in my mind the main issue. People will argue against it till the cows come home but I truly believe in todays times Lowestoft suffers more as a consequence of the railway than it benefits, who wants to live, work or run a business in a town thats is mostly gridlocked!
  7. I wonder how much was spent reaching that decision! (I say in jest) Although quite what Lake Lothing has to do with the Broads Authority I am not so sure! Anyway..........
  8. I dont say this to deliberately disagree as I have read many poor reviews about “Hermitage” etc but using them on a small scale sending around 50 parcels over a few years I have never once had a problem. Might be my turn soon then!!
  9. Both areas fortunately outside of Dr Ps jurisdiction !!
  10. I totally agree with you and couldnt have put it better myself
  11. Eastcoast’s question is a good one. I attempted a reply but after a while I realised I was staring blankly at the ceiling knowing not how to begin a response to it...... The only thing I can add is it seems as if the BA find some sort of remit in whatever takes their fancy...... Your response JM is far better than mine would have been! Am I also correct in thinking that as far as Tourism is concerned the BA have no actual responsibility?
  12. Any chance of a link to the listing?!
  13. It may only be me but I cant see posters talking down the Broads its just reads that the general opinion seems to be that the Broads are probably best enjoyed by river users, not much wrong in that? What would be interesting would be to know how many of the 12% visited the Broads for the sole reason of a boating holiday and how many didnt use the Waterways at all.
  14. This must be damaging for Dr P’s Acle eyesore campaign! Shame............
  15. A few years ago there was a large dutch barge active on the Waveney and Yare it would be seen regularly in Beccles. Im not sure if he is still around but there certainly are a few barges using the Broads.
  16. Didnt JP engaging with the other forum end up leading to some degree of mistrust amongst members there? I would welcome his response on this forum but I think there is more chance of Lowestoft Town winning the FA cup.
  17. In my opinion the fact that this kind of thing has happened twice in a short space of time should be raising eyebrows somewhere. It shouts out there is a significant problem with BA governance/management and as always there is no smoke without fire, its high time Dr Packman was penning his resignation. Amongst many he is not respected or wanted.
  18. Your absolutely certain the BA’s statement is an accurate account of events? Unlike with Lana it seems this time round BA management have made sure it sticks. As Jaws said its just another mark against them, I dont doubt James Knight’s account for a moment.
  19. I think JP might just see meetings as an annoyance and probably has the decisions done and dusted before he even enters the room!!
  20. Would the Navigation Budget actually have been used to fund fishing platforms?
  21. Another debacle to add to the List, when will Dr Packman realise that this kind of thing is unacceptable. I can imagine James ruffles feathers but I say rightly so and having to remove those who might well see things differently makes Dr Packman look incredibley weak in my opinion, why is this man still in the Job. It doesnt hurt to have differing views around a table it can produce a happier balance, a situation Dr Packman clearly cant handle.
  22. When I first realised there was no fishing from the Quay in Beccles I was most miffed. Myself my father my uncle and his son (my cousin) had moored up on the river part of the Quay near the old bridge and had a rod out fore and aft from the bank in between the boats and a do gooding local went and grassed us up to the Quay attendant! We didnt even know about the rule! But they did allow fishing from the Quay in the winter months (not sure if they still do) and I suppose I can understand why they disallow it during the season as they might well have ended up with more folk fishing for free than boats paying to moor up and folk obstructing the paths with rods.
  23. I dont think anyone is saying the Broads belong just to boat owners but when it comes to BA moorings fisherman must make way for boats, preferably without abuse. If you dont want to run the risk of being expected to move for a boat wishing to moor up then fish from the bank, a boat or join a club and use one of the numerous fishing platforms there are available on the rivers, the solution really is as simple as that!!
  24. The moorings i am referring to beside Beccles bypass bridge as being used by match fisherman in the winter months are most definately BA moorings. I pass it almost every day of the week!! What happens either side of the BA moorings is no concern of mine and not being brought into question!
  25. Every year in the winter months the BA moorings by Beccles bypass bridge get taken over by what look to be match fisherman spread out up and down the Waveney either side of the bridge. The moorings seem to get used for at least one or two pegs by kitted out fisherman so its unlikely its fisherman unrelated to the match. I have said before how do you make way for boats wishing to moor up when you are in the middle of a match?! Its an ongoing problem and I would be in half a mind to say unless you arrive by boat then its no fishing, especially when fisherman obstructing moorings ends up affecting local trade.
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