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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. At least you can watch a Liverpool player at the Euros , cause you are unlikely to see one play for England.😜
  2. Cheers Is the "shed" at Wroxham no longer ? When I was at Wroxham last year, it was just a big shed, full of junk.
  3. Hi, all . I'm getting an excited wee boy , as myself and the gaffer, and a Brucie bonus , my daughter and son (free holiday for them, with Ibiza etc with the young team a non starter) are due down on the 18/6 for a week on Sapphire light. I really canny wait.😁 Anyway, while I'm down, Scotland play their final group match (also most probably there final tournament match πŸ˜‚) on the Tuesday . Now England play at the same time , and for some reason thats what all the pubs will be showing πŸ˜‰. The Scotland match is on ITV 4. Does anyone know of a particularly good mooring /area which receives a strong TV signal. We never usually bother with the TV on holiday , apart from the odd football game or Wimbledon if Andy Murray is strutting his stuff. So I know that the signal can be patchy at best. Any help would be mucho appreciated , or if you know of any Jock sympathisers who may show the match.πŸ‘πŸ˜˜ After all this , by the time this game comes round we will be played 2 lost 2 πŸ˜’, and I will be in a corner fishing away from all TV's , saying "Euro,s ? , what Euro's?" πŸ˜‚ Cheers folks, cant wait to get back, and get praying for High pressure so I can get under that bridge. πŸ€žπŸ‘€
  4. Has anyone ever managed to remove a hook from an eel and return him back into the water? I only ever seem to catch them on Oulton broad, and for that reason never fish the bottom when there.
  5. I’d love to take my cat Paddy on the boat. I think he would love it. I also know he would end up in the drink!, the sight of the ducks swimming round the boat would be too much for him!
  6. I’ve never been boating on the canals. Always fancied it though. 😁😁
  7. How many times , when you talk to people about the broads do they say β€œ I’ve always fancied doing that, it sounds wonderful β€œ I kid you not, almost every person says it to me! If they all went , it would be a busy place! Saying that, I remember being at Yarmouth marina in the 80’s , and they were 3 abreast at moorings!! Unthinkable now, even two abreast dosent impress me. Being hemmed in by another boat is just not cricket. I must be getting old!
  8. Being a Jock, I do like a bargain πŸ˜ƒ The Β£1000 I save , goes on food and drink. A boat which can get under most bridges is high on the agenda, as is one which lends itself to fishing from. But really, if it’s clean, floats , is water tight and the appliances work , then you are on the broads, so that’s what counts. I’ve never really understood the need for tv’s in bedrooms. It goes against everything the broads has always meant to me. Each to their own though, it would be a funny old world if we all liked the same things.
  9. I think it’s down to mass production. If you profit say Β£10 from every unit sold and you sell 1000000 compared to only selling 1000.
  10. Wonderwall


    You got the ba to come out, in the middle of the night and throw someone off the broads for having a few drinks and some music on after dark?,
  11. Just out of interest, do you ever attend a football match?
  12. It does look to me that the moorings are part of the blue area. Surely the area can only belong to one body? How do you go about buying a stretch of water?, which is owned either side by an authority, ( broads). They could refuse boat access, as in private waters? I think they are at it.
  13. Well if not , I've broken the rules a few times!!!!
  14. Excuse my stupidness if I am being stupid😣, but does this mean you are meant to have a separate licence should you fish at the moorings beside st bennets?
  15. I thought the privateers would almost demand that hirers leave fenders in p!ace. They don't only protect the boat they are attached too.
  16. Booking a holiday, not getting it , but not being out of pocket is one thing. Losing your holiday, and your cash is a double whammy. Would credit cards cover you in these uncertain times, in the light of your chosen yard going into admin ( please no) when you have already been advised not to book? Is a pandemic covered in their " not covered by an act of god" or however else they word it? It's poor advice in the way the boatyards and other holiday industries must be crying out for cash flow. I do think the advice is aimed at foreign holidaybobs.
  17. Is it beside where Alpha craft lived?
  18. At least the fish are happy πŸ™„
  19. About 5inches of the White stuff in my part of jockland this morning. Cleared a route to the gritted roads and steady on to work, about 10mile. No dramas really, most folk taking it easy. A wee bit snow doesn't stop us 😁. Got home and done my bit by clearing all paths for elderly neighbours either side of me. More snow tonight, so groundhog day tomorrow πŸ™„.
  20. Salhouse..... The trees and the shelter,the birds and the bees the ice cream boat , the ducks and the geese. The boats on the shore with their kids and their dogs, with me on my mudweight tied up to a log. laughing at memories, making some more saying hi Mum, she's on the broad floor!
  21. Have a proper day out at the football.The old team and the Young team, few beers , the journey there, a visit to the pub, a sing song then off to the game. The atmosphere, the company, the smells, the memories.
  22. I joined in 2015. Not sure how I found it, probably just surfing all things broads! Iain ( broadscot) quickly befriended me, and others made me welcome. It does have a nice family feel to the place, and I have been offered some touching help and great advice over the years. I have made what I would count as friends on here. Alas, nothing stays the same, and for one reason or another I don't post as much. I do still look in , and hopefully will get back in the habit of posting more often. A wealth of knowledge and kindness is certainly in here.
  23. Hibernian FC are the only football team worth supporting. Everyone, who knows anything about football knows that .
  24. As sure as the tide goes in and out, it was always going to be no deal. Boating will get more expensive, we don’t as a country manufacture much these days. The broads however may flourish, not to everyone’s pleasure , but going to Europe may be more expensive , and red tape will be an obstacle which may put many off. Hence stay cations might be more popular. The broads could be a very busy place in the next few years.
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