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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I noticed as I sailed past, the Horning ones are all wrapped up in black plastic and tape...
  2. I remember Tescos Stalham was 99.9 for unleaded for a while. Meanwhile today, I just filled up there and the price has dropped by 1p.
  3. I had the same happen many years ago, a pigeon went in to an air vent below the bumper on a Triumph 2000 and lodged against the radiator. Unfortunately I didn't notice straight away, until I could smell rotting semi cooked pigeon...... These days it tends to be deer which make more of a mess of the car....
  4. TheQ

    Thurne Lion

    Oi.... we need the wind, when we come a visiting, in our sailing boats . But you could add a few heaters..... Yes, sadly the multinational Big business approach is a problem, I work for one (not brewing). Never tried Hops in cyder, but we have them growing wild in our hedge row (probably from when the site was a pub pre 1895) You're giving me Ideas for next years crop of apples.....
  5. TheQ

    Thurne Lion

    I would add, My Dad Knew the then Lord Moyne (late 40s early 50s) and family as they had / have a property Very near the village we lived in, in Wiltshire. Lords Moyne are one of the titles owned By the Guiness family, another is Earl of Iveagh who own the Elvedon estate. in Suffolk
  6. TheQ

    Thurne Lion

    I love the Idea of cider Brewing ( I do a little myself). I see you are planning an alternative to seafood, which is just as well, I hate the seafood !!! The later down river races from Horning are listed as 16th Jul, 20th Aug, 8th Oct, But are not specifically listed as Thurne, they may go to Acle, I'm not sure on that at the moment. Guiness is owned by Diagio, who are a British Multinational alcohol supplier, the Guiness family own much less than 10% of Guiness, though they retain control of the Brewery property in Dublin. The Guiness family are Anglo-Irish, having lived both in Ireland and in the UK for several generations.
  7. Because there are few who bother reading the regulations.... It's a problem we've had very occasionally (rarely?)had on the up river straight from the sailing club, a dozen Yeomans and another dozen dinghies wizzing around them gives them the general idea.... I have seen BA inspectors telling anchored fishermen to move out of the main river channel
  8. No you were not in the wrong, Broads regulation 19, " but notwithstanding any other provision in these Byelaws the master of a powerdriven or manually propelled or quanted vessel crossing from one side of a channel to the other side or entering a channel from a side dyke or other waterway shall do so at a proper time having regard to any vessels navigating along the channel and shall give way to such vessels." and fishermen anchoring in the river, Regulation 29 (3) Any person fishing from a boat or the bank shall show reasonable consideration to any other person using the navigation area and shall ensure that his rod or line does not obstruct the passage of a vessel along a channel. regulation 57 the master of a vessel: (a) shall ensure that the vessel is not anchored, moored, berthed or stopped in such a position or manner as to impede the clear and free passage of any other vessel, or otherwise to obstruct the navigation of a waterway or channel or the use of a right of way on the banks thereof. and as part of the discussion rather than your notes Regulation 33 (b) The Byelaws concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall be exhibited, except such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified in these Byelaws or as do not impair their visibility or distinctive character, or interfere with the keeping of a proper look out or with the safe navigation of any other vessel. Noting the underlined bit, a problem we've had on the 3RR, with people using those high powered torches to look up at sails and generally flash around to look at river banks and other boats, blinding the other boats!!!
  9. I did see a day boat trying to anchor in Black Horse Broad, using a Rhond anchor!!! As I was In a rescue boat, I bimbled over and told them what they were doing wrong. so they went and tied to a tree...
  10. I've sailed many times at night in the 3 Rivers Races, and a couple of times in a motor cruiser. you don't need lights to see where you are going, you just need dim nav lights, too bright and they shine out like a multicoloured search light. Never have the cabin lights on in a motor cruiser. The little battery nav lights i can see from one end of Hickling broad to the other. We watch the boats coming across the broad from the other end, knowing which way they are tacking quite easily. As for the Hickling telegraph poles, the only time I've had a problem was one 3 Rivers race where the fog was so thick you couldn't see one pole to the next.
  11. Never had a problem ever using Scottish notes in or around the broads. But i might now
  12. TheQ

    Thurne Lion

    So Horning sailing club will have to go thirsty / hungry on 21st Apr, but hopefully you'll be be open for their next down river race to Thurne on 21st May.. i enjoy the civilised down river races to Thurne, having a quick lunch and race back. I look forward to trying your beer and food.
  13. No idea when the cameras will be back, but our club computer expert will be working on it when He's not trying to earn a living..
  14. The 3 Rivers Race 2017 Entry forms are now available, a little bit late because they're on the ALL NEW Horning SC web site!!
  15. Without being flight or ground crew, I probably had the best view of the arrows or the historic flight. Just open the back door of the buildings I was working in and watch. That would be from the avionics building at RAF Scampton or RAF Coningsby, no fences in the way. Or when I watched Arrows at RAF Locking flying lower than the building I was in ( on a slight hill side.)
  16. deleted cos i got it wrong...
  17. Heres a good one....what is the National Speed limit...... From the official government site it's 30mph unless otherwise signed!!!!! I don't know when they changed that one either!!!
  18. http://www.raf.mod.uk/reds/aboutus/hawkaircraft.cfm The RAF were flying the Hawk T1 trainer aircraft they are moving to the T2. It is likely the Arrows will also move to the T2 but what the differences are for the Arrows I have no Idea
  19. The chain saws were still going last night on the road I live on, they have finally chopped up the fallen trees and done some surgery on the remaining trees.
  20. Well last night I went out to a leaving work dinner (he had been there 38 years). Later this month I have the Horning Sailing club rigging out dinner and then The Snowflake Sailing Club, End of season dinner and prize giving..... Still struggling to keep to a diet...
  21. I followed a 5mph below the limit driver this morning, past two schools , in a 20mph limit, he took forever to get past the cyclist, while he on the wrong side of the road... ( it was 06:15 this morning not many chlidren around then) The most annoying type of driver I often come across in Norfolk are those who drive at 40mph through the 30 limit villages, and then drive at 40mph on the clear roads with a 60 limit... Oh for added fun, there is a water main burst at the Coltishall Triangle at the junction of the Norwich road and the Hoveton road, just wait till they put the lights up and dig holes. That's going to cause chaos....
  22. Not closed but very dishevelled, they are supposed to be extending the Shefield supertram system through to Rotherham. http://www.sypte.co.uk/tramtrain/ SWMBOs Uncle who died last year, was a tram / trolley bus / bus driver in Rotherham starting just pre WW2, so you were probably a passenger of his at some point..
  23. Dartmoor is owned for the most part by the MOD and is offically a Military Firing Range, therefore the army have no problems at all!! it's the public that have to keep their head down. Very like Salisbury plain if the red flags are flying, don't even think about it... I never met Ted Ellis, but have quite often sailed against his grandson Matt ( and usually lost). I only had a problem once with access once, we were practicing for the Ten Tors, and somewhere not too far from Banwell (near Weston super-mare) we were following a public foot path right up to a gate which we opened and let ourselves through before attempting to carry on. There was a gate the other side of the garden matching that point. At this point a woman came out of the house really shouting at us and giving us abuse saying the public foot path was a bit further down the field. We did turn round and go that way. But later found out we had gone the right way in the first place, the house owners had extended their garden and spent years trying to get the footpath diverted unsuccessfully...
  24. Yes... I'm told I could speak Greek before I started school, through playing with all the local children in Cyprus. But I lost all of it very soon after, I left Northern Ireland with an Irish accent, left Wiltshire with a proper west country accent etc... The sister born in Cyprus, had difficulty getting a passport issued because some Numpty didn't recognise that British Military Hospital Dhekelia, in Cyprus was British territory.. SWMBO is from .... Rotherham
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