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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. TheQ


    Sadly I think the new housing, in Stalham and Hoveton / Wroxham will go to retirees and commuters to Norwich and London, bringing little local support. It's quite noticeable the extra traffic at 06:00 in the morning on Monday and 19:00 on a Friday evening as the London commuters depart and arrive the Stalham Area. I think that attempt to get another manager for the Broadshaven is probably it's last chance, they need to get someone in who can make a real go of it, in both beer and food. If they don't then within five years we'll have another outbreak of "executive homes" packed onto the site.
  2. thanks for the info, that's not something i've come across before on any other site I visit,...
  3. Cracked it, I could be on any of 4 different computers, even if logged in, it will not let me edit contributions typed in on another computer!!?
  4. Additional nearby road works, Or to be More precise Pathworks, they are rebuilding the path past the green to the Kings Head, there are Traffic lights on the road, but I went through at rush hour this morning there doesn't seem to be any real holdups.
  5. Oh no, this is the Northern Distributed Road it's being built to distribute potholes,
  6. That's not a surprise it's one of the most overcomplicated junctions I've ever seen. Meanwhile on the Coltishall Rd, the roundabout appears to be being formed mostly on the Airport side of the road. so it will be slightly offset to the Coltishall road.
  7. TheQ


    Ah that one, I'm getting all confused with all these foriners places round here....
  8. I think there is an error there.... your expecting your luggage to be available the other end and not on it's way to the USA or somewhere....
  9. TheQ


    And I think from what else is said on this site the Tapas is closed as well, it's being converted into a Hindu temple.
  10. We have had people turn up and start wandering round our garden saying they were looking at buying the house... It's NOT FOR SALE.
  11. If you note I said in his / her mind, without seeing exactly what happened I have no true judgement., The recommendation says Keep to the right, some interpret that as keeping most of the boat just to the right of the centre line, some interpret that as brushing the reeds. Going through a regatta, I'd ask you to keep the gap down to the bank to a couple of feet, as then the sailies can't get between you and the bank, the rest of the time I'd expect you to be a few more feet out.
  12. Me thinks, that's more like "an Acceptable Fender" you'd have to be almost 100 % full of water before that would make any difference in flotation. It just stops a very expensive launch being damage by / damaging a very expensive Yacht.
  13. Probably, in his / her mind, giving you a big hint you weren't keeping to the right!!
  14. The Admiralty insisted on 100ft clearance for the Royal Albert bridge over the Tamar, that wouldn't make the Bure bridge too expensive would it?
  15. As well as agreeing with the above comments about overrating Cables, I'll be applying to inverters as well, I want 3KW continuous, so will buy an inverter rated at 5 or 6KW continuous. As to having two kettles on board, buy a small hot plate, then you can use one kettle on either gas or electric and have the option of a saucepan on electric if you run out of gas... Something like http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/household-appliances/small-kitchen-appliances/small-cooking-appliances/mini-ovens/russell-hobbs-15199-electric-mini-hob-stainless-steel-06238637-pdt.html?gclid=CPbMqdngxMwCFSQW0wodpHoD5Q&srcid=198&cmpid=ppc~gg~~~Exact&mctag=gg_goog_7904&s_kwcid=AL!3391!3!85318529604!!!g!125716485204!&ef_id=VrRFQAAAAagiibeX:20160506055101:s
  16. Parkside stuff is generally good, it's often made by Bosch.
  17. Years ago I seemed to spend half my life driving from Neatishead to Weston Super-mare through Norwich, Thetford, Newmarket, Cambridge, Bedford, Bletchley, Buckingham, Swindon, and on and on....
  18. That is a good spot LondonRascal, I'll be needing an Inverter soon (although48V) and if Stirling are using that type of Inverter you can guarantee they'll have done some research on the matter...
  19. The 1960s we lived in Wiltshire, about 60 miles from the sea, so Saturdays were "get out and play" i.e. round the village, the castle or down to the edge of the New Forest. Sundays were Church in the morning, and then get out and play in the afternoon. There was only one car in our street of several hundred houses... We used to go on holiday somewhere on the south coast from Swanage through to Isle of Wight for a week each summer, It took over two hours just to get to the nearest beach! In the 70s, my parents, lived in the Outer Hebrides so I was sent to a council school and hostel in Inverness, Holidays were just going home at the end of term. Miles of sandy beaches with no one on them, because if it was not raining or blowing a gale you were being eaten by midges...
  20. Quote from Polly" We had a most enjoyable visit, looked longingly at Colin Buttifant's boats. Checked out Elisamoose's very smart new Cat's Whiskers, met the lovely new Annie of Whelpton's - looks like the yard is in good hands; and lunched with SteveO and Nik at the sailing club, where we said 'Hello' to Q. " And I was somewhat shocked was surprised to find anyone, who knew who I was....
  21. Since I've never been on facebook I have no Idea what Facebook Is like!!
  22. I Have 4 Cteks and have never had a problem with them they do have a good reputation.
  23. There is of course http://www.elysianboats.co.uk Good luck to your site
  24. The future NDR from Coltishall road to Buxton / Spixworth road is now well defined as a route has been bulldozed through the fields.
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