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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I just scanned it.. OK folks watch out for all the speeding day, boats they're allowed out again..
  2. it doesn't matter how many inquiries you have, someone will say the results are wrong and probably call the inquiry racist..
  3. We are talking of hire boats not Private Boats, therefore not hire cars.. I don't know if Hire cars are yet available, but the hire car yard nearest work appears to be still closed..
  4. Only if they take the canvas hood off, and take a chainsaw to the solid roofing bits..
  5. Sorry, not allowed, Discussion may offend..
  6. The year is 2024, the world is in permanent Lock down, and not because of a virus, in fact there are no viruses or colds because of the lock down. First Statues were removed because someone might be offended, initially it was just the anyone who may have been a slave trader, then anyone who may have been as slave traders son or daughter. Then all statues were removed as they may offend. Then the films, any showing the past at first, that may not show racial diversity in the past. Then any where an actor is playing someone of a different race, So American Australians couldn't play a 13th century Scotsman of Welsh Descent, fighting for one Scotman of Norman Descent against another Scotman of Anglo Norman Descent. That progressed to television and all forms of media, at first no one could play, another race, sex or age. then eventually no one could play anyone but themsleves. So drama was banned, you were only left with real life filming, but that to was banned, because it may offend someone not of the same race, age or sex. The News was banned fairly early on, crime could not be reported in case you upset a victim or criminal, in fact the the term criminal could not be used because you can't label anyone. Actions between nations could not be reported, because that's racist. From there it progressed to books, anything involved with slavery, race, ageism, Sexism, was banned.. Mathematics books was banned because it used Arab numerals, and the concept of Zero invented by numerous different races... And so to the lock down, no one is allowed outside in case you offend someone, food and other materials are delivered by robot by a firm called " ". company names are banned because they may offend, especially the former company Amazon which is both a racist and sexist name. At first, a life partner was selected at random by computer, it may have been of any age, sex, race, or religion. Then it was realized that the life partner may offend, so they too were banned. The human race is expected to die out within 100 years, if the robot delivery service lasts that long as there is no one allowed out to repair them. Excuse me, I think there is a knocking on the door, as I mentioned the terms above, by a robot who may or may not be from the Authorities not wear an offending uniform or carrying a badge as that may offend, it will want to lock me up in an non offensive institution .
  7. I'm fairly sure if a Vaccine comes out it will be NHS staff first, Extremely Vunerable second, Vunerable 3rd. Over 60s 4th. Since Children for the most part are not affected by it. If the vaccine turns out to be for life and not just for this seasons version like flu, then they work their way down the age groups. If there is a variety they only do the top groups..
  8. Other than not being able to go sailing and to the MRC, for me I think it has..
  9. Other than not going to sailing and the model railway club, for me I think it has..
  10. TheQ

    My Day

    yes it's called antifouling..
  11. A starter battery will not necessarily last longer.. The bigger size.. less charge / discharge cycles taken out of the Battery, Then It will last longer... If you have to repeatedly for some reason start the engine, or you leave something discharging the battery when the engine is not running, a dual purpose battery can take a deeper level of discharge. BUT.. a dual purpose bigger battery is generally more expensive.
  12. I was quite happy not to come back, unfortunately I'm at work now.. It was a good practice for retirement though..
  13. But many aren't so that's why I answered it that way
  14. You can just see it happening Parents .. it's unsafe to send children back to school... Let's book a holiday instead..
  15. One other problem is perceived racism when there isn't any. The Series "It ain't 'af Hot mum" is a case in point. Much decried because of a "white British man" playing the main Indian Character.. Except he was born in India and spoke fluent Hindi, his light tan makeup being not much more than they wear on Strictly.. Or as I witnessed in St Andrews, I was eating my dinner in a cafe that was part of the Hotel (the restaurant upstairs was too expensive). When a Mixed race couple came in and were told they would have to wait till a table became available. They were looking at a vacant table, after a while they shouted this is racism and stormed out... However As a regular to that Cafe, I can tell you that table never had food served on it, as it was between the bar / kitchens and doorways. Any other couple would have just asked about that table.. As to the statue, I'll bet 99% of people knew nothing of the past of Coulson, so how did it offend them? it's only because someone found out about it and informed them they should be offended. It wasn't a statue put up to a slave trader, it was a statue put up to some one did good in the town. Even for the School girl of non White British descent interviewed this Morning, Who benefitting from learning at a School founded by Colston
  16. As a person of Jewish descent Warren Mitchell (real name Misell), new all about racism. What many forget was the show was against racism, and the whole premise of the show was to show how rediculous racism was.
  17. The Navvies were not slaves, they chose to be there, they chose to do so because it was better pay and a better way of life that they had before.. Many were farm labourers, who went back to farming at harvest and planting times.. Not all imported Navvies were Irish, on the line on which my Great Great Great Grandfather was a Navvy, the majority foreign workers were Portuguese though he was of Irish descent. The clearances were not just for sheep, as in Ireland, Many of the Highlands people depended potatos for survival. With the potato blight many were starving. Some like the Duke of Sutherland who is decried today, spent the equivalent of millions, building homes and harbours to try to give "his" people a chance of survival by fishing. The Dukes of Argyll spent vast amounts to feed their people, to try to keep people on the land.. Many more chose to leave than were pushed out, but they are forgotten. The Scottish system of labourers wages meant they only got half pay during their contracted term (Six months or a year) they got the rest at the end of that term.. That's where many people got the money from to Emigrate to Canada / USA / Austraila. In other cases the Laird paid, or they took contract for a job in their destination to pay for the trip.
  18. Solar panels, in my case... I would expect the Skeleton crew, left running the hire yards will be wandering, from boat to boat putting charges on each boat in turn.
  19. Humpty dumpty the numpty
  20. I'll gently add there are batteries that can do both, Some leisure batteries including some Numax's have a CCA (cold cranking amps) which is way above what is needed for starting, but they have a deeper discharge ability like a leisure battery. You do need to look for them though..
  21. The Hunter fleet are sailing craft (picture below), most do not have any engine at all. Sailing craft built before the directive about having holding tanks, Do not have to have them retrofitted. In most, there is just no where to put one.. The base of the toilet is often all but mounted on the bottom of the boat.. If you put it on a tank, your head and shoulders would be sticking through the deck. https://www.huntersyard.co.uk/
  22. My 12 weeks became 9+ a bit as I got called back to work... At least the rain held off till I went back..
  23. I live 10 miles North east of the one in Roys, once the holiday caravans are open again, we'll be seeing their packaging dumped on the roads near us..
  24. Having been lent a Marthams boat for the 3 Rivers Race Guardship several times. I was impressed with their standard of maintenance of what are very old boats. The ones I've had have been immaculate with modern facilities. https://www.marthamboats.com/
  25. There are several Boats with no aft cockpit rail, this and some other have steps down the back and nothing to stop you carrying on down into the water... I note also the Pegasus is a fixed top, carrying on the trend to boats that won't go beyond Potter or Hoveton or several other low bridges. This is good for us that can go beyond, but poor in limiting visitors view of the Broads.. Pegasus is a flying horse, I think the new design is more of a wallowing hippo..
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