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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. You May remember the destruction of layouts and stands at Market Deeping by vandals.. The Market Deeping Clubs layout which was badly damaged has been invited to the Warley Show now that it has been restored... What is the Warley Show? Warley (near Birmingham) Model railway club gradually expanded their show until they needed to hire a hall at the NEC, Now it's even Bigger and hires the Biggest Hall at the NEC. 90+ layouts a vast amount of traders, demonstrations etc. One of the biggest Model railway shows in the world.. and it's on this weekend.
  2. I too carefully chose my house, but just by observation no maps required. By those maps we would be on an island, but I still wouldn't be able to more at the bottom of the garden, but 400 Yards away..
  3. basically Network rail don't want to pay the Christmas overtime to keep a man on duty..
  4. If the bridge is open for river traffic then someone, the other operator must have opened it, he can just close it again to get his replacement. You can see the network rail vans parked to the left of the track north of the bridge it's just a short walk.. The announcement is the bridge is Closed to river traffic!!! A total wrong excuse for illegally keeping the bridge closed.
  5. The will be roadworks at the mini roundabouts in Hoveton… I don't know when but it's because overnight someone has hit the pedestrian barriers round the junction.. BE AWARE, that if you are turning from Horning Rd towards Norwich the damaged metal barriers are sticking out into the road by about 18inches..
  6. I think they have not many takers, though some have slept in them..
  7. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/more-safety-work-on-ndr-roundabouts-1-6357380
  8. The Official report on the NDR is out.. There are design problems with the roundabouts causing a high level of crashes.... no kidding batman.. The council will learn from their mistakes... yeah... Till the next time..
  9. Build enough wind generators or tidal generators out there you'll slow the tide and storms deposit more sand and the problem will be fixed either way..
  10. If brexit occurs it won't be 2020, it will be 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024,2025 as they discuss the trade deal afterwards. If brexit doesn't occur it won't be 2020, it will be 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024,2025 as they discuss having another vote because the brexiteers were robbed..
  11. This isn't really a local show but it's the furthest I go to at the moment. I like this show.. It's this weekend and the bacon butties aren't too extortionate it being hall catering.. Take the road off the new peppermint junction roundabout.. to Spalding.. https://www.spaldingmodelrailwayclub.org.uk/exhibition/
  12. The sand scaping at Bacton has actually helped the area in the photo, much of the sand has been trapped there.. Why not put that type groynes at Bacton.? There are dozens of pipe lines going into Bacton from the gas Rigs and from the continent. Dropping that load of stone on them would like cause an interesting explosion...
  13. We've had the tree cutters in next doors garden trimming back a huge oak that the lines go through. Before the wiring change we'd occasionally get a pheasant land on the wires and cause them to touch, causing a huge flash and a pheasant leaving in a hurry with much squawking..
  14. TheQ

    My Day

    yes, it's in one of the big black bins by the toilets in Horning if you want to go and get it..
  15. We used to lose power regularly until they replaced the overhead triple separate wires with a twisted insulated triple. Since then we've had very few power failures. Though we had one last week of about an hour. We keep a two burner and grill camping stove ready so we are OK if we need that. We have a stove in the living room which will keep a kettle hot but not boil it.. Though not this week. I'm having to give it a rebuild after removing it's from place last Saturday to sweep the chimney.
  16. TheQ

    My Day

    Black Horse broad closes for the winter at the end of tomorrow, So Sunday was the Snowflakes Dinghy and Keelboat open on the broad. For which I ran a rescue boat.. Beautifull day, not a cloud till the afternoon and then not many. Only one rescue, an extremely soggy bread roll wrapped up in tinfoil, Lost when it's owner capsized her dinghy. I removed roll from the water while she righted her boat.. She didn't want the roll back...
  17. The NDR / Coltishall rd Roundabout is partially blocked... you cant drive straight westwards, you are diverted into Norwich to the next roundabout and back out again, there is a Parcel Farce lorry parked on the round about, police in attendance...
  18. Use a long line to the bank , then back to the boat. Drive forward against the bank and the mooring rope, , when the stern of the boat is out far enough release the bow line and the person on the bow can pull the line back in while you're reversing. Alternatively the tide is often stronger than the wind, release the end pointing into the tide, the boat should swing out, then release the other end and motor off in forward or reverse as required..
  19. Wells? I didn't think any NORFOLK people lived in Chelsea on sea anymore..
  20. That could be handy for the 3 Rivers Race..
  21. First Start time 10:45 at the waterworks, big entry 49boats, so that's about 5 starts at five minute intervals .
  22. Oh the website is 3rr.uk
  23. Just to wake you all up, However the entry forms on the website are not yet available, but if you are at Snowflake Sailing Club today for the Tri-icycle some paper entry forms are available. The race 30th May 31st May 2020....
  24. The desicion is made immediately before the race briefing at 09:30 tomorrow. The wind is still looking light so I suspect the turning points will be Oby dyke and Womack dyke. With the start maybe at the ferry or even the waterworks. The. Finish line will be in front of the lead boat probably at 16:00.
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