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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Apologies if this is off topic but given the debate after I mentioned about running the engine to start the heating, I feel that I should qualify this statement. It wasn't Herbert Woods or Richardson's, which I am only stating because they have been mentioned many times here. It was in October and we were cruising so that we were running the engine for at least the prescribed three hours per day. The batteries were fine in the evening but by the morning we could see less than 12 volts and had been warned on handover that we may have to run the engine for a few minutes before starting the heating. Once the heating was started we didn't need to leave the engine on. We made sure it was after 7am - we felt that was reasonable. And we only ran the engine for a few minutes.
  2. We wouldn't have a clue how to do most of the things that you have mentioned Robin. So we just do what we're told when we hire a boat ... including having to run the engine to start the heating. It wouldn't occur to us to start trying to diagnose any issues, we just don't have that kind of knowledge, like most holidaymakers I would imagine. Instead you end up with a perception of any yard based on the face value i.e. did we like the boat, was it well turned out, did we feel it was good value for money and did it give us any problems.
  3. Shame about everything left at the mooring by other folk. Looking forward to reading where the next day took you.
  4. Lovely start to your tale. Looking forward to more as and when you can.
  5. Loved your write up and photos David. I wish you many happy holidays on board Goosander and am glad that your week on Silver Symphony worked out so well. As for the couples on the larger hire boats ... this is why we stick to 35 foot or less in length as there is only ever the two of us on board. And it's why I wish that Richardson's would consider building boats for two to follow on the heels of the ones they bought from Swancraft. Not everyone likes Ferry Marina's styles of boat but for me they are leading the way in building boats designed for couples who want the luxury end of the market.
  6. Welcome along Willow. Look forward to hearing of your own experiences on and off the water around the Broads.
  7. The Greater Anglia website isn't reporting any problems. Live arrivals and departures board for Somerleyton shows trains running to time.
  8. I picked up on that as well and was surprised. Does anyone here know if this is accurate information? I'm not doubting Russell but it seems strange.
  9. Lovely photos and always good to get a recommendation for one of the hire yards. Never been with Herbert Woods myself which is for no reason other than finding the right boat at the right price. Maybe one day ...! I have been tempted to consider some of their self catering accommodation though.
  10. Good to hear about the Kings Arms. May have to check that out when we’re next in the area.
  11. I would have been seriously unimpressed if someone had done that to me and spoiled my view. Maybe they didn't cause any problems as they were gone early the next morning but it depends what kind of attitude they displayed. Our experience at Sutton that evening was that the hirers were determined to be where they could get to a pub and just didn't care about the boat or about anyone else. The next morning we left very early to go back to the yard, probably about 6.30am. I genuinely hit the horn by mistake but we wondered whether they got woken up and thought that we did it on purpose. :)
  12. In answer to an earlier point, when we hired Swan Reflection hubby often took his fishing gear. But the small area at the bow of the boat was not that comfortable for using to fish from. So we often took small folding chairs that we might use to sit on the bank when moored up. That style of boat, however, was great for getting on and off for me. So a fisherman may not always be able to hire the best boat as there are other factors to consider. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  13. And now back to the topic of the last post ... here's a photo of when we moored on the last post at Sutton Staithe a couple of years ago. Oh ... and then one of those "latecomers" decided to moor a nice new boat against the bushes in their "surprise" that the staithe was full late one evening in June!
  14. As I said somewhere else recently, moving because the space has changed is all well and good but ... supposing you moor up around lunchtime and are staying for the rest of the day. The boats to either side, if stern moored, or in front and behind, if side on moored, may well change a number of times before sunset. You can't keep moving your boat every time someone anywhere near you leaves. Can you imagine the scene if every time anything changed everyone else went out and moved their boats a bit?! When you're on a Broads holiday it's about relaxing and you can't do that if you're constantly watching to see whether you need to go out and move your boat! If the moorings are fairly full, and it's approaching sunset, so not much time to get to anywhere else, then that's the time to help anyone who comes along looking for a space. Having said that, those are often the aggressive people who are in a flap because they've left it too late. They tend to expect that they can barge their way in somewhere.
  15. There is one problem with that. What about anyone who has hired a boat that doesn’t have anywhere much to fish from but wants to sit on the bank to fish as long as due consideration is given to any boats approaching the mooring? Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  16. Stunning photos. So interesting to see places from the air. Looks amazing.
  17. Great write up and lovely photos. Congrats on buying a share in Goosander. We met one of the previous owners a while back and it sounded like a good syndicate to join.
  18. Have to admit that I'm hesitant about asking people to move up a bit once moored. You can be perfectly moored against your neighbour(s) when you arrive but then as boats come and go it can look as if you have left a gap. But you can't keep moving just because the other boats around you keep changing.
  19. Bittersweet I’m sure. Lovely photos and I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your tale.
  20. I was pleasantly surprised to see Ferry Marina offering discounts.
  21. Really enjoyed reading all about where you have been and seeing your photos.
  22. I very much enjoyed reading your write up and seeing your photos. Lovely sunset reflections at Beccles.
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