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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Looking forward to hearing how you get on. :)
  2. Glad to hear that you managed to get out. I thought I saw your boat in someone else's photo on the Facebook group. :)
  3. Can any of the moderators advise please, is there any way of reporting concerns other than by reporting one particular post? Quite often I find myself wanting to report the way a topic is going rather than one specific post? Or the general behaviour of a member, although this is more easily done by reporting one of their posts. And are we ever likely to receive a reply about something we report?
  4. Up to four eggs now in the nest at Norwich.
  5. Happy Easter one and all. I remember my mum always doing boiled eggs for breakfast on Easter Sunday with faces drawn on them!
  6. SwanR

    My Day

    It is amazing how you can feel that you really know people you converse with online. And even more so when it’s someone you’ve been watching on YouTube!
  7. What a day. Now I’m waiting to find out how you’re going to get two cars home! Or perhaps you hadn’t come down by car in the first place!
  8. I’ve been mostly keeping out of these kind of topics and preferring to focus on the lighter side of life. However what concerns me is when these topics are in the public area not the members area. And yes, I know there are reasons that may justify that. But how many of you stop and think about the impression that you are giving all those non-members casually browsing? I’ve been quite well entertained on occasion by such threads on public forums that I don’t belong to. But it doesn’t entice me to want to join. And it doesn’t give me a good impression of that community. There are too many people who seem unable to make their point, agree to disagree and move on.
  9. Have a good day and safe travels ! The sun is shining in Lowestoft at the moment. :)
  10. I’ve approached and left moorings plenty of times now so wouldn’t consider myself a complete novice. But last year we took out a day boat that was a complete nightmare to steer. And then Bronze Emblem was our first hire without bow thrusters. I knew the theory but putting it into practice was a different matter!
  11. That must be bittersweet but I’m hoping that you feel that she has gone to good people.
  12. Enjoying following your tale. Love seeing all the photos. It certainly was a beautiful day until that rain arrived yesterday evening. Let’s just say it’s very loud when falling on a caravan roof! Have a great day. :)
  13. Thanks for sharing your photos. Looks like it was quite a grey day in contrast to the earlier sunshine. What I am intrigued to know is this ... when one takes out a hire boat one is always advised to run the engine for three to four hours per day to keep the batteries topped up. But private and syndicate owners often write of days with only a short amount of cruising. Is there some secret to this or do your batteries hold their charge better or what do you aim for?
  14. Lovely photos Jay. It was a beautiful day yesterday. How's your weather this morning? Pouring with rain in Essex so I hope it's not too bad up there. Have a lovely time wherever it takes you.
  15. Lovely photos. I never tire of seeing where everyone has been, even though it all looks so familiar now. Once you mentioned the weather I remembered which weekend you meant! Interesting to hear about Stokesby. That's another mooring that's always been full when we've headed down there, usually trying for a lunch stop in the pub! When's your next week away? I'm guessing this is only the start of what will be a very happy first year of being part of a syndicate.
  16. My hubby will be watching this as well as he's ex-RAF and very proud of it. :)
  17. Same situation this afternoon but I found this information out - meantime there are reports of a third egg having been laid at Bath. Question: After the mother peregrine has laid an egg, why doesn’t she sit on it all the time? Answer: Peregrines usually lay 3-5 eggs per clutch but they don’t begin incubation (to raise the eggs’ temperature) until they’ve laid their next-to-last egg. The mother bird shelters the eggs to make sure they don’t get wet or freeze and if it's very hot she shades them. But she prevents early development of the first eggs by not incubating them until her clutch is nearly complete. The result is that all the eggs reach maturity at the same time and hatch on the same day. (The last egg may hatch a day later because it was laid after incubation began.) Thus the chicks are all the same size as they start life together.
  18. Forecast is certainly looking cold again towards the end of the week with the chance of snow depending which weather channel or app you believe. Now imagine if the rivers freeze over again ... !
  19. So the first egg has been laid at Norwich but this morning there isn't a falcon sitting on it. While I was watching the webcam a bird arrived but sat on the ledge not on the egg. A few minutes later it wandered around a bit and eventually settled down but I can't see whether it's on the egg or has just nosed it around a bit. The picture's not great but hopefully you can see enough.
  20. A second egg has been laid at Bath and this evening there appear to be two birds on the nest at Norwich. Don't know if you can see them very well in this image grabbed from the webcam.
  21. SwanR

    My Day

    What a sad experience to go through. I don't think any of us can know how we will react to any kind of shock or situation until we're in it. But it sounds as if you did the best that you could for someone you didn't know but whose path happened to cross yours for a short time.
  22. Well we're planning to be at the caravan for Easter. At least we can stay in with the heating on if it turns out to be that cold. I think we'll leave hiring a day boat until some other time!
  23. Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive write-up with us Griff. A very interesting read as we were all following the day's events as best we could but would have had no idea what you were all up against.
  24. Sounds like you found just the right thing. Looking forward to seeing the latest addition to your property portfolio.
  25. Looks like a lovely bright morning, have a good day. :)
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