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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. I watched one of "High Seas" videos last night that he put up this week. Seeing how frozen the Ant was you could easily understand why Richardson's had to cancel their bookings.
  2. That's sad isn't it. I think the problem is that there are so many weather related stories to tell at the moment. I watched Newswatch this morning where people were complaining that the weather has had too much coverage this week at the expense of other news. I don't really agree because as someone who has had to work all week, I have wanted to come home in the evening and see what has been happening in other parts of the UK. Just so glad it's the weekend.
  3. Brilliant, found it and bookmarked. It's about a 30 minute drive from where my son is living at the moment. You never know ... I might even be up that way at some point. :)
  4. Brilliant. I have a list of webcams that I often look at. I find it so interesting to be able to see what the weather is like or what is happening in other parts of the UK and further afield. So I'm always looking for any good webcams that people have found and have bookmarked this one. Thanks for sharing it. :)
  5. Walked in and out of work yesterday, about 30 minutes each way. So cold when I got home that I couldn't get warm. Today I took the car as the roads were a bit clearer ... until the snow came down again mid-morning. Apparently all the buses stopped running again at that point. Anyway ... got home and found that our boiler has broken down and we can't get anyone out until next Wednesday. Fortunately we have a gas fire in the lounge and an immersion for the water so we'll be ok ... but I will feel much better once it warms up a bit. It could be worse ... my son is living in Edinburgh at the moment!!
  6. We can all dream ... hopefully only a few more days of snow and then things will start to improve ... in the meantime here's a couple of photos taken at Ludham Bridge when we were out on Rose Emblem in March 2016 to remind us all of those sunny days.
  7. Interesting to know as we like spotting the vessels off the coast at Lowestoft when we are at the caravan ... won't be long now before we can get opened up for the next season. :)
  8. Welcome along! I'm a hirer but always enjoy hearing from owners about their boats and their adventures.
  9. I think you'll be fine Delilah. The holiday tales make great reading for anyone interested in the Broads and I'm fairly sure that they're freely accessible. Great to have you on board the forums by the way.
  10. Hi Delilah, within the "All About the Broads" section you will find the "Holiday Tales & Blogs" forum. Autumn Delight - Bronze Emblem from October 17 (page 1) All Aboard the Broads on Sonnet 1 from May 17 (page 2) Moon Beam Adventure from September 16 (page 3 and this is an ex-Swancraft boat) The Return to Swan Reflection 2 from June 16 (also on page 3) A Mad March Hire on Rose Emblem from March 16 (page 4) That covers the last couple of years and there are one or two others of mine there. You will also find a video at the end of each one. Putting these together has become a nice little hobby. Might not get out on a boat this year as we've just had the kitchen refitted so that's taken a lot of our pennies! But we bought a static caravan at Lowestoft in October 16 so there will still be some day trips and weekends around the area.
  11. This can indeed be a bit of a problem as I always try to take enough so that we don't have to even think about mooring anywhere near shops for several days. We have a full size fridge freezer in our caravan. Once we get the caravan opened up again for the coming season then a trip to Woodforde's shop will be required to stock up on hubby's bottles of Wherry!
  12. We still miss them as well. Hired from Summercraft back in the 90s with our children, then came back in 2012 and were fortunate enough to take Swan Reflection out as our first boat. Nothing else has quite been as perfect even though we have enjoyed several other boats. I have a number of holiday tales in the relevant part of the forum for more "Hers" boat reviews. :)
  13. Nice to meet you Mrs Nog. Always enjoy reading about your trips and seeing your photos.
  14. That does sound a shame about the sunroof. Maybe I just need to save for the boat I really want and finally cross Breydon Water to get back to the southern Broads ... we shall see. For now, I look forward to reading about Mark's next trip. Not long to go before the start of another season. :)
  15. A lovely introduction. I look forward to hearing how you get on with Serenade. :)
  16. I am already enjoying keeping an eye on the webcam. Snapped this photo earlier.
  17. Haven't had time to get into the garden to take any photos but we have some beautiful yellow crocuses in our garden and the daffodils are also already flowering on the green around the corner. And ... I was even able to dry my washing outside yesterday. Could be some cold weather and chilly nights in the next couple of weeks but even just the simple pleasure of being able to walk home after work in daylight lifts my spirits. :)
  18. I think that the real shame in this is not honouring the bookings that had already been made and payment taken. It's very hard for us as customers to be able to cancel something once we are committed. At least if they had done that, unless there was some legal obligation not to do so, the publicity wouldn't have been quite so bad. And I can't help wondering if the timing is purely coincidental in being when the news stories are around about Hoseason's changing ownership.
  19. How interesting to see all the incarnations of Friday Girl. Other than the obvious answer of the Broads that we all love, is there one place that you have been to that you would say was a favourite?
  20. Thank you so much for such a detailed description ... I reckon that we may well go for one of these at some point. If I may ask a few questions ... Is it an electric flush toilet? And what is the space like in the shower? What is the position of the bed like in the bow? Is it possible to walk round it or is it set to one side? I haven't been too sure comparing the pictures to the drawing of the layout of the boat. Hubby is tall and this is the one thing that really matters! Other things we can compromise on.
  21. I will be interested to hear how you get on with the Broom Captain. It's a boat we've considered in the past but not hired yet.
  22. Thoroughly enjoyed the video Robin. So interesting to see the views of the coastline from the sea.
  23. I will look forward to seeing the first video Robin. I think you will find that many of us are just grateful for whatever is shared because we are quite simply fascinated by something that is so far away from anything we will ever do. I can understand if you're a little disappointed in terms of having a record of the trip for your own reasons but I'm sure that many other people will just be happy to see whatever was captured.
  24. I was only seasick once back in 1983 on the Earl William car ferry overnight crossing from Weymouth to St Helier. My only other experience is managing to feel queasy on the Portsmouth to Fishbourne crossing!
  25. Wow! Can't believe how many pages have been added to this topic overnight! Looking forward to Robin's next blogs, when he has time to sort them out, and to hearing more from Griff when he feels the time is right. I wish Robin the very best with Independence now safely in Brundall and with all the many other life decisions that he is making just now. Hoping that I might be at my caravan and catch sight of your fine boat coming in or out of Lowestoft or Great Yarmouth one day.
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